The most famous model, referring to the construction of advertising messages, is the AIDA model, cre- ated as early as in 1925 by E. K. Strong. The abbreviation is an acronym derived from the names: Attention — attract attention, Interest — become interested in a product, Desire — trigger the desire to purchase, Action — stimulate the action leading to purchase. source: own processing based on various sources*| LUCE 2. COCd- COLE AAVETUSINE SUNS Source: Ukrairicy oburzent reklamq Coca-Coli w internecie. Koncern przeprasza. [online]. [2015-02-19]. Available at: <hup://;www polsk, Ukraincy-oburzeni-reklama-CocaColi-w-internecie-Koncern-prcprasza>. Reaching for shocking messages, one must bear in mind that the use of negative (causing c.g. fear or dis- gust) emotions in advertising is risky, as its effect may be counterproductive. Instead of actions in the form of purchase or forwarding a link to the ad, the brand can be ‘boycotted’. An example of a brand boycotted as a re- sponse to controversial advertising can be the one from January 2016; the Coca-Cola advertisement, on their profile on one of the Russian social networking sites used a map on which the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea occupied by the Russian authorities was shown as being part of the Russian Federation. Indignant citizens of Ukraine announced a boycott of the brand. They declared on the Internet that they would neither drink nor buy the sweet carbonated drink. The embassy of Ukraine in the United States sent letters to Coca-Cola and the State Department in which it expressed its concern about the publication of the map. Another erotic accent was used by the British company Antonio Federici Gelato Italiano in conjunction with religious themes for advertising ice cream. Advertising posters presented people dressed up as priests and nuns. One of them shows a pregnant nun, another one shows two priests looking as if they were going to kiss each other, another one shows a nun and a half-naked priest in a unequivocal pose. ficture 4: Antonio Federict ice cream advertisement Source: Lody Antonio Federict. Zakazano reklamy 3 cezarng zakonnicq. [online]. [2015-12-16]. Available at: <hup://www apps/pbes.dll/article?AID=/20100915/CIEKAWOSTKI/978464345>. Recently, emotions have been aroused by an advertisement of the Denim X Alexander Wang denim jeans. The collection went on sale on 8" December 2014; controversy was aroused on the Internet due to Ann Ewers posing nude with jeans at her ankles. One of the photographs was particularly controversial as the female model was captured from the waist down. We can sec her oiled thighs, one hand placed on the womb ina way that suggests masturbation. Source: Denim Gets Dirty: Denim X Alexander Wang. [online]. [2015-12-15]. Available at: <hup:// im-x-alexander-wang/>. In October 2015, Adrian pantyhose advertising placed billboards of the brand with images of a womat in black wearing sexy stockings, leaning against a grave. fictitre 0. Adrian lights advertisement Source: Rajstopy Adriannacmentarzu. [online], [2016-01-07]. Availableat:<hup://www.kampaniespoleczne pl/aktualnosct, 8255, rajst adrian_na_cmentarzu>. The impact was more powerful due to captions; the poster showing a pregnant nun was accompanied bi a caption reading “immaculate conception” and the poster with a pair of priests looking as if they were going to kiss each other was accompanied by a caption “we believe in salvation”. Erotic themes, naked women ar currently used even to advertise products associated with death. The global manufacturer of coffins, Lindner has been issuing a calendar with pictures of half-naked and naked women leaning against coffins for severa years in Poland. What is more, one can watch YouTube videos with a photo shoot for the calendar. Picture 7: Death in the New Zealand Superette brand advertisement Source: Najbarduej kontrowersyjne modowe reklamy. [online]. [2016-01-07]. Available at: <hup://www;-kontrower ryjne-modowe-reklamy-ZDJECIA-a625/3>. While the theme of death is used in advertisements relatively infrequently, violence, in its various forms, is used very often. Scenes reminiscent of gang rape, drug intoxication, violence against women, men or ani- mals are more and more frequent in advertisements. And again, such brands as Dolce & Gabbana and Calvin Klein can be mentioned here. Both of them used scenes depicting gang rape. Source: Najbardziej kontrowersyjne modowe reklamy. [online]. [2015-10-18], Available at: <hip://;-kontrowe syjne-modowe-reklamy-ZDJECIA-a625/3>. See Se a er Source: Seks, narkotykt ¢ prsemoc ~ 7 szokujqcych kampanii reklamowych ze Swiata mody! [online], [2015-11-17]. Available at. <hup://www.ofeminin pl/moda/7-nabarduey-szokusacych-kampant-reklamowych-d3 94 70c484480.himl>. Figure 5: Commonly recognised aspects of media literacy (Testing and Refining Criteria to Assess Media Literacy Levels in Europe, 2011) Source: European Association for Viewers Interests & Danish Technological Institute. [online]. [2016-03-13]. Available at: <hitp://www.>. The Media Literacy Expert Group, convened by the European Commission, has defined media literacy as the ability to access, analyse and evaluate the power of images, sounds and messages (which we are now be- ing confronted with on a daily basis and have become an important part of our contemporary culture, remark added by B. $.), as well as the ability to competently communicate using the available forms of media on a personal basis. Media literacy relates to all media, including television and film, radio and recorded music, the press, the Internet, and other new digital communication technologies.” Table 1: Media Education in the School Curriculum in Slovakia Source: European Media Literacy Education Study, EMEDUS. Slovakia: Country Overview. Barcelona : Gabinete de Comunicacion y Edu- cacton, UAB, 2014. [online], [2016-01-13], Available at: <hup:// pdf>. figure ¢: [he share of medta education in the themauc units by subjects Note: Subjects: SL (Slovak Language and Literature); EN (English); MA (Mathematics); IN Informatics); Natural SC (Science); National HO (History); ET (Ethics), Fine AE (Arts/Art Education); ME (Music Education); FT (Folk Traditions), PE (Physical Education), TE (Technical Education). , eS ae There are now many phrases that display a GAB in the first position of search results. In general, th experts forecast that GAB is shown in 10 % to 15 % of all searches. Gavrilas even states it could be 17 %.? Fo example, the phrase “how to make lamingtons” displays a recipe or the instructions in four steps (see Pictur 1). Google has done a lot of work to improve the functionality and design of GAB over the past few years. On ofits recent functions is offering action links or action buttons. As Yu notes, these can include links like “Shor me more” or “More steps”.* Source: Search Results for Keyword “How To Make Lamingtons”. [online]. [2016-01-02]. Available at: <htps:// webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=ICLHRFH_enSK590SK591&ion=1&espv=2&1e-UTF-8#qg-how %2010%20make%20lamingtons>. Table 2: SW Analysis of Google Answer Box from Google’s Point of View sts of Google Answer Box from the User's Point of View Diagram 2 shows the share of the GABs occurrence according to the question type (the share of each category on the overall number of “GAB positive’ search results). It can be seen from the visualisation that the frequencies of GABs where similar when looking for “How to” and “I want to do” type of question. However, there was no GAB displayed for any of the ten queries “I want to buy”. Some of the search results contained sponsored results (Pay per Click), but none of them included an organic Google Answer Box. Thus, those authors who have claimed a Google Answer Box shall display for this type of search query (when trying to buy something) were proven being wrong. Table 2: Elaboration of results with D and Q stati. Source: own processing Figure 1: Perception of successful and unsuccessful celebrity endorses (overall results, Source: own processing Figure 3: Perception of successful celebrity endorses (individual results) Source: own PTFOcessing Figure 2: Perception of unsuccessful celebrity endorses (individual results, Source: OWN Processing Figure 2: Brnénsky Dentk - editorial content (mm?) and content convergence Source: OWN Processing In both dailies the formal features have become increasingly identical signifying that content could be even more easily replicated without any minor alterations. Changes in pages’ structure brought in 2006 greater convergence of the formal features of the content. But there were still different layouts of Bohemian and Moravian titles published by the VLP publishing house until the final convergence in 2008, when all the local titles acquired the same layout and pages’ structure, as one of the respondents points out (Editor-in-chief 06). Figure 1: Ceskobudéjovicky Dentk - editorial content (mm?) and content convergence Source: own processing Figure 3: Ceskobudéjovicky Denik - size (min®) by geographical origin of topic Source: own processing The size of coverage regarding the individual topics (see Figures 3 and 4), however, suggests that the importance of national and foreign topics decreased in the analysed period, as their particular word count was increasingly shortened. Figure 5: Ceskobude, vicky Dentk and Brnénsky Dentk - size (min?) of local coverage Sour ing OWN Proce This is most likely attributable to the convergence of content and formal features of all local press titles published under VLP. This finding completely contradicts VLP’s official localization policy heralded by its management in 2007.” The coverage of local topics in BD (see Figure 5) is seemingly different. However. the size of local coverage decreased here as well between 2002 and 2006. The increase in 2008 is most likely a consequence of the convergence of formal features and section hierarchy rather than a result of any actual increased localization of contents. Figure 4: Brnénsky Denk - size (mm?) by geographical origin of topic Source: own PTocessing Figure 6: Ceskobudéjovicky Denth and Brnénsky Dentk - frequency of editorial content by geographical origin and position on page Sourc “own proc SINS The situation in BD was very similar (Figure 6) despite the fact that the local section had been more prominently placed in the daily since 2005 (compared to 2008 in CBD). The topic most frequently placed at the top of the page was once again a regional topic (286 cases) which was in sharp contrast with its local content; local content tended to be presented as ‘filler’ and appeared at the top of the page less frequently than regional, national or even foreign topics.