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Figure 7 LUCE 2. COCd- COLE AAVETUSINE SUNS Source: Ukrairicy oburzent reklamq Coca-Coli w internecie. Koncern przeprasza. [online]. [2015-02-19]. Available at: <hup://;www polsk, Ukraincy-oburzeni-reklama-CocaColi-w-internecie-Koncern-prcprasza>. Reaching for shocking messages, one must bear in mind that the use of negative (causing c.g. fear or dis- gust) emotions in advertising is risky, as its effect may be counterproductive. Instead of actions in the form of purchase or forwarding a link to the ad, the brand can be ‘boycotted’. An example of a brand boycotted as a re- sponse to controversial advertising can be the one from January 2016; the Coca-Cola advertisement, on their profile on one of the Russian social networking sites used a map on which the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea occupied by the Russian authorities was shown as being part of the Russian Federation. Indignant citizens of Ukraine announced a boycott of the brand. They declared on the Internet that they would neither drink nor buy the sweet carbonated drink. The embassy of Ukraine in the United States sent letters to Coca-Cola and the State Department in which it expressed its concern about the publication of the map.