Recommended Citation: Rivera-Prado, R. L.; Gifreu-Castells; A., Sayan-Casquino, Y. (2024). The fictionalized Universe of the narrative regarding the virtual influencer Miquela Sousa. En P.C. López-López et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the... more
Influenciadores digitais... Esta é a temática central desta coletânea de TCCs. Um dos principais fenômenos nas dinâmicas cotidianas das redes sociais contemporâneas. Plataformas online utilizadas para conectar pessoas são invadidas por... more
JCPR Volume 4 No. 1 (January 2025) presents a collection of scholarly articles exploring strategic communication and public relations issues from global and local perspectives. Featuring contributions from scholars in Kenya, Indonesia,... more
Virtual influencers have exerted a profound influence on future marketing strategies. However, a comprehensive understanding of how and why virtual influencers, with varying characteristics, affect the effectiveness of their brand... more
The metaverse revolution and the shifting to artificial intelligence (AI) are transforming human daily activities with the growth of chatbots and virtual agents changing communication and public relations strategies. Therefore, this paper... more
Amidst the rise of toxic behavior in online fan communities, this study examines the construction of cross-platform hatedom through social media and the strategies influencers use to navigate hostile digital environments. Using a mixed... more
This article analyses the interactions between human and ChatGPT 3.5 focusing on discussions surrounding the controversial topic of sex robots. The study aims to uncover the linguistic, social, and ethical dimensions inherent in... more
This paper explores the comparative law about influencer working and the contractual provisions that can be designed for this activity. The term 'users of special relevance' is analyzed to refer to people who use video sharing services... more
Virtual influencers, aided by artificial intelligence (AI) and computer-generated imagery (CGI), have emerged as key participants in the digital marketing scene. This study investigates their expanding importance, focusing on how AI... more
O objetivo do artigo é analisar as características dos assistentes virtuais antropomórfi cos utilizados no mercado brasileiro e avaliar seu potencial para promover a interação entre clientes e marcas. Como base nessas informações busca... more
This study aims to analyze the brand personalities of new generation virtual influencers such as Aypera and Alara in Turkey's rapidly evolving digital marketing environment. These rising virtual influencers on social media platforms have... more
This study approaches virtual humans by foregrounding their material dimensions and exploring how virtual stars present visual images and the mythical connections that influence the images they create. We analyze characters named Lu do... more
Though human-like design can increase favorable social behaviors like familiarity and acceptance, it can also question the technology's effectiveness, rationality, and functionality. With capabilities that allow technology to become more... more
This article examines public perceptions of virtual humans across various contexts, including social media, business environments, and personal interactions. Using an experimental approach with 371 participants in the United Kingdom, this... more
Objectives: Social media influencers and celebrities have traditionally been utilized by marketers. However, with the advancements in artificial intelligence, virtual influencers are gaining popularity on social media platforms. As a... more
In the current era, numerous human-like virtual influencers (VI) on social media promote brands without immediately revealing their non-human nature, intending for viewers to realize it later. This marketing strategy raises a question... more
This research explores influencer trustworthiness and stimulus novelty as important paths for the effectiveness of virtual influencers. We compare human-like virtual influencers (HVIs) and anime-like virtual influencers (AVIs) operating... more
This study focuses on the events surrounding the rise and fall of the infamous pop culture event known as "Fyre Festival." The festival, which was hosted by a team of first-time festival organizers and promoted by a large number of social... more
Social media influencers and celebrities have traditionally been utilized by marketers. However, with the advancements in artificial intelligence, virtual influencers are gaining popularity on social media platforms. As a result,... more
Social media platforms, which have become carriers of new communication and expression forms in digital environments, influence communication in personal, cultural, and societal contexts. These platforms, where a variety of expression and... more
In the contemporary landscape, the rise of social media platforms has ushered in a new era of communication and marketing. With the advent of influencers-individuals who wield substantial online followings-brands have found a lucrative... more
Influencer marketing has been one of the most widely used applications in the field of marketing in recent years. This chapter examines how hyper-realistic influencers are used in the field of marketing communication and how they interact... more
This study aims to explore the consumer attitudes and preferences towards streaming services, specifically Disney+ and Netflix, in Ahmedabad city. The research employs a mixed-methods approach, combining surveys and interviews to gather... more
Effective consumer Relationship Management (CRM) is essential in the current competitive retail landscape to comprehensively comprehend consumer requirements, provide tailored experiences, and cultivate loyalty. This research examines the... more
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is crucial in the retail business, especially in the highly competitive fast-food sector. This research examines the customer relationship management (CRM) strategies used by McDonald's, Wide Angle... more
This study aims to assess and compare customer satisfaction levels for cakes offered by Monginis and Theobroma (TGB) in Ahmedabad City, Gujarat, India. A mixed-methods approach will be employed. Quantitative data will be collected through... more
research delves into the multifaceted dynamics of consumer behavior in the grocery shopping landscape of Surat, Gujarat, where traditional brick-and-mortar stores coexist with the burgeoning realm of online platforms. The study... more
Reliance Trends is a major player in the Indian fashion retail market. It was founded in Mumbai in 2008 under the inspirational guidance of Mukesh Ambani. As a division of Reliance Retail, the business has made a name for itself in the... more
A taxonomia de personagens publicitários de Perez (2011) e a categorização de avatares de Garnier e Poncin (2013) servem como ponto de partida para nossa proposta de uma classificação dos personagens virtuais contemporâneos. Criados com... more
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, the authenticity of influencer followership remains a critical concern for brands seeking to optimize their return on investment (ROI). This paper proposes a novel approach leveraging... more
What is Marketing? Previous research scholars have described marketing in several ways. Marketing is the process of scheduling and performing the ideation, valuing, advancement and circulation of concepts, products, and services to... more
Em um cenário comunicacional midiatizado, digitalizado e plataformizado, a influência digital se faz presente como uma oportunidade de oferecer conteúdos mais direcionados para uma audiência. Nesse contexto, surgem os influenciadores... more
This paper deploys the perspective of Gender and Media Studies in order to analyse the Instagram profile of Miquela Sousa (Lil Miquela), whose account has, since 2016, reached 3 million followers. The aim is to verify if and how the... more
This article deals with the influence of Influencer marketing on the decision-making of young people aged 15 to 18. For this purpose, the example of the cosmetics industry is used, since influencer marketing is frequently used there as a... more
The University of Gloucestershire accepts no liability for any infringement of intellectual property rights in any material deposited but will remove such material from public view pending investigation in the event of an allegation of... more
In recent years, a new type of influencer has emerged in the field of social media marketing: virtual influencers. Though it is spreading fast, the trend is still new and, therefore, limited research has been conducted on the topic. This... more
Virtual influencers are gaining prominence as a way of attracting people’s attention on social media, but limited research has been conducted on this subject. In this research, we explore the effects of human-like virtual influencers... more
The market value of global influencer marketing has more than doubled since 2019 (Statista, 2021). The emergence of the so-called virtual influencers (VIs) has redefined the boundaries of possibilities in this "industry" attracting the... more
A prominent, non-commercial source of information and influence on consumers has been opinion leaders. Modern-day influencers are opinion leaders having a substantial social base and following. Influencer marketing as a term and strategy... more
Environmental awareness is a growing concern for consumers, and effective green messaging strategies are crucial for businesses. This 2 × 2 betweensubject experiment investigates the influence of message style and sidedness on consumer... more
The market value of global influencer marketing has more than doubled since 2019 (Statista, 2021). The emergence of the so-called virtual influencers (VIs) has redefined the boundaries of possibilities in this "industry" attracting the... more
Geçen yüzyılın sonlarında yaşanan dijital devrim diğer alanlarda olduğu gibi pazarlama alanında da büyük dönüşümlere yol açmıştır. Bu dönem aynı zamanda rekabetin hızla arttığı ve işletmelerin yeni yöntem ve tekniklere gereksinim duymaya... more
This paper aims to discuss the impact of digital influencers’ content monetization on social media in the context of platform governance. For achieving this objective, it characterizes the Monetization Supply Chain and the different... more
Virtual influencers are gaining prominence as a way of attracting people's attention on social media, but limited research has been conducted on this subject. In this research, we explore the effects of human-like virtual influencers... more
Worldwide investments in influencer marketing are growing and could reach US$ 101 billion in 2020. But how can the brands shield themselves from scandals and other limitations of human influencers? The solution for many companies has... more
Though human-like design can increase favorable social behaviors like familiarity and acceptance, it can also question the technology's effectiveness, rationality, and functionality. With capabilities that allow technology to become more... more
Credibility of Virtual Influencers: The Role of Design Stimuli, Knowledge Cues, and User Disposition
Virtual Influencers (VIs) are digital influencers that can look and behave like human beings but project themselves as "robots". They influence people's attitudes and behaviors through their presence and interaction. While human-like... more
Adottando una varietà di approcci teorici e metodologici e focalizzandosi su una molteplicità di oggetti specifici, gli argomenti di questo volume offrono un viaggio nelle reciproche relazioni tra la moda e i mezzi di comunicazione del XX... more
Nobody has been more important to me in the pursuit of this project than the members of my family. I would like to thank my parents, Olga and Brother, whose love, support, guidance and encouragement is with me in whatever I decide to... more