teaching English as a foreign Language in Primary Education

82 papers
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Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Primary Education involves the systematic instruction of English language skills to young learners in non-English speaking countries, focusing on developing listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities, while fostering cultural awareness and communication competence in a supportive and engaging learning environment.
Özet. Psikometri alanında önemli bir yere sahip olan madde yanlılığı ve değişen madde fonksiyonu (DMF) kavramlarının birbirinin yerine kullanıldığı durumlar söz konusudur. Oysa bunlar farklı kavramlardır. Madde yanlılığı, testteki bir... more
ABSTRACT Sholikah, Siti Maratus. 2024. The Effectiveness of Using PQRST (Preview, Question, Read, State, Test) Strategy on The Student’s Reading Comprehension Ability of The First Grade at MA Ma’arif Ponggok Blitar. Essay Keyword:... more
Pronunciation is essential in delivering speech. However, pronouncing English word is difficult since the students speak Indonesian as their native language. The common problems might be caused by the differences between sound systems of... more
Vocabulary is one of the language features that should be acquired by the students to support them learning other language skills. The students will be easier to receive or produce the English language if they remember the considerable... more
The paper analyzes listening comprehension of English language skills for twelfth grade students at Sinar Husni high school in Medan. The paper answers the following questions: 1. what are the factors that determine students' interest... more
Writing is one of the important skills in learning English. In learning writing, that is need process. Beside that the students have some problem in grammatical, vocabulary, content, organization, and mechanics. To face this common... more
This study aimed to determine the factors and barriers influencing technology integration inside the classroom and how teachers integrate technology. The study employed a systematic review of the literature of previous researches. The... more
Writing is often considered as a dull but challenging skill to be learned. Hence, a learning innovation aside the conventional methods is needed to improve students’ participation and achievement. Flipped Classroom, a reverse teaching... more
This paper explores teachers’ beliefs in English teaching for young learners based on International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programe (IB PYP) and examines the interplay their beliefs on instructional practices. The researchers utilize... more
The purpose of this research is to conduct a narrative inquiry into the experiences of Thai students from various countries such as China and Cambodia. This research is interesting because they are also EFL learners who study in Thailand... more
First of all, the researcher would like to express his praise and thank God for His blessing, grace, and inspiration, so that the researcher could complete his undergraduate thesis titled "Developing the Reading Test for the Tenth Grade... more
This research aimed at investigating whether or not there is a different effect between PQRST and SQ3R strategies based on the text types upon the eighth grade students’ reading competency. This research was an experimental research with... more
The objective of this research were to find out: To find out whether or not the Effectiveness of reciprocal teaching prosedure toward Student reading Skills at the eight grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Dua Pitue Kalosi This research... more
This is a report on a Research and Development project with the purpose of developing supplementary materials for building students' vocabulary in speaking in the hotel context for the tenth-grade students of the Hospitality Program at... more
The main problem which faced by rural Indonesian schools is teacher absenteeism which leads to low motivation students on teaching and learning process. The research aims to investigate the cause of teacher absenteeism in rural Indonesian... more
Teaching English to Young Learners (EYL) is different from teaching English to adult learners. This demands different sort of materials as well. Teacher's competence also plays an important role in determining whether the teaching... more
Storytelling has been a part of children's life. They loved being told as well as telling a story. Being told a story made them see what has been read, and telling a story made them talk as they spoke it out. As the children learn a... more
This research aimed to investigate and describe the finding about the use of movie in teaching sociolinguistics: code-switching or code-mixing. This research applied qualitative research using descriptive method. In collecting the data,... more
Bu çalışmada amaç, ilkokulda yabancı dil öğretiminde kullanılan içerik ve dil bütünleşik öğretme yaklaşımı ile eylem odaklı öğretme yaklaşımın karşılaştırılmasıdır. Çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden biri olan içerik/doküman analizi... more
For decades linguists have been interested in doing research on English vocabulary and vocabulary teaching. In the article Learning Vocabulary through Games published in the Asian EFL Journal, Huyen and Nga investigate the benefits of... more
This study investigates illustrations use as a factor influencing reading comprehension of children\u27s stories among pupils of selected primary schools in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. The study adopted the descriptive survey research... more
Storytelling can be a purposeful action leading to positive outcomes. Classroom teaching strategies can employ storytelling to develop the linguistic, cognitive, social and emotional domains of young children. Parents reading to their... more
Students need to master the speaking skill because it is one of the four language skills. There are so many factors influence the speaking skill of the students. Some factors come from the teacher and some others come from the student... more
This study aimed to find out whether or not there was any significant (1) achievement on students' reading comprehension who were taught by using PQRST strategy, (2) achievement on students' reading comprehension who were taught... more
This study aims to describe the implementation of Telegram application as a teaching media in teaching English and to know students’ perceptions toward this implementation. Using case study as research design, the teacher who used... more
The main goal of this study was to investigate about lecturer’s role in teaching speaking for enhancing students’ communication ability. The researcher employed descriptive quantitative method which was to know the students’ perception on... more
Digital storytelling, which is about the combination of media and technology with traditional storytelling to help students learn, has lately been considered as an effective tool in instructional environments. This paper examines the... more
This study aims to describe the implementation of Telegram application as a teaching media in teaching English and to know students’ perceptions toward this implementation. Using case study as research design, the teacher who used... more
In the paper we describe an exploration into the design of an authoring tool to support the creation of multimedia stories. We explicitly targeted children with no reading or writing skills and their educators. Children in this age group... more
Nowadays, learning activity in University expects student to build the mind set in cognitive structure and improving the thinking skill of student. Every movement in our ideas, concepts, and so forth is called as thinking. However, the... more
This study aimed to find out whether or not there was any significant (1) achievement on students' reading comprehension who were taught by using PQRST strategy, (2) achievement on students' reading comprehension who were taught... more
Received June 9, 2020 Revised Oct 7, 2020 Accepted Dec 30, 2020 EFL students need to learn about reading comprehension because, it is one of the essential abilities in learning English. To measure the students reading comprehension, a... more
This study sought to examine current trends towards shared stories in urban Pakistan. It explored the experiences of the parent's attitude towards reading and children's interest in reading. It also looked at the association between... more
Students need to master the speaking skill because it is one of the four language skills. There are so many factors influence the speaking skill of the students. Some factors come from the teacher and some others come from the student... more
This research aimed to determine the effectiveness of picture in storybook reading to increase kindness in children. This research involved 31 children aged 5-6 years; they were taken from the kindergarten in Bandung as the participants.... more
The aim of this paper was to investigate the influences of informal digital learning of English (IDLE) speaking practices which emerge the boundaries between countries. The researcher used questionnaire, interview, document analysis, and... more
This paper describes the design of a mobile application, termed Multilingual Mobile Storybook Reader (MMSR), which is aimed at developing early multilingual literacy skills in a mobile assisted language learning (MALL) learning... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah (i) peningkatan pemahaman membaca siswa melalui penerapan strategi PQRST dan (ii) aspek apa yang paling meningkat setelah penerapan strategi tersebut. Subyek penelitian ini adalah 31 siswa... more
Mastering vocabulary in English is such an essential facet that learners would be able to own productive and receptive skill needed to get their messages across and decipher the conveyed ones towards them. This Class Action Research (CAR)... more
Digital Natives students born into an era of instant networking. It makes everything have a connection with technologies. Digital natives having sophisticated technology knowledge and skills that can be potentially harnessed for better... more
This study aimed to determine the factors and barriers influencing technology integration inside the classroom and how teachers integrate technology. The study employed a systematic review of the literature of previous researches. The... more
This research has purpose to prove the effectiveness of using debate in teaching speaking at eighth grade of SMP Bina Mulia Mandiri West Bandung academic year 2019/2020. The method used in this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR)... more
Many studies had examined writing strategies in ESL context. However, very few studies examined writing strategies by university students within foreign language learning contexts in Indonesia. Considering that reason, the researcher... more
This research aimed to find the significant differences of students' achievement in writing procedure text using team pair solo and think pair share, This research used a quantitative and experimental method. The research design was... more
Many students find speaking as one of the most difficult skills in English. Therefore, the researcher wants to improve the students’ speaking ability through the suitable teaching method, in this case is Role Play. The problem in this... more
Introduction: This research is focused on the methodological strategy "storytelling" with a view to contributions to the acquisition of the English language and the development of children's vocabulary. General objective: To investigate... more
This study aimed at investigating the specified 21st Cyber-based learning activities. The emergence of using specified 21st cyber-based learning activities is due to the integration of digital literacy and the 4Cs. The method of the study... more
The aim of this paper was to investigate the influences of informal digital learning of English (IDLE) speaking practices which emerge the boundaries between countries. The researcher used questionnaire, interview, document analysis, and... more