sum of two squares

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The sum of two squares refers to a mathematical expression where a number can be represented as the sum of the squares of two integers. This concept is significant in number theory, particularly in the study of quadratic forms and the characterization of integers that can be expressed in this form.
Abstract. Using Howe duality we compute explicitly Kostant-type homology groups for a wide class of representations of the infinite-dimensional Lie superalgebra b gl ∞| ∞ and its classical subalgebras at positive integral levels. We also... more
The construction of asymptotically distribution free time series model specification tests using as statistics the estimated residual autocorrelations is considered from a general view point. We focus our attention on Box-Pierce type... more
Let <f>(x,y) be an integral binary quadratic form. A short proof is given of Pall's formula for the number of representations of <l>(x, y) as the sum of squares of two integral linear forms.
This paper describes a Matlab-based interactive tool focused on the modeling and control of nonlinear systems using a Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy approach. Noticeably the modeling of dynamical nonlinear systems plays a fundamental role in... more
A new adaptive orthogonal search (AOS) algorithm is proposed for model subset selection and nonlinear system identification. Model structure detection is a key step in any system identification problem. This consists of selecting... more
A new adaptive orthogonal search (AOS) algorithm is proposed for model subset selection and nonlinear system identification. Model structure detection is a key step in any system identification problem. This consists of selecting... more
A method for the simultaneous co-registration and georeferencing of multiple 3D pointclouds and associated intensity information is proposed. It is a generalization of the 3D surface matching problem. The simultaneous co-registration... more
We present an algorithm for the least squares matching of overlapping 3D surfaces. It estimates the transformation parameters between two or more fully 3D surfaces, using the Generalized Gauss-Markoff model, minimizing the sum of squares... more
The automatic co-registration of point clouds, representing 3D surfaces, is a relevant problem in 3D modeling. This multiple registration problem can be defined as a surface matching task. We treat it as least squares matching of... more
We present fast new algorithms for evaluating trees with respect to least squares and minimum evolution (ME), the most commonly used criteria for inferring phylogenetic trees from distance data. The new algorithms include an optimal O(N 2... more
A facility has to be located within a given region taking two criteria of equity and efficiency into account. Equity is sought by minimizing the inequality in the inhabitant-facility distances, as measured by the sum of the absolute... more
The use of curve fitting for the analysis and interpretation of voltammetric data obtained while working with micro electrodes is discussed as a useful exercise for introducing students to the principle of problem solving using... more
In this paper, estimation of the linear regression model is made by ordinary least squares method and the partially linear regression model is estimated by penalized least squares method using smoothing spline. Then, it is investigated... more
In this paper, estimation of the linear regression model is made by ordinary least squares method and the partially linear regression model is estimated by penalized least squares method using smoothing spline. Then, it is investigated... more
In recent years using symmetry has proven to be a very useful tool to simplify computations in semidefinite programming. This dissertation examines the possibilities of exploiting discrete symmetries in three contexts: In SDP-based... more
Polya&#39;s fundamental enumeration theorem and some results from Williamson&#39;s generalized setup of it are proved in terms of Schur- Macdonald&#39;s theory (S-MT) of &quot;invariant matrices&quot;. Given a permutation group W ≤ Sd and... more
Polya&#39;s fundamental enumeration theorem is generalized in terms of Schur-Macdonald&#39;s theory (S-MT) of invariant matrices. Given a permutation group $W\leq S_d$ and a one-dimensional character $\chi$ of $W$, the polynomial functor... more
The notion of exact bisimulation equivalence for nondeterministic discrete systems has recently resulted in notions of exact bisimulation equivalence for continuous and hybrid systems. In this paper, we establish the more robust notion of... more
Multilinear regression is applied when experimenters wish to investigate the relationship between a block of predictor variables (X), whose values are fixed by the experimenter, and one or more responses (Y), measured at each experiment.... more
For evaluating the performance of color-difference equations, several goodness-of-fit measures were proposed in the past, such as Pearson's correlation coefficient (r), the performance factor PF=3, and the recently proposed standardized... more
The Rado-Horn Theorem gives a characterization of those sets of vectors which can be written as the union of a fixed number of linearly independent sets. In this paper we study the redundant case. We show that then the span of the vectors... more
m, be polynomials on R n and S := {x ∈ R n | g i (x) = 0, i = 1,. .. , l, h j (x) ≥ 0, j = 1,. .. , m}. This paper proposes a method for finding the global infimum of the polynomial f on the semialgebraic set S via sum of squares... more
In this paper, we extend Bai and Perron's (1998, Econometrica, p.47-78) framework for multiple break testing to linear models estimated via Two Stage Least Squares (2SLS). Within our framework, the break points are estimated... more
$\mathbb B$-convexity was defined in [7] as a suitable Kuratowski-Painlevé upper limit of linear convexities over a finite dimensional Euclidean vector space. Excepted in the special case where convex sets are subsets of $\mathbb R^n_ +$,... more
Estimates of molecular divergence times when rates of evolution vary require the assumption of a model of rate change. Brownian motion is one such model, and since rates cannot become negative, a log Brownian model seems appropriate.... more
(1980) have developed an alternating least-squares method TUCKALS-3 as a solution for Tucker's three-way principal components model. The present paper offers some additional features of their method. Starting from a reanalysis of Tucker's... more
We prove recursive formulas for sums of squares and sums of triangular numbers in terms of sums of divisors functions and we give a variety of consequences of these formulas. Intermediate applications include statements about positivity... more
We prove recursive formulas for sums of squares and sums of triangular numbers in terms of sums of divisors functions and we give a variety of consequences of these formulas. Intermediate applications include statements about positivity... more
Resumo -Neste trabalho foram estudadas as distribuições dos quadrados médios na análise de variância com as freqüências alélicas em amostras de indivíduos extraídas em populações haplóides, procurando avaliar o uso do teste F para testar... more
Resumo -Neste trabalho foram estudadas as distribuições dos quadrados médios na análise de variância com as freqüências alélicas em amostras de indivíduos extraídas em populações haplóides, procurando avaliar o uso do teste F para testar... more
Neste trabalho foram estudadas as distribuições dos quadrados médios na análise de variância com as freqüências alélicas em amostras de indivíduos extraídas em populações haplóides, procurando avaliar o uso do teste F para testar a... more
Moisture sorption isotherms of milled switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) were developed to provide guidelines for proper storage and drying of biomass. Samples were stored for a minimum of 8 days inside incubators set at 15°C, 25°C, or 35°C... more
Analysis of reliability data plays an important role in the maintenance decision making process. The accurate estimation of residual life in components and systems can be a great asset when planning the preventive replacement of... more
Since the time of Gauss, it has been generally accepted that 2 -methods of combining observations by minimizing sums of squared errors have significant computational advantages over earlier 1 -methods based on minimization of absolute... more
In this note we analyze the relationship between one-step ahead prediction errors and interpolation errors in time series. We obtain an expression of the prediction errors in terms of the interpolation errors and then we show that... more
Multivariate hypothesis testing in studies of vegetation is likely to be hindered by unrealistic assumptions when based on conventional statistical methods. This can be overcome by randomization tests. In this paper, the accuracy and... more
This paper describes a Matlab-based interactive tool focused on the modeling and control of nonlinear systems using a Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy approach. Noticeably the modeling of dynamical nonlinear systems plays a fundamental role in... more
The use of multivariate spectrophotometric calibration for the simultaneous determination of several active components and excipients in ophthalmic solutions is presented. The resolution of five-component mixtures of phenylephrine,... more
In this paper, we present results for testing main, simple and interaction effects in heteroscedastic two factor MANOVA models. In particular, we suggest modifications to the MANOVA sum of squares and cross product matrices to account for... more
Longitudinal stresses due to combined horizontal and vertical bending moments in ships, corresponding to a return period of 20 years, are estimated by linear response analysis. In principle, the stress should be obtained by combining the... more
Three cores from two crater lakes in central Italy (Albano and Nemi) spanning the last ca. 11 kyr BP are discussed here. They were analysed for organic matter, dry density, algal and photosynthetic bacteria pigments, diatoms and... more
Lovász and Schrijver [9] have constructed semidefinite relaxations for the stable set polytope of a graph G = (V, E) by a sequence of lift-and-project operations; their procedure finds the stable set polytope in at most α(G) steps, where... more
Multi-category classification methods were used to detect SNP-mortality associations in broilers. The objective was to select a subset of whole genome SNPs associated with chick mortality. This was done by categorizing mortality rates and... more
This paper proposes a compositional method for verifying the safety of a dynamical system, given as an interconnection of subsystems. The safety verification is conducted by the use of the barrier certificate method; hence, the... more