The purpose of this Note is the determination of the in-plane homogenized strength domain of a "quasi-periodic" masonry under the assumption of infinitely resistant blocks connected by cohesionless Mohr-Coulomb interfaces. This masonry is... more
We discuss conditions which ensure that weak limits of invariant measures of small random perturbations of dynamical systems have their supports on attractors.
In this paper, we consider the class of α [γ,γ ] -generalized closed set in topological spaces and investigate some of their properties. We also present and study new separation axioms by using the notions of α-open and α-bioperations.... more
Reinforced random walks, random perturbations of dynamical systems, chain recurrence, attractors. ½ 5 j 5 5 1 d 5 5 d < < We let и denote the L norm on R defined by v s Ý v . We may is1 i denote by d the induced distance.
The large deviation principle obtained by Freidlin and Wentzell for measures associated with finite-dimensional diffusions is extended to measures given by stochastic evolution equations with non-additive random perturbations. The proof... more
Consider a two-dimensional continuous-time dynamical system, with an attracting xed point S. If the deterministic dynamics are perturbed by white noise (random perturbations) of strength , the system state will eventually leave the domain... more
We examine the effects of stochastic input currents on the firing behaviour of two coupled Type 1 or Type 2 neurons. In Hodgkin-Huxley model neurons with standard parameters, which are Type 2, in the bistable regime, synaptic transmission... more
We consider the problem of finding stationary Nash equilibria (NE) in a finite discounted general-sum stochastic game. We first generalize a non-linear optimization problem from Filar and Vrieze [2004] to a N-player setting and break down... more
A numerical study of the state and degree of polarization along single-polarization fibres has been carried out on the basis of M/311er-Stokes matrix approach and the mode coupling centre model. The general quasimonochromatic case is... more
A method is developed for the optimal estimation of the parameters in a ji@ nonlinear model of flow in a channel. The data assimilated consist of values of the water surface elevation during a given interval. The method is based on the... more
Motivation: In prostate brachytherapy, intra-operative dosimetry optimization can be achieved through reconstruction of the implanted seeds from multiple C-arm fluoroscopy images. This process requires tracking of the C-arm poses.... more
The compact representation of harmonic amplitudes in the sinusoidal coding of voiced speech is often achieved by the all-pole modeling of a spectral envelope. The perceptual accuracy of the representation may be enhanced by the use of... more
We consider a model of a square-wave bursting neuron residing in the regime of tonic spiking. Upon introduction of small stochastic forcing, the model generates irregular bursting. The statistical properties of the emergent bursting... more
In previous work, EAs were shown to efficiently solve certain equations over partially commutative groups. The EAs depend on the values of several control parameters for success. Generally these values must be tuned to the structure of... more
We generalize a result from Volkov [Ann. Probab. 29 (2001) 66-91] and prove that, on a large class of locally finite connected graphs of bounded degree (G, ∼) and symmetric reinforcement matrices a = (a i,j) i,j ∈G , the vertex-reinforced... more
In the last years KWU-PWR plants have shown an increase in the neutron noise normalized root mean square. The frequency region of interest is below 1 Hz, so that thermohydraulic fluctuations seem to be one of the main reasons behind. In... more
We consider online learning for episodic Markov decision processes (MDPs) with stochastic long-term budget constraints, which plays a central role in ensuring the safety of reinforcement learning. Here the loss function can vary... more
We consider online learning for episodic stochastically constrained Markov decision processes (CMDP), which plays a central role in ensuring the safety of reinforcement learning. Here the loss function can vary arbitrarily across the... more
The spin precession of positive muons in ultra-pure Nb single crystals of high perfection, cooled down in transverse magnetic fields 0.68B~: ~< B~ppl ~< 0.84B~: (B~: = upper critical field) from temperatures well above the superconducting... more
System operators in the electricity industry purchase reserve capacity in a pro- curement auction in which suppliers o®er two-part bids, one part for making capacity avail- able and another part for supplying incremental energy when... more
We study numerical semigroups with the property "multi-plicity= embedding dimension+1", generated by concatenation of arithmetic sequences.
We study numerical semigroups with the property "multi-plicity= embedding dimension+1", generated by concatenation of arithmetic sequences.
A limited domain cloud system-resolving model (CSRM) is used to simulate the interaction between cumulus convection and 2-dimensional linear gravity waves, a single horizontal wavenumber at a time. With a single horizontal wavenumber,... more
A limited-domain cloud system–resolving model (CSRM) is used to simulate the interaction between cumulus convection and two-dimensional linear gravity waves, a single horizontal wavenumber at a time. With a single horizontal wavenumber,... more
We analyze an anisotropic spin 1/2 two legs ladder in the presence of various type of random perturbations. The generic phase diagram for the pure system, in a way similar to spin one chains, consists of four phases: an Antiferromagnet, a... more
A well known result by Kilian (ACM 1988) asserts that general secure two computation (2PC) with statistical security, can be based on OT. Specifically, in the client-server model, where only one party-the client-receives an output,... more
We study some special classes of piecewise continuous maps on a finite smooth partition of a compact manifold and look for invariant measures for such maps. We show that in the simplest one-dimensional case (so-called interval translation... more
A numerical study of the state and degree of polarization along single-polarization fibres has been carried out on the basis of M/311er-Stokes matrix approach and the mode coupling centre model. The general quasimonochromatic case is... more
A numerical study of the state and degree of polarization along single-polarization fibres has been carried out on the basis of M/311er-Stokes matrix approach and the mode coupling centre model. The general quasimonochromatic case is... more
We present a novel technique for source authentication of a packet stream in a network, which intends to give guarantees that a specific network flow really comes from a claimed origin. This mechanism, named packet level authentication... more
We describe a quantum voting scheme in which a ballot is an unknown quantum state for a voter. Such a ballot is hard to forge because it is difficult in principle to make a copy of an unknown quantum state. Moreover, our quantum voting... more
V predloženej práci je najprv predstavený zobecnený celočíselný autoregresný proces rádu p (GINAR(p)). Hlavným cieľom je opísanie celočíselného autoregresného procesu s náhodnými koeficientami (RCINAR(p)). K ich definovaniu je použitý... more
Complex responses observed in an experimental, nonlinear, moored structural system subjected to nearly periodic wave excitations are examined and compared with the simulations of a newly proposed independent-flow-field (IFF) model in this... more
We present a statistical dynamical Kalman filter and compare its performance to deterministic ensemble square root and stochastic ensemble Kalman filters for error covariance modeling with applications to data assimilation. Our studies... more
The effect of cycle burnup on the ex-core detector noise at the frequency of the pendular core barrel vibrations in the Ringhals-3 PWR core was investigated using a neutron noise simulator. The purpose of the investigations was to confirm... more
The dependence of the amplitude of the neutron noise in PWRs on the radial correlation length of the noise source, that is the inlet temperature fluctuations, is investigated. The motivation for this work comes from the recent observation... more
We prove that the addition of an arbitrarily small random perturbation to a quantum spin system rounds a first order phase transition in the conjugate order parameter in d ≤ 2 dimensions, or for cases involving the breaking of a... more
A floating-point arithmetic algorithm designed for solving usual boolean operations (intersection, union, and difference) on arbitrary polyhedral meshes is described in this paper. It can be used in many pre-and post-processing... more
We investigate the performances and collective task-solving capabilities of complex networks of automata using the density problem as a typical case. We show by computer simulations that evolved Watts-Strogatz small-world networks have... more
Using the theory of M/M/1 queues at stationarity, we provide criteria of stability (recurrence) for a stochastic inventory model with an observed selling rate and an optimally chosen buying rate. Optimality is based on the maximum gain... more
In order to bound the condition number, we need an upper bound on the largest singular value in addition to the lower bound on the smallest that we derived last class. Since the largest singular value of A + G can be bounded by σn(A + G)... more
Let A be an arbitrary matrix and let A be a slight random perturbation of A. We prove that it is unlikely that A has large condition number. Using this result, we prove it is unlikely that A has large growth factor under Gaussian... more
It is well known that the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) requires updating each ensemble member with perturbed observations in order to produce the proper analysis-error covariances. While increased accuracy in a mean square sense may be... more
We study the asymptotic behavior of solutions of differential equations dx,(t)/dt = A(y(t/&))x,(t), x,(O) = x0, where A(y), for y in a space Y, is a family of operators forming the generators of semigroups of bounded linear operators in a... more
Let (X, ~) and (Y, qf) be two measurable spaces with X being a linear space. A system is determined by two functionsf(X): X~ Xand ~: Xx Y-. X, a (small) positive parameter e and a homogeneous Markov chain {Yn} in (Y, rC) which describes... more
The entropy of a dynamical system S' on a hyperbolic attractor with respect to the Bowen-Ruelle-Sina) measure is obtained as a limit of entropy characteristics of small random perturbations x' of S'. Both the case of perturbations only in... more