probabilistic encryption

433 papers
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Probabilistic encryption is a cryptographic technique that enhances security by introducing randomness into the encryption process, ensuring that the same plaintext encrypts to different ciphertexts each time. This method protects against various attacks by obscuring patterns in the encrypted data, thereby providing confidentiality even when the encryption algorithm is known.
Over the past years an enormous variety of different chaosbased image and video encryption algorithms have been proposed and published. While any algorithm published undergoes some more or less strict experimental security analysis, many... more
Scenario 2 (multi-user setting). Imagine that Bob wants his secretary, Carol, to reply, on his behalf, to his e-mails only if they contain the keyword "Job" in the subject line. If Bob's e-mails are in plaintext, Carol can simply
Scenario 2 (multi-user setting). Imagine that Bob wants his secretary, Carol, to reply, on his behalf, to his e-mails only if they contain the keyword "Job" in the subject line. If Bob's e-mails are in plaintext, Carol can simply
In light of security challenges that have emerged in a world with complex networks and cloud computing, the notion of functional encryption has recently emerged. In this work, we show that in several applications of functional encryption... more
Vulnerability of communication of digital images is an extremely important issue nowadays, particularly when the images are communicated through insecure channels. To improve communication security, many cryptosystems have been presented... more
This paper presents a hybrid implementation of the RSA and Modified DES encryption and decryption ciphers, combining the strengths of both algorithms for enhanced security and performance. The RSA algorithm, based on the difficulty of... more
A robust image encryption process is still one of the most challenging tasks in image security owing to massive degree and sensitivity nature of information in the form of pixels. The hurdles include greater computational difficulty,... more
Cryptography is the science of maintaining data confidentiality, where the original text (plaintext) is encrypted using an encryption key to be ciphertext (text that has been encrypted). In this case cryptography secures data from a third... more
This paper presents a new hyper chaos system based on Hénon and Logistic maps which provides characteristics of high capacity, security and efficiency. The Proposed hyper chaos system is employed to generate the key for diffusion in an... more
The public key cryptography based on an Overstoraged Hopfield Neural Network (OHNN) is a combination of Diffie-Hellman public key cryptosystem and probabilistic symmetric-key encryption scheme with chaotic-classified properties. Keep the... more
Image encryption is an efficient and vital way to protect classified and secret images. With the advancement of the processing power of the computer, AES, DES, or chaotic series type just alike image encryption schemes are not as secure... more
Cybersecurity is a significant part of safe data transmission, particularly through networks such as the Internet. Confidential medical or military images and personal images of individuals and organizations are a big part of such data.... more
There are many ways to ensure data security, one of the classic way but still effective is to use encryption. Encryption itself has two techniques or algorithms: symmetric-key (also called secret-key) and asymmetric-key encryption (also... more
Traditional cryptographic encryption can achieve provable security but is unfortunately sensitive to a single bit error, which will cause an unreliable packet to be dropped to create packet loss. In order to achieve robust media... more
In recent years, the chaos based cryptographic algorithms have suggested some new and efficient ways to develop secure image encryption techniques. In this communication, we propose a new approach for image encryption based on chaotic... more
In this paper, we present a lossless image encryption algorithm utilizing robust chaos based dynamic DNA coding and DNA operations (DNA XOR and DNA Complement). The entire process of encryption is controlled by the pseudo-random number... more
Recently, many image encryption algorithms based on hybrid DNA and chaos have been developed. Most of these algorithms utilize chaotic systems exhibiting dissipative dynamics and periodic windows/patterns in the bifurcation diagrams along... more
Recent advancements in wireless technology have created an exponential rise in the number of connected devices leading to the internet of things (IoT) revolution. Large amounts of data are captured, processed and transmitted through the... more
With the rapid development of military applications and advanced warfare between the nations, the building of network and communication technology, transmitting sensible information across troops has become a necessary way of information... more
Security is becoming much more important in data storage and transmission. Cryptography has come up as a solution which plays a vital role in information security system against malicious attacks. This security mechanism uses some... more
In the today's world, security is required to transmit confidential information over the network. Security is also demanding in wide range of applications. Cryptographic algorithms play a vital role in providing the data security... more
In this work, we present an encryption algorithm that can be used to for hardware-implemented applications to secure data communications. This encryption algorithm is based on hiding a number of bits from plain text message into a random... more
Digital communication of multimedia data (text, signal/audio, image, and video) through the internet network has an important role in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 and society 5.0. However, the easiness of exchanging personal and... more
This article explores the application of the Walsh system in modern data encryption methods. The advantages and limitations of this system are reviewed and its effectiveness is analyzed in comparison to other encryption schemes. The... more
This article explores the application of the Walsh system in modern data encryption methods. The advantages and limitations of this system are reviewed and its effectiveness is analyzed in comparison to other encryption schemes. The... more
Recently, the concept of DNA has been invested in computing technology in different ways which linking information technology and biological sciences. There are several encryption algorithms based on DNA encoding that has been proposed,... more
Nowadays, with the widespread of the Internet of Things (IoT) applications in every aspect of our lives. It's urgent to protect the sensitive data such as images generated by IoT devices transmitted through the wireless network.... more
The need for a reliable and fast encryption algorithm to encrypt medical data for patients is an extremely important topic to be considered especially during pandemic times such as the pandemic COVID-19. This pandemic forced governments... more
In this digital world, images are an important part of communication and while communicating security is a crucial problem. And to deal with security various image encryption techniques are based on the cellular automata. The study gives... more
The authors in the article propose two modifications of the method of image encryption based on the use of the ideas underlying the algorithm RSA, in particular the combination of the properties of the RSA algorithm and bitwise... more
Sending digital pictures across open networks has emerged as a major privacy risk in recent years. Despite the environment's adaptability and the many benefits it offers, there are, however, a significant number of threats to... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
In today’s world, security and protection issues of the transmitted information have turned into a vital worry in media innovation. In the course of the most recent couple of years a few encryption algorithms have connected to secure... more
Many encryption algorithms are designed to decrease the probability of cyberattacks by assuring data security as well as system and participant authentication. However, in the development of computer resources cryptanalytical techniques... more
Chaotic encryption is a growing field for competently shielding visual data. As well as quantum encryption and substitution also play a significant role in applied fields owing to its prospective use in secure communication. This article... more
Many encryption algorithms are designed to decrease the probability of cyberattacks by assuring data security as well as system and participant authentication. However, in the development of computer resources cryptanalytical techniques... more
In current years many chaos-based Substitution boxes (S-boxes) have been proposed. Recently, an image encryption technique based on multiple chaotic S-box was offered. This encryption method was based on the concept of confusion only... more
Chaotic encryption is a growing field for competently shielding visual data. As well as quantum encryption and substitution also play a significant role in applied fields owing to its prospective use in secure communication. This article... more
The privacy of digital contents is one of the most important issue of the digitally advanced world. The transmission of online information is increasing immensely from last one decade. As the technology evolving with the passage of time,... more
In the current context, ensuring the secure transmission of data over the internet has become a critical concern, with information technology playing a fundamental role. As society advances into the digital information age, the importance... more
Searchable encryption techniques are intelligent tools that attempt to solve the challenge of querying stored data on untrusted cloud servers while preserving data confidentiality. This paper proposes simple, powerful, and practical... more
Two new encryption algorithms for secure video transmission are proposed in this paper. The two algorithms employ different types of chaotic maps to generate the keystream for encrypting the video frames. Both algorithms involve a... more
In various cloud computing models, the data need to be protected and to access these data in secure manner is important. The cryptographic key which is used to secure these data using both in the encryption as well as in decryption it is... more
Mobile Ad-hoc NETworks (MANETs) are expected to play an important role in tactical military networks by providing infrastructureless communication. However, maintaining secure and instant information sharing is a difficult task especially... more
Ensuring the security of data while being transmitted or stored is a very important issue for companies and end users. Cryptography is used to transfer the data in a form that is not understood by anyone apart from the intended... more
This paper proposes a hyperchaos-based image encryption algorithm, which consists of two scrambling-diffusion operations and one scrambling operation. In the proposed algorithm, the initial conditions of a hyperchaotic Chen system are... more
Ensuring the security of data while being transmitted or stored is a very important issue for companies and end users. Cryptography is used to transfer the data in a form that is not understood by anyone apart from the intended... more
ElGamal public key encryption scheme has been designed in the 80's. It is one of the first partial homomorphic encryption and one of the first IND-CPA probabilistic public key encryption scheme. A linear version has been recently proposed... more