How do archaeologists make effective use of physical traces and material culture as repositories of evidence? Material Evidence takes a resolutely case-based approach to this question, exploring key instances of exemplary practice,...
moreHow do archaeologists make effective use of physical traces and material culture as repositories of evidence? Material Evidence takes a resolutely case-based approach to this question, exploring key instances of exemplary practice, instructive failures, and innovative developments in the use of archaeological data as evidence. The goal is to bring to the surface the wisdom of practice, teasing out norms of archaeological reasoning from evidence. Archaeologists make compelling use of an enormously diverse range of material evidence, from garbage dumps to monuments, from finely crafted artifacts rich with cultural significance to the inadvertent transformation of landscapes over the long term.
Each contributor to Material Evidence identifies a particular type of evidence with which they grapple and considers, with reference to concrete examples, how archaeologists construct evidential claims, critically assess them, and bring them to bear on pivotal questions about the cultural past. Historians, cultural anthropologists, philosophers, and science studies scholars are increasingly interested in working with material "things" as objects of inquiry and as evidence – and they acknowledge on all sides just how challenging this is. One of the central messages of the book is that close analysis of archaeological best practice can yield constructive guidelines for practice that have much to offer practitioners within archaeology and well beyond.
1. Material Evidence: Learning from Archaeological Practice
Alison Wylie and Robert Chapman
Part I. Fieldwork and Recording Conventions
2. Repeating the Unrepeatable Experiment
Richard Bradley
3. Experimental Archaeology at the Cross Roads: A Contribution to Interpretation or Evidence of ‘Xeroxing’?
Martin Bell
4. ‘Proportional Representation’: Multiple voices in Archaeological Interpretation at Çatalhöyük
Shahina Farid
5. Integrating Database Design and Use into Recording Methodologies
Michael J. Rains
6. The Tyranny of Typologies: Evidential Reasoning in Romano-Egyptian Domestic Archaeology
Anna Lucille Boozer
Part II. Cross-field trade: Archaeological applications of external expertise and technologies
7. The Archaeological Bazaar: Scientific Methods for Sale? Or: ‘Putting the ‘Arch-’ Back into Archaeometry’
A. M. Pollard and P. Bray
8. Radiocarbon Dating and Archaeology: History, Progress and Present Status
Sturt W. Manning
9. Using Evidence from Natural Sciences in Archaeology
David Killick
10. Working the Digital: Some Thoughts from Landscape Archaeology
Marcos Llobera
11. Crafting Knowledge with (Digital) Visual Media in Archaeology
Sara Perry
Part III. Multiple working hypotheses, strategies of elimination, and triangulation
12. Uncertain on Principle: Combining Lines of Archaeological Evidence to Create Chronologies
Alex Bayliss and Alasdair Whittle
13. Lessons from Modelling Neolithic Farming Practice: Methods of Elimination
Amy Bogaard
14. Evidence, Archaeology and Law: An initial Exploration
Roger M. Thomas
15. Law and Archaeology: Modified Wigmorean Analysis
Terence Anderson and William Twining
16. Traditional Knowledge, Archaeological Evidence, and Other Ways of Knowing
George Nicholas and Nola Markey
Part IV: Broader perspectives: Material Culture as Object and Evidence
17. Evidence of What? On the Possibilities of Archaeological Interpretation
Gavin Lucas
18. Meeting Pasts Halfway: A Consideration of the Ontology of Material Evidence in Archaeology
Andrew Meirion Jones
19. Matter and Facts: Material Culture and the History of Science
Simon Werrett