Background: Background: Nursing care is known to improve patient outcomes during hospitalization, but the mechanisms by which outcomes are improved have not been fully explicated. Continuity in nursing care (CINC) may be an important... more
Rationale and Objectives. Diagnostic ultrasound examinations may be performed after-hours by physicians if technologists are not available or cases are complex. Our experience suggested there is wide variability in how ultrasound coverage... more
Exploring nursing skill mix: a review Aims The overall aims of the paper are to provide an overview of the subject, illustrate the need for further research and to raise awareness of the ongoing limitations of existing knowledge and... more
To examine the interrelationship among behavioral health clinician (BHC) staffing, scheduling, and a primary care practice's approach to delivering integrated care. Methods: Observational cross-case comparative analysis of 17 primary care... more
Service or Provider Names Features Assessment Methods Results Improved Metrics Choose and Book [1-3] UK national appointment system for National Health Service (NHS) Supports Web-based appointments Supports electronic referrals... more
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine is proud to present translations of selected abstracts into Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish. We sincerely thank the following for their important work on these translations:... more
Communication breakdowns have been identified as a source of problems in complex work settings such as hospital-based healthcare. The authors conducted a multi-method study of change of shift handoffs between nurses, including interviews,... more
This article presents and discusses a model for describing and evaluating the principal risk factors characterising occupational exposure: frequency and repetitiveness of movements, use of force, type of posture and movements,... more
The purpose of this study was to explore whether sleep-related cardiac sympathetic activity is significantly lower in rotating shift workers than in permanent night shift workers, in order to evaluate whether shift work is preferable to... more
The purpose of this study was to explore whether sleep-related cardiac sympathetic activity is significantly lower in rotating shift workers than in permanent night shift workers, in order to evaluate whether shift work is preferable to... more
p = 0.002), and sterilizations (p ! 0.001) than the 2003 graduates. The above findings were unchanged when evaluating procedures for which the resident was the primary surgeon. Duty-hour restrictions have not adversely affected the... more
Background-Few studies have examined factors associated with antidepressant prescribing in older nursing home residents. Objective-The primary objective was to describe the change in antidepressant prescribing for nursing home residents... more
To determine whether the use of a designated staff person to coordinate and schedule therapy services in a postacute residential rehabilitation program for people with acquired brain lesions results in (1) a higher-intensity treatment and... more
Objective: The European Working Time Regulations (EWTR) have been criticized for its purported negative impact on the training of junior doctors. The aim of this study was to examine the amount of time interns spent engaging in various... more
The European Working Time Regulations (EWTR) have been criticized for its purported negative impact on the training of junior doctors. The aim of this study was to examine the amount of time interns spent engaging in various work... more
Historically, mandatory overtime has been used to provide adequate staffing in times of crisis; however, as a result of today's severe nursing shortage, hospitals and other healthcare institutions are more commonly using mandatory... more
Introduction: There is an increasing demand for intensive care in hospitals, which can lead to capacity limitations in the intensive care unit (ICU). Due to postponement of elective surgery or delayed admission of emergency patients,... more
Meaningfully recognizing the extraordinary contributions of nurses is a key element in creating and sustaining healthy work environments. Publically honoring the work of nursing reinforces those actions and behaviors that patients,... more
Aim: To explore aged care staff perceptions and experience of their relationships with co-workers, older people and families via pragmatic exploratory interviews. Methods: Thirty-nine direct care staff from seven residential age care... more
Trends in Family Ratings of Experience With Care and Racial Disparities Among Maryland Nursing Homes
Background-Providing equitable and patient-centered care is critical to ensuring high quality of care. Although racial/ethnic disparities in quality are widely reported for nursing facilities, it is unknown whether disparities exist in... more
Objective-The occurrence of pressure ulcers (PUs) in nursing homes (NHs) is a marker for poor quality of care. We examine whether differences in PU prevalence between Black and White residents are due to within-or across-facility... more
Recent increases in state Medicaid payments to nursing homes have the potential to reduce disparities in nurse staffing between facilities with high and low concentrations of racial/ethnic minority residents. Analyses of nursing home and... more
Despite the increased use of nursing homes by minority residents, nursing home care remains highly segregated. Compared to whites, racial/ethnic minorities tend to be cared for in facilities with limited clinical and financial resources,... more
Objective-The occurrence of pressure ulcers (PUs) in nursing homes (NHs) is a marker for poor quality of care. We examine whether differences in PU prevalence between Black and White residents are due to within-or across-facility... more
Objective: To obtain a 2005 snapshot of New Zealand (NZ) rural primary health care workforce, specifically GPs, general practice nurses and community pharmacists. Design: Postal questionnaires, November 2005. Setting: NZ‐wide rural... more
OBJECTIVES: A pragmatic cluster RCT investigated the effectiveness of a pharmacist-led information technology-enabled (PINCER) intervention in reducing risk of medication errors, in England. General practices were randomised to... more
Except for questions 9 to 11, residents received all of these questions, but the questions for residents were altered to reflect the residents' rather than the attendings' views.
In the changing modern economy some new factors have been addressed that are of importance for productivity and economic growth, such as human skills, workplace organization, information and communication technologies (ICT) and knowledge... more
Objectives To investigate the prevalence of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) in full-time and part-time supermarket cashiers exposed to a diVerent weekly duration of biomechanical load. Methods All the 269 cashiers and 127 oYce workers were... more
To develop a model for estimating the services and human resources needed to care for people with severe psychiatric conditions in a hypothetical population of 100,000 people in South Africa. Annual mental health service needs were... more
Nationally, medical schools are appointing growing numbers of research faculty into non-tenure-track positions, paralleling a similar trend in universities. The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) issued a statement... more
The objective of this study was to demonstrate the association between nurse staffing and adverse events at the shift level. Background: Despite a growing body of research linking nurse staffing and patient outcomes, the relationship of... more
The objective of this study was to demonstrate the association between nurse staffing and adverse events at the shift level. Background: Despite a growing body of research linking nurse staffing and patient outcomes, the relationship of... more
Objective. To identify the benefits and consequences of having part-time faculty members in departments of pharmacy practice from the department chair's perspective. Methods. A stratified purposive sample of 12 pharmacy practice... more
Objective The purpose of this study was to investigate how psychiatry programs are addressing the new Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) training requirements regarding transitions in patient care effective July... more
This study aims to analyze the production of knowledge about Planning and Sizing of the Health Workforce (PDFTS) developed in Brazil, identifying models and methodologies that consider the Guidelines of the Unified Health System (SUS) for... more
Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR) is a lifesaving rescue therapy for patients with refractory cardiac arrest. Previous studies suggest that maintaining a 24/7 in-house surgical team may reduce ECPR initiation time and... more
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are known to be associated with poor sleep quality in general populations, but they have not been consistently associated with specific work schedules. Studies of CVD generally do not simultaneously consider... more
This document is made available under Deposit Licence (No Redistribution -no modifications). We grant a non-exclusive, nontransferable, individual and limited right to using this document. This document is solely intended for your... more
We would also like to record our thanks to the Western Australian Mining Occupational Safety and Health Advisory Board (MOSHAB) for making the data from their Safety Behaviour Survey (2002) available to us. Finally, we are grateful to... more