multimedia presentation

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Multimedia presentation refers to the integration of various forms of media, such as text, images, audio, and video, to convey information or ideas in a cohesive manner. This approach enhances audience engagement and understanding by utilizing multiple sensory channels to deliver content effectively.
As the complement of the stored multimedia presentation, live multimedia presentation (LMP) is similar to the stored multimedia presentation except for the process of selecting, authoring, constructing and playing out the multimedia... more
To have a quality multimedia presentation through networks, its presentation lag needs to be controlled. One way to reduce the lag is to prefetch the media objects before their due dates. This paper explores techniques for optimizing the... more
The increased availability of electronic devices with multimedia capabilities has resulted in a dramatic growth in the usage of multimedia presentations. In this paper, we present a framework for automatic generation of layouts for... more
Literature about metacognition suggests that learners develop personal beliefs about the educational technologies that they are asked to employ and that such beliefs can influence learning outcomes. In this perspective, opinions about the... more
Rhetorical structure theory (RST) provides a model of textual function based upon rhetoric. Initially developed as a model of text coherence, RST has been used extensively in text generation research, and has more recently been proposed... more
In order for multimedia presentations to be stored, accessed and played from a large library they should not be encoded as final form presentations, since these consume storage space and cannot easily be adapted to variations in... more
The increased availability of electronic devices with multimedia capabilities has resulted in a dramatic growth in the usage of multimedia presentations. In this paper, we present a framework for automatic generation of layouts for... more
Multimedia content adaptation has become important due to many devices with different amounts of resources like display sizes, memories, and computation capabilities. Existing studies perform content adaptation on web pages and other... more
As animations become more readily available, simultaneously the complexity of creating animations has also increased. In this paper, we address the issue by describing an animation toolkit based on a database approach for reusing... more
We will demonstrate and discuss the use of a mathematically based tool, Function Representation (FRep), for modeling complex 3D objects such as sculpture, and show the new capabilities that it provides for dynamically modifiable viewing... more
This paper describes an agent-based approach to realizing interactive pedagogical drama. Characters choose their actions autonomously, while director and cinematographer agents manage the action and its presentation in order to maintain... more
New educational technologies might help to compensate for the decrease in time and emphasis dedicated to physical examination in medial training. This may, in particular, be applicable for improving the skills in auscultation of the... more
Presentation models are used by intelligent user interfaces to automatically construct adapted presentations according to particular communication goals. This paper describes the characteristics of a presentation model that was designed... more
Much current research on hypermedia generation accepts user input only at the start of an otherwise fully-automated process. However, since multimedia presentation creation is often a complex and creative process, it has multiple phases... more
This paper discusses the implementation of adaptability in environments that are based on the Standard Reference Model for Intelligent Multimedia Presentation Systems. This adaptability is explored in the context of style sheets, which... more
This paper presents a system, Web-based Multimedia Annotation (WMA) system, for English as Foreign Language learning in writing skills. The whole correcting process, including the instructor's voice and navigation events (i.e.,... more
Conventional approaches of image indexing and retrieval from digital libraries include content-based, metadata-based, and keyword-based approaches. This paper addresses a different way of image retrieval motivated by real-life... more
Multimedia presentation technology has enormous potential for a myriad of applications including academic classrooms, industrial training, and business presentations. As presentation technology advances, it is possible to incorporate a... more
Modern sensor technologies and simulators applied to large and complex dynamic systems (such as road traffic networks, sets of river channels, etc.) produce large amounts of behavior data that are difficult for users to interpret and... more
Presentation models are used by intelligent user interfaces to automatically construct adapted presentations according to particular communication goals. This paper describes the characteristics of a presentation model that was designed... more
A multimedia presentation is a synchronized, and possibly interactive, delivery of multimedia data to users. We expect that, in the future, multimedia presentations will be stored into and queried from multimedia databases. In an earlier... more
This paper proposes a new way for authoring multimedia documents. It uses the concept of structured media that allows to deeper access into media objects. An experiment of structuring video in our authoring and presentation environment... more
It can be observed that from the offered facilities for certain products, just a very small percent is used by users for reasons such as the difficulty in understanding the technical guide that accompanies the product. The utilization of... more
In spite of the high profile of media types such as video, audio and images, many multimedia presentations rely extensively on text content. Text can be used for incidental labels, or as subtitles or captions that accompany other media... more
1 Depart of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National ChiNan University No.1, University Rd., Puli, Nantou, Taiwan {cylu, jshong} ... 2 LORIA (UMR 7503) – University of Nancy 2 CNRS – INRIA – Universities of Nancy... more
Making hypermedia adaptable for multiple forms of presentation involves enabling multiple distinct specifications for how a given collection of hypermedia can have its presentation generated. The Standard Reference Model for Intelligent... more
Multimedia presentations are the basic objects of multimedia databases. Since a multimedia presentation is not an instant display of a query result, the control knowledge (or synchronization requirements) has to be incorporated into the... more
This poster will review the work on sustainability of digital libraries in the context of the NSF-supported National Science Digital Library (NSDL) program. Applied to digital libraries, sustainability is a broad term, referring to... more
Creating high-quality multimedia presentations requires much skill, time, and effort. This is particularly true when temporal media, such as speech and animation, are involved. We describe the design and implementation of a... more
This paper proposes a new way for authoring multimedia documents. It uses the concept of structured media that allows to deeper access into media objects. An experiment of structuring video in our authoring and presentation environment... more
In this paper, we describe an evolving adaptive multimedia learning environment that utilises multimedia presentation techniques in its interface while still providing Internet connectivity for management and delivery purposes. The... more
We describe an experimental wearable augmented reality system that enables users to experience hypermedia presentations that are integrated with the actual outdoor locations to which they are are relevant. Our mobile prototype uses a... more
The paper proposes to revisit the concept of multimedia document consistency. Within this context, numerous works have addressed approaches for the temporal consistency verification of such documents, especially those that are encoded... more
Many present-day multimedia presentation systems utilise technologies such as JAVA applets/scripts, ASP, JSP, XML, employed to cover advanced multi-level presentation requirements. These often suffer from technology-imposed disadvantages,... more
It oftcn makes sense to employ both text and pictures wheu referring to world objects. In this paper, we present a model for referring which is based on the assumption that concepts may be activated not only by Icxt, but also by pictures... more
A growing number of research projects both in academia and industries have started to investigate the use of animated agents in the interface. Such agents, either based on real video, cartoon-style drawings or even model-based 3D... more
In this paper, the Standard Reference Model for IMMPS is used for analysing the architectural design of two multimedia presentation systems which have been built at DFKl over the past 10 years. We first present the systems as described by... more
The objective of the work described in this paper is the development of an intelligent generation system which is able to combine textual and visual material. As coherent presentations cannot be generated by simply merging verbalization... more
This paper describes an agent-based approach to realizing interactive pedagogical drama. Characters choose their actions autonomously, while director and cinematographer agents manage the action and its presentation in order to maintain... more
The current study discusses the nature and the main features of formative assessment. It summarizes the different strategies that teachers use to carry out formative assessment in the educational process. The study discusses the... more
This paper provides details and implementation experiences of a multimedia programming language and associated toolkits. The language, a data-flow paradigm for multimedia streams, consists of blocks of code that can be connected through... more
This paper provides details and implementation experiences of a multimedia programming language and associated toolkits. The language, a data-flow paradigm for multimedia streams, consists of blocks of code that can be connected through... more
This paper describes an agent-based approach to realizing interactive pedagogical drama. Characters choose their actions autonomously, while director and cinematographer agents manage the action and its presentation in order to maintain... more
Engagement in training and educational presentations facilitates/earning. This paper describes engagement and proposes that it is conceptually similar to the state of playfulness, a construct increasingly applied to studies of... more
Engagement in training and educational presentations facilitates learning. This paper describes engagement and proposes that it is conceptually similar to the state of playfulness, a construct increasingly applied to studies of... more
In ttis paper we addrms the issue of s@uctural JIzdiIIzcdia siIzzZari@, mhlch is based on the re~ations between the individud objects that comprise a rnuItimedla documenti We propose a binary string encoding for lD relations which permits... more
In this paper, we describe an evolving adaptive multimedia learning environment that utilises multimedia presentation techniques in its interface while still providing Internet connectivity for management and delivery purposes. The... more