Boletín Médico-Facultad de Medicina UAS 13 INTRODUCCIÓN El uso de plaguicidas es necesario, pero deben ser aplicados de manera racional, ya que las plagas pueden desarrollar resistencia a ellos obligando al aumento de la dosis de... more
Boletín Médico-Facultad de Medicina UAS 13 INTRODUCCIÓN El uso de plaguicidas es necesario, pero deben ser aplicados de manera racional, ya que las plagas pueden desarrollar resistencia a ellos obligando al aumento de la dosis de... more
Wood dust was classified by the IARC as a human carcinogen which causes sinonasal tumours. However, the exposure in different industries varies strongly and the risks of workers depend on the specific situation which can be assessed by... more
El estudio de la genotoxicidad en modelos murinos es útil para responder las dudas relacionadas con la seguridad por el uso de nanomateriales, sobre todo cuando se pretende el desarrollo de nuevas opciones terapéuticas. El propósito de... more
The aim of this research was to assess interactions between metals at low exposure concentrations (Maximum-Permissible-Concentrations accepted for the inland waters in EU) and to assess possible influence of background exposure (10-times... more
The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of cadmium and copper on the sialic acid levels of liver, gill, muscle and kidney of Cyprinus carpio following a 7-days exposure period at static conditions. Sialic acids... more
Aim: To estimate the concentration of metal ions (Ni, Cr, Fe and Co), cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of buccal mucosal cell in patients being treated with fixed orthodontic appliances. Materials and Methods: A total of 50 patients aged... more
Zinc plays an essential role in wide range of cellular process,including defence against free redicals and mantaining genomic stability of aquatic fauna. In the present study, we analysed the induced mitotic index of dividing cells of... more
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La mezcla de analgésico, antipirético y antihistamínico de una pastilla antigripal de marca conocida fue evaluada en su capacidad de provocar daño cromosómico y citotoxicidad en sangre periférica de ratón árabe. El daño cromosómico fue... more
O álcool etílico é um dos principais agentes químicos relacionados ao desenvolvimento de neoplasias malignas bucais. O uso do etanol tem aumentado em diversas populações e a faixa etária dos indivíduos que o consomem tem ficado cada vez... more
Lucrécia city, known to harbor a high cancer rate, is located in a semiarid region characterized by the presence of mineral reservoirs, facing a high exposure to metal and natural radioactivity. The present study aimed to assess the... more
Se evaluó la genotoxicidad y la citotoxicidad en sangre periférica de ratones CD-1 expuestos a metales pesados: cromo y talio (Cr [VI] y Tl [I]). Grupos de cinco organismos fueron tratados por vía intraperitoneal con 20 mg/kg de CrO3 o... more
Manganese and iron were found at high concentrations (3.61 mg/L and 19.8 mg/L, respectively) in the water of the Rio Doce after the dams of Fundão and Santarém broke in Mariana/MG (Brazil). These same metals were found in fish and... more
RESUMEN El presente trabajo evaluo el potencial genotoxico de cloroquina mediante la identificacion y cuantificacion de alteraciones cromosomicas en celulas de medula osea de Rattus norvegicus cepa holtzman. Los grupos de trabajo fueron:... more
Growth and all activities of fish depend significantly on the food they consume. However, with the rising price of conventional feedstuffs, there is a need to investigate less expensive and readily available plant source as an additive.... more
The paper studies interspecies physiological and genetic differences between the white-collared flycatcher and the pied flycatcher of the genus Ficedula. The fact that the flycatchers are capable of interspecies hybridization is one more... more
Growth and all activities of fish depend significantly on the food they consume. However, with the rising price of conventional feedstuffs, there is a need to investigate less expensive and readily available plant source as an additive.... more
RESUMEN Con el objetivo de conocer la posible actividad mutagénica del extracto fluido de Cassia grandis L. y el gel de Aloe vera L., que puedan representar algún efecto adverso para su uso en la fitoterapia, se llevó a cabo un estudio... more
La mezcla de analgésico, antipirético y antihistamínico de una pastilla antigripal de marca conocida fue evaluada en su capacidad de provocar daño cromosómico y citotoxicidad en sangre periférica de ratón árabe. El daño cromosómico fue... more
Background: Pesticide exposure possesses risk of genotoxicity to humans, particularly farmers. Despite accumulating evidences linking genotoxicity to pesticide exposure, epidemiological studies to address pesticide toxicity in... more
This paper reports the first data from an integrated study investigating genotoxicity in the Brantas River, Java, Indonesia. Results showed that organic sediment extracts from the sites in the Brantas Delta retained genotoxic compounds... more
Introducción: La ranitidina es un fármaco que esta asociado a mutagénesis por generar alteraciones genéticas y/o carcinogenesis celular pero se desconoce su rol a nivel genotóxico en eritrocitos policromáticos. Por tanto, se investigó el... more
Background: Pesticide exposure possesses risk of genotoxicity to humans, particularly farmers. Despite accumulating evidences linking genotoxicity to pesticide exposure, epidemiological studies to address pesticide toxicity in... more
Aim: To evaluate the presence of metal ions and deoxyribonucleic acid damage on the cells of buccal mucosa in subjects scheduled to undergo fixed orthodontic treatment. Materials and methods: Eighty patients scheduled to undergo... more
O Brasil e um dos maiores produtores de tabaco em todo o mundo; e o Rio Grande do Sul (RS) e o Estado com maior produtividade. A cultura do tabaco tem grande importância na atividade economica e social no pais, mas esta atividade requer... more
O cultivo de soja e disseminado no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (RS- Brasil), principalmente na cidade de Espumoso. Os agrotoxicos sao compostos quimicos capazes de combater pragas e pestes nocivas para plantacoes agricolas. A utilizacao... more
Introducción: La ranitidina es un fármaco que esta asociado a mutagénesis por generar alteraciones genéticas y/o carcinogenesis celular pero se desconoce su rol a nivel genotóxico en eritrocitos policromáticos. Por tanto, se investigó el... more
RESUMEN El presente trabajo evaluo el potencial genotoxico de cloroquina mediante la identificacion y cuantificacion de alteraciones cromosomicas en celulas de medula osea de Rattus norvegicus cepa holtzman. Los grupos de trabajo fueron:... more
Se evaluó mediante la técnica de tinción ultravital con naranja de acridina el potencial del producto Bioplant para inducir reticulocitos micronucleados (RETsMN) en sangre periférica de ratones machos de la linea Cenp:NMRI. La sustancia... more
The paper studies interspecies physiological and genetic differences between the white-collared flycatcher and the pied flycatcher of the genus Ficedula. The fact that the flycatchers are capable of interspecies hybridization is one more... more
Orthodontic brackets release ions that can be reabsorbed in the oral mucosa, potentially causing complications, including cytotoxic effects and mutagenic alterations. The aim was to evaluate the genotoxicity induced by orthodontic... more
Aim: To estimate the concentration of metal ions (Ni, Cr, Fe and Co), cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of buccal mucosal cell in patients being treated with fixed orthodontic appliances. Materials and Methods: A total of 50 patients aged... more
Pollutants have adverse effects on human health and on other organisms that inhabit or use water resources. The aim of the present study was to assess the environmental quality of three watercourses in Monte Carmelo, MG, Brazil, using the... more
RESUMEN Con el objetivo de conocer la posible actividad mutagénica del extracto fluido de Cassia grandis L. y el gel de Aloe vera L., que puedan representar algún efecto adverso para su uso en la fitoterapia, se llevó a cabo un estudio... more
The aim of this study was to investigate the bioaccumulation of cadmium in the muscle tissue of Prussian carp during 7 and 13 weeks of exposure to different concentrations of this metal in water (0.4 and 4.0 mg/L), and the depuration of... more
O Brasil é um dos países que mais consomem agrotóxicos. Para analisar os efeitos da genotoxicidade induzida pelos agrotóxicos, em indivíduos expostos direta e indiretamente, este estudo avaliou células epiteliais esfoliadas da mucosa... more