Recent papers in memoralization
Buena parte de la literatura argentina de las últimas décadas da cuenta de la serie de rupturas que han quedado impresas en el cuerpo social: la violencia, la desaparición, el exilio y el miedo se han convertido en temas de escritura. La... more
This file is to be used only for a purpose specified by Palgrave Macmillan, such as checking proofs, preparing an index, reviewing, endorsing or planning coursework/other institutional needs. You may store and print the file and share it... more
"Many social media tools and services are free to use. This fact often leads users to the mistaken presumption that the associated data generated whilst utilising these tools and services is without value. Users often focus on the social... more
Every state in Australia has an iconic shipwreck - shipwrecks like the 'Loch Ard' in Victoria, the 'Admella' in South Australia and the 'Yongala' in Queensland - a shipwreck that has captured the imagination of the public and become... more
The sarcophagus of Junius Bassus is a prominent example of early funerary Christian art, completed in 395 CE. It was made specifically for Junius, the son of a consul who followed his father's footsteps to become prefect of Rome. Given... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Before contact with the West, the Asabano of Papua New Guinea treated human remains differently depending on the type of relationship survivors planned to have with the deceased. Traditional methods included corpse exposure with curation... more
This paper examines contemporary Albanian author Ismail Kadare’s first major novel, The General of the Dead Army (1963), in terms of its relation to both the Albanian and the Italian national narratives in the wake of the Second World... more
"""Fragment wstępu: Pomniki mają wielką moc. W odróżnieniu od malarstwa czy grafiki, z którymi nie musimy się zetknąć, mogąc przejść przez całe życie bez konieczności jakiejkolwiek interakcji, z pomnikami stykamy się, nawet... more
АННОТАЦИЯ: Нарративизация памяти, прошлого, личного опыта – одно из ключевых направлений исследования нарративов как в отечественной, так и в зарубежной лингвистике. Настоящая статья посвящена мнемическому нарративу – особому типу... more
ÍNDICE: Agradecimientos C. V. de los autores Introducción • Barbara Zecchi: “La adaptación multiplicada” 1. Adaptación de clásicos del Siglo de Oro • Isabel Jaén Portillo: “Cine, emoción y comedia: cuestiones cognitivas en... more
Стенограма пленуму Київської Міської Управи від 20 грудня 1941 р. -20 грудня 1941р. 22. Удовик В.М. Німецько-фашистський окупаційний режим (1941 -1944 рр.) на території генеральної області «Київ» (Київська та Полтавська області): дис. …... more
A period of radical political change, the paradigmatic example of which is democratization, is not only a time when society has to deal with the past and construct new political order. It is also a period when the memory of the past and... more
В статье ставится задача поиска языковой единицы памяти, то есть минимального носителя мнемической информации, выступающего операндом мнемических процессов при выполнении различных операций памяти и репрезентируемого посредством... more
Tattoos have grown in popularity in the West at a rapid rate in the last 20 years or so . With this, the prevalence of memorial tattoos in our society has increased as tattooed people lose the stigma attached them. Much of the previous... more
Removals and Remembrance explores the impact of apartheid-era forced removals on the memories of Cape Town coloured (mixed race) evictees. Based on over 100 life-history interviews with removees from across the Cape Peninsula, this thesis... more
Н ачиная с периода поздней перестройки и по сей день судьба тела Ленина, хранящегося на протяжении почти 90 лет в мавзолее на Красной площади, не перестает вызывать яростные споры. В последние годы в попу лярных и академических... more
In this (2003) paper I seek to challenge the dominant modes of conceiving the relationship between memory and national identity, and in so doing offer analysts of nationalism an improved understanding of the dynamics of national identity... more
This document, intended as a resource for researchers, is derived from the thesis "The Partisans’ Cemetery in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina: Implications of the deterioration of a Monument and Site", defended at the Raymond Lemaire... more
Twenty years since the onset of the traumatic wars of Yugoslav secession, the countries of the Western Balkans continue to nurture narratives of the past that are mutually exclusive, contradictory, and irreconcilable. The troubling ways... more
This special issue addresses the possible connections and mutual benefits of examining together two analytic concepts – memory and periphery. These concepts receive much attention in various scholarly discussions, yet they have done so... more
This essay begins by observing that while images and texts that emanated from the 'final stage' of the Holocaust seem to be a privileged source in depictions of the Holocaust, the specific features of this stage itself often remain... more
There are growing calls from some African Americans, particularly in the U.S. South, to create sites of counter-memory that recognize the often forgotten historical struggles and contributions of the enslaved. Commemoration of slavery is... more
It is not difficult to counter the claim made by the French family historian Philippe Aries that deceased children were considered 'not worthy of remembrance' in the Middle Ages. Not only are there still many examples of monuments to... more
"Nelle guerre moderne la città è divenuta uno degli obiettivi e delle vittime principali. Per riprendere l’efficace espressione di Paul Virilio, la strategia delle nuove guerre è oggi, essenzialmente, una “strategia anti-città”. Lo spazio... more
The aim of this article is to present a succinct review and evaluation of the main areas of contention in the false memory debate and, from this basis, to suggest ways in which the best from both sides can be utilized. We examine the... more
Of the many ways in which identity is constructed and performed online, few are as strongly 'anchored' to existing offline relationships as in online social networks like Facebook and Myspace. These profiles extend our practical,... more
El libro consta de 3 partes. En la primera, de cariz teórico, se repasan los debates contemporáneos en torno a la ética y la era del testigo (Agamben, Wieviorka, Lanzmann...) y la problemática de la representación de los campos de... more
Свистопляска (Свистунья) – это старинный календарный обряд, ежегодно проводившийся в г. Вятке в 4-ю субботу после Пасхи. Согласно местной легенде, когда-то давным-давно вятчане по нелепой случайности перебили союзную рать из г. Великого... more
This book explores the role of cultural heritage in post-conflict reconstruction, whether as a motor for the prolongation of violence or as a resource for building reconciliation. The research was driven by two main goals: first, to... more