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This article studies the life and works of a hardly known littérateur and anthologist who lived in early Abbasid Baghdad and al-Fustat: Yusuf b. Ibrahim b. al-Daya. The first part of the article gives an attempted biography on the basis... more
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      Abbasid LiteratureEgyptClassical Arabic Prose LiteratureAbbasid History
קהילת "אלשאמיין", היא קהילת בני ארץ ישראל בפוסטאט, ראתה ברס"ג את אביה הרוחני, אך לא ידוע היה למה. במאמר זה נחשפת דרכו של רבי מצליח גאון, אחד ממנהיגי הקהילה שגלה אליה מדמשק והקים בה את ישיבת "גאון יעקב" ונהג את נשיאותו ברמה. מתברר שהוא ראה... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistoryEgyptian HistoryRabbinics
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      Military HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesArabic
Publisher's description: The lost archive of the Fatimid caliphate (909–1171) survived in an unexpected place: the storage room, or geniza, of a synagogue in Cairo, recycled as scrap paper and deposited there by medieval Jews. Marina... more
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      Medieval HistoryPapyrologyMiddle East HistoryJewish History
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      Islamic ArtEarly and Medieval Islamic Art and ArchitectureIslamic art historymedieval history of Egypt
An interdisciplinary study that draws together geography, historical navigation data, and eyewitness accounts into a comprehensive picture of one of the world’s great rivers. This ground-breaking view of the navigational landscape of... more
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      EgyptologyMaritime ArchaeologyFluvial ProcessesMaritime History
Bu kitap, Orta-Çağ Tarihi hakkında bilgilenmek isteyen okura dönemin temel karakteristiklerini tanıtmayı amaçlamaktadır. Kitabın merkezinde Akdeniz Havzası ve onun yarattığı uygarlıklar duruyor. Dönemi, üç ana coğrafya etrafında... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic HistoryMedieval History Studies in Global Migration History, Band: 39/13 Edited by Johannes Preiser-Kapeller, Lucian Reinfandt und Yannis Stouraitis The transition zone between Africa, Asia and Europe was the most important... more
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      Eastern European StudiesMedieval HistoryArmenian StudiesAfrican History
Formation of the Mamluk State in Egypt in the second half of the XIIIth century
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      Mamluk Studiesmedieval history of Egypt
While scholars may know that the 'sultan of Babylon' sent Frederick II a 'white parrot', few are aware of the existence of four sketches, indicating it was a Sulphur or Yellow-crested Cockatoo. As these were made two and a half centuries... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryMedieval HistoryIndonesian HistoryMedieval Studies
Primera traducción completa en español de la "Vida de San Luis" del senescal de Champaña Jean de Joinville (c. 1225-1317), una de las obras más famosas, interesantes y atractivas de toda la Edad Media. Esta biografía del rey Luis IX de... more
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      CrusadesMamluk StudiesAutobiographyBiography
Published online 4 March 2024: (ed. Adam Izdebski and Johannes Preiser-Kapeller, Brill 2024, 570 pp.) How did humans and the environment impact each other in the medieval Eastern Mediterranean? How... more
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      HistoryPalaeoclimatologyEgyptologyHistorical Anthropology
L’histoire de Masr al Gadîda, l’Héliopolis d’Égypte, remonte à la nuit des temps. Sa situation géographique et son histoire en ont fait un lieu de passage et de rencontres culturelles multiples depuis l’Antiquité. À l’époque pharaonique,... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionModern EgyptAncient Egyptian CosmologyAncient Egyptian Architecture
After the conquest of Islam, scholars argue for a ‘crisis of the Coptic identity’. With a major focus on the Mamluks’ period, they propagate that the Mamluks imposed strict restrictions upon Copts which turned them into a marginalized... more
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      Ayyubid historyPierre BourdieuMamluk HistoryMuslim-Christian Relation
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      Jewish StudiesMiddle East HistoryJewish HistoryEgypt
This study scrutinizes the meaning and use of “Copt” and “Coptic” in the Middle Ages, when three interrelated—yet distinct and, at times, contradictory—“sets” of definitions circulated among Christians and Muslims. The first set comes... more
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      Arab Christian StudiesCoptic StudiesArabic-Speaking Orthodox Christianitymedieval history of Egypt
This study analyses the original waqf documents belonging to Qijmās al-Isḥāqī, an amir who lived in late Mamluk Egypt and Syria, from three perspectives: first, the types of assets possessed or endowed by Qijmās and the creation of these... more
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      DocumentationIslamic PhilosophyLand tenureMamluk Studies
Abstract – Historians of medieval Islamic society have not paid the same attention to night activities as a topic for social history, as specialists of the medieval west have. Examining cases and narrative sources in Cairo and Damascus,... more
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      HistoryNear Eastern StudiesMedieval HistoryMiddle East Studies
Before the First Crusade, the maritime cities of Italy imported precious objects from Islamic regions. The question of what they exported in return has long occupied historians. Due to the large economic disparity between Latin Italy and... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistorySlaveryMediterranean
Partindo de uma leitura da "História do Patriarcado Copta de Alexandria", crônica oficial desta instituição, este trabalho tem por objetivo reconstituir, de forma sinóptica, o funcionamento econômico da Igreja Copta nos estágios iniciais... more
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      Coptic StudiesMuslim-Christian RelationCoptic HistoryMuslim-Christian Relations
The Nile flood remained a potent phenomenon in the lives of Medieval Egyptians just as it had in the pharaonic era. On its success depended the harvest; navigation and the mercantile economy; state revenues; and the very stability of... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyEgyptian ArchaeologyEgyptian History
Resumen: En este artículo se estudia la relación entre la intertextualidad y la definición de maravillas en el Itinerarium Symonis Semeonis: el relato de la peregrinación a Tierra Santa del franciscano irlandés Symon Semeonis entre 1323 y... more
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      IntertextualityItineraries (Medieval History)Medieval Travel Accountsmedieval history of Egypt
Obadiah was a philosophically-inclined convert to Judaism from Islam who wrote to Maimonides with a sensitive set of questions that embraced Jewish identity, theology, comparative religion, and social and religious practice. Maimonides... more
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      Jewish LawReligious ConversionJewish-Muslim RelationsJewish Ethics, Maimonides
В статье исследуется свидетельство айюбидского чиновника Абӯ ‛Усмāна ан-Нāбулусӣ аc.-C.афадӣ аш-Шафи‛ӣ (1192–1261) в книге “История Файйума и его округов” (“Китāб тāрӣx̆ ал-Файйӯм ва билāдиха”) относительно населения Файйума. Автор статьи... more
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      Islamic ArchaeologyEgyptian Archaeologymedieval history of Egypt
Em algum momento da segunda metade do século VII ou do início do século VIII, Agatão, padre e monge, deixou seus mestres espirituais no Mosteiro de São Macário de Sceté para, seguindo o exemplo de São Simeão, o Estilita, passar o resto de... more
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      HagiographyCoptic StudiesMuslim-Christian RelationCoptic History
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      Gender and the LawMedieval Jewish HistoryMedieval Islamic HistoryCairo Genizah
This essay examines S. D. Goitein's tendency to find strong women in Geniza documents. I situate this predilection at the intersection of three separate currents. The first is the growing interest in women's history in the late 1960s and... more
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      Jewish StudiesWomen's StudiesJewish HistoryMiddle Eastern Studies
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      HistoryNorth Africa StudiesMediterranean StudiesEgypt
Introduction to the special Issue of the Journal ORIENT on Women and Family in Mamluk and Early-Ottoman Egypt, Syria, and Hijaz
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      Women's HistoryGender HistoryMamluk StudiesMedieval Islam
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      Economic HistoryBusiness HistoryTaxationFatimids
This is a description and assessment of the career of al-Ṣāḥib b. Shukr (548-622/1153-1225), the most important vizier of Ayyūbid Egypt. Born in the Delta, and raised in an influential family, he studied to become a jurist. After serving... more
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      Ayyubid historymedieval history of EgyptFifth CrusadeVizierate (Islamic)
Taking into consideration the absence of information about this kind of punishment (crucifying) in the period discussed , we can assume that the dominating reason for choosing this punishment was the very fact of uprising and robbery... more
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      Middle East StudiesMamluk Studiesmedieval history of Egypt
The Mamluk period is the key period in the Islamic history of Egypt. It is peculiar due to the Turks domination in the political sphere. The scholars define its chronological frames from 1250 to 1517 [2, c. 271]. The first date is related... more
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      Middle East HistoryMamluk Studiesmedieval history of Egypt
Edition of a bilingual Greek-Arabic protocol and two entagia related to compulsory service. The first of these is an Arabic-Greek demand note issued by the chancery of the Egyptian governor ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz son of Marwān. The second one was... more
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      Greek PapyrologyMedieval Islamic HistoryArabic Papyrologymedieval history of Egypt
Islamic authorities in Cairo were closely linked to the rule of appointment of the head of the Ethiopian church by the patriarch of Alexandria. These relations enjoyed an unprecedented regularity under the reign of the Solomonic kings and... more
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      Mamluk StudiesJewish-Christian-Muslim relations in the Middle Agesmedieval history of EgyptEthiopian History
Petitions from the Cairo Geniza often emphasize that the petitioner is lonely or "cut off" (munqaṭiʿ) from social support. Such claims are gendered, as they are more common in women's petitions than in men's, and women occasionally use... more
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      Medieval WomenSocial HistoryMedieval Islamic HistoryCairo Genizah
and by an Urbach fellowship from the Jewish Memorial Foundation. 2 At the same time, the present chapter is constricted to a narrow aspect of law as a way of organizing social relationships. Therefore, realms of Jewish law (halakhah) such... more
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      Legal CultureCairo Genizahmedieval history of EgyptHistory of Halakha and Jewish Law
No tempo do governo eclesiástico do Papa Simão de Alexandria (689-701), um "sacerdote do povo das Índias" apresentou-se em sua corte pedindo que lhe ordenasse um bispo para sua comunidade de origem. O fato de o patriarca estar submetido... more
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      ChristianityMedieval LiteratureHistory of ChristianityMedieval Studies
In collaboration with Efraim Lev. This article discusses the phenomenon of dynasties of Jewish physicians in the Late Middle Ages in Egypt and Syria. Based on Muslim Arabic historiographical literature on the one hand, and Jewish sources... more
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      Mamluk StudiesReligious ConversionMedieval SyriaSocial History of Medicine
Study of the environment of the central Fayyum--an area largely undocumented in the papyri--through medieval Arabic sources.
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      EgyptologyPapyrologyEnvironmental HistoryIrrigation
This article looks at the connection between intertextuality and the definition of mirabilia (wonders) in the Itinerarium Symonis Semeonis, a work that recounts the pilgrimage to the Holy Land made by the Irish Franciscan Symon Semeonis... more
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      IntertextualityItineraries (Medieval History)Medieval Travel Accountsmedieval history of Egypt
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    • medieval history of Egypt
É um relativo consenso entre os especialistas que o período de governo fatímida do Egito (969-1171), foi, com a exceção de curtos intervalos, provavelmente o mais tranquilo e próspero para os judeus e cristãos desde a conquista islâmica... more
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      Medieval HistoryMiddle East StudiesMiddle East & North AfricaMiddle East History
De 734 a 741 AD, al-Qasim ibn Ubaydallâh governou o Egito, então uma parte do califado omíada. Durante este período, manteve uma política ao mesmo tempo de proximidade e de agressividade para com os cristãos coptas, caracterizada pela... more
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      HagiographyHistoriographyHistory and MemoryPolitical Violence and Terrorism
During the period 1252-1300 AD there was a significant growth in the number of the amirs corpus in the Mamluk state in Egypt. This trend had become apparent before al-Mansur Qalawun’s ascent to power and only strengthened during the reign... more
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      Mamluk StudiesMamluk Historymedieval history of Egypt
De 677 a 686, o papa João III governou a Igreja Copta; tratou-se de um período em que se ajustava um modus vivendi entre os árabes muçulmanos, que haviam entrado como conquistadores no Egito pouco antes, e os cristãos autóctones,... more
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      History of ChristianityCoptic StudiesUmayyads (Islamic History)Coptic History
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      History of Sciencemedieval history of Egypt
Edition of an Arabic safe-conduct for an inhabitant of a monastery
in the Memphite nome, probably the monastery of Apa Jeremias at
Saqqara, from AD 729.
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      PapyrologyEarly Islamic HistoryArabic Papyrologymedieval history of Egypt
History is evident time people have fought for their country's heritage and also rights. Many dictators have come with hunger for power. Globally, including western world has been involved in overthrowing these dictators but it has... more
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      EgyptologyMiddle East StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesDictatorships
Publié dans Der Islam, n° 98-2, 2021, p. 575-579.
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      FatimidsMedieval MediterraneanRed Seamedieval history of Egypt