internationalisation of SMEs

91 papers
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The internationalisation of SMEs refers to the process by which small and medium-sized enterprises expand their operations and market presence beyond domestic borders, engaging in international trade, investment, and collaboration to enhance competitiveness and growth in the global marketplace.
This paper provides a bibliometric study of the V4 countries' small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) research patterns and knowledge networks. Using data (n=3383) from the Web of Science and Scopus databases between 1990 and 2023,... more
I distretti industriali italiani sono entita socio-territoriali caratterizzate da una forte eterogeneita, dovuta alla differente composizione, localizzazione, specializzazione produttiva (Core-business) e numerosita delle aziende in esso... more
Per effettuare importazioni ed esportazioni è necessario allegare la licenza e la fattura commerciale: i dazi e le altre imposte vengono calcolate sul valore della fattura commerciale; nella gran parte dei casi si applica la fattura pro... more
India, diritto commerciale, fiscale e doganale Enclosures: 1) Query sheet 2) Article proofs Queries are marked in the margins of the proofs, and you can also click the hyperlinks below.
Girişimcilik konusunda ülkelerin aynı performansı gösterilmemesine sosyal bilimciler kültürün neden olduğunu kabul etmektedir. Sosyal bilimciler, toplumlarda hâkim olan değer ve zihniyet ölçüleri olarak kültürel unsurların, belirli... more
The extant literature stresses that having foreign market presence is imperative for most firms these days. However, how firms conceive of which foreign markets to enter, the entry mode to take and the resource commitments to make are not... more
Objective: In this article we raise questions related to the influence of the international market for educational institutions. The aspect that we cover in our research is examining the issue of the impact of language on networks and the... more
This study aims to explore the importance of export barriers and to achieve this by comparing different industry types and firm sizes. We performed a cross-sectional study of 529 Portuguese export firms drawn from the database held by a... more
Questa guida sull’internazionalizzazione nasce con l’intento di fornire una traccia ai professionisti, ai consulenti, ai manager e agli imprenditori che desiderano informarsi sui processi, le pratiche e le normative per poter affrontare... more
The main goal of this research is to study the impact of uncertainty on export performance, from a resource-based perspective. Despite the ample research on how economies behave during periods of high uncertainty, there is still a poor... more
All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, or stored in a data base or retrieval system, without the prior written... more
SME internationalisation is growing apace, signifying the global importance of SMEs to local and global economies. A key form of SME internationalisation is export. This article provides an empirical basis to understand how institutional... more
Global competition requires usage of local and global research and innovation networks; transfer of innovative ability to new products, services and processes. Large scale companies have the ability to cope with the dynamics of the fierce... more
Kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk şirketlerin öz-çıkarlarının ve yasal zorunlulukların ötesine geçerek kendi istekleriyle toplumsal fayda üreten faaliyetlerde bulunmalarıdır. Halkla ilişkiler alanını hem uygulamada güçlendiren hem de kuramsal... more
This study examined the relationship between the expectation and perception of service quality by small and medium practices (SMPs) towards the performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This study utilized the... more
Purpose Success in export ventures has been linked to managerial capabilities. The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of exporting motivators on managerial perceptions of UK manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises... more
Purpose A global reach in exporting has been linked to profitability. The purpose of this paper is to answer the influence of EU regulations on exporting decisions of UK manufacturing small- and medium-sized firms (SMEs) by investigating... more
ilinde faaliyet gösteren 386 adet KOBI üzerinde dış kaynaktan temin edilen krediler ve bunların işletmede yarattığı sorunlar ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Yapılan çalışmanın sonuçlarını şu çerçevede özetleyebiliriz. İşletmelerin büyük... more
Influence of the lack of a standard definition of "family business" on research into their international strategies☆ European Research on Management and Business Economics (ERMBE)
Nasuh Ekinci the chairman of Burdur Association of Natural Stone and Miners  -BURDOĞTAŞ - reports ‘Burdur Association of Natural Stone and Miners  (BURDOĞTAŞ), planning to make the first project of International Competitiveness... more
We expand the conceptualization of psychic distance and use a multilevel framework by studying it as a founder's psychic distance in the pre-entry phase of entering a specific foreign market, and the SMEs (firm) psychic distance in the... more
This paper contributes theoretical understanding to the learning processes adopted by firms for successful internationalization. Drawing from the internationalization process and organizational learning research, our longitudinal case... more
This study aims to find out how useful managers' past general and export experience is in predicting whether young manufacturing firms become fast internationalizers. Extant literature about the role of managerial experience in... more
The main objective of this paper is to investigate the relationships between exporting success and variables that affect the economic and financial structure. For a set of 242 Small and Medium-Sized Estonian firms, we will analyze how... more
Purpose Success in export ventures has been linked to managerial capabilities. The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of exporting motivators on managerial perceptions of UK manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises... more
In this conceptual paper, we employ business model configuration theoretical lenses to explore how firms can re-internationalise. We put forward a multilevel and multi-context framework to further theoretical, practical and policy... more
Міністерство освіти і науки України Поліський національний університет Кафедра бухгалтерського обліку, оподаткування та аудиту Житомирське обласне об'єднання громадської організації "Спілка економістів України'' Житомирське товариство... more
Basel III criterias regulating banks capital qualifications and aiming to eliminate capital risks and the regulations of Turkish Commercial Code (TTK) which is implemented recently will openly create an effect on the financial problems of... more
In the research paper historical inquiry will be conducted in order to trace the roots of family dynasty resources in the Late Empire Russia. To be precise, one successful, Russian origin, merchant and industrial family that made its... more
This paper demonstrates the export behaviour of firms as a nonlinear dynamic behaviour which shows both 'continuity' and 'discontinuity' in their export engagements depending on their market diversification. Likewise, this behaviour is... more
El satisfactorio desempeño de las organizaciones puede deberse a varios factores, entrelos que se encuentra el capital intelectual, que ha cobrado especial relevancia debido a que los bienes intangibles generan más valor que incluso los... more
The paper aims to outline the causes that affected a rare earth metal producer Molycorp Silmet's internationalization based on case study evidence. Moreover, based on statistical analysis, it aims to study how its internationalization and... more
Organizations today have a diversity of applications available to support the management of customerrelationships, namely electronic-customer relationship management (eCRM) applications. Despite thegrowing need of understanding eCRM in... more
There is increasing recognition that the internationalisation of family-firms is becoming an important area of research. Despite the growth of this research area, studies of the internationalisation of family-firms remains limited.... more
The ongoing economic impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic upon national and international economies has provided a novel set of challenges and barriers for organisations; particularly for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This has... more
There has been a long-standing view within entrepreneurship studies signalling the underperformance of females in entrepreneurship when compared to male counterparts. Despite an increase in the volume of works drawing attention to women’s... more
Organizations today have a diversity of applications available to support the management of customerrelationships, namely electronic-customer relationship management (eCRM) applications. Despite thegrowing need of understanding eCRM in... more
Селіванова Н.М., Кірсанова В.В. Облік і документування відпускних та забезпечення виплат відпусток: організаційнометодичний аспект. Науково-методична стаття. У статті розглянуто основні види відпусток та їх тривалість, послідовність... more
There is increasing recognition that the internationalisation of family-firms is becoming an important area of research. Despite the growth of this research area, studies of the internationalisation of family-firms remains limited.... more
Family-owned businesses contribute to the economy globally but the extent to which family businesses contribute to the global economy continues to be difficult to quantify accurately. This is because of the private nature of family-owned... more