falsafah dan pemikiran politik sayyid Qutb
Recent papers in falsafah dan pemikiran politik sayyid Qutb
Seminar Pemikiran Politik Islam
The Azraq family — a descendant of a Vefai sheikh named Sayyid Hasan Azraq, who came from Damascus and moved to Mardin in the period of Artuk Bey — was patronized by the Artukids, the Akkoyunlu State and the Ottomans just as the other... more
Nāṣir-i Khusraw (d. 481/1088), the renowned Ismāʿīlī philosopher, poet, travel writer, and missionary (dāʿī), took on the formidable challenge of showing the essential harmony between philosophy and Ismāʿīlī doctrine in his Jāmiʿ... more
Whereas Western scholars of al-Ghazali of the 19th and early 20th centuries demonized him as an enemy of philosophy trying to destroy it, Muslim modernists in India (Sayyid Ahmad Khan and Shibli Nu'mani) had a very different understanding... more
2 described Hirsi Ali's work as a falsification of the emancipatory function often attributed to autobiographical writing, offering instead 'a reinforcement of the dominant order through the "authentic" voice of the victim.' 3 Due to the... more
sekilas tentang Sayyid Quthb sang Inspirator
John Calvert's Sayyid Qutb and The Origins of Radical Islamism is an ambitious investigation into the life and thoughts of Sayyid Qutb at a distance from al-Qaedism and similar radical Islamism. The book is a contextualized approach to... more
The Somali-born Islam critic Ayaan Hirsi Ali has been one of the world’s most influential voices in present debates on the role of Islam in Western societies. Particular to Hirsi Ali’s role as a public figure is that her political views... more