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Purpose – Purpose of current study is to explore, impact of workplace environment i.e Physical Environmental Factors and Behavioral Environmental Factors on employee productivity (EP) through mediating role of employee health (EH).... more
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      BusinessEmployee engagementBusiness and management educationemployee research
Employee engagement recently has become a hot topic among the consulting firms and in the business press. The purpose of this study was to study and create further understanding of employee’s engagement levels and how to stimulate it to... more
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      BusinessMathematicsEmployee engagementemployee research
Purpose: The objective of this research study is to study the impact level of employee communication on employee engagement level and its association with employee engagement; and to study relationship between demographic variables,... more
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      BusinessEmployee engagementSocial Science Research Networkemployee research
The purpose of this qualitative study was to gain managerial and employee insights on the impact of flexible working arrangements (FWAs) on employee performance. Ethical clearance for this study was received from the Gordon Institute of... more
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      BusinessEmployee engagementEmployee PerformanceFlexible working arrangements
Purpose: The study empirically analyzes the moderating role of government support policy on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation, technology orientation and performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in northeast... more
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      PsychologyEmployee MotivationPakistanEmployee engagement
Numerous factors have been considered as the factors influencing employee performance in organization. Some of these factors includes, organizational culture, job satisfaction, employee commitment, emotional intelligence, personality,... more
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      BusinessHuman Resource ManagementEmployee engagementSocial Science Research Network
Employee is a key element of the organization. The success or failure of the organization depends on employee performance. Therefore, organizations are investing huge amount of money on employee development. This paper analyzes the... more
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      BusinessHuman Resource ManagementEmployee engagementHuman Resources
The statement claiming that the raised employees' engagement level will eventually help increase the employees' well-being and work performance has not previously vastly tested, specifically within faculty members of higher educational... more
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      PerformanceEmployee engagementEmployee Performanceemployee research
This article is based on the private firms which working in Multan city, Pakistan. In this article all we studied and analyzed all aspects of the employee motivation importance especially in private firms. In Pakistan many employees who... more
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      BusinessPsychologyEmployee MotivationEmployee engagement
This research aims to analyze and look for empirical evidence of the influence of organizational transformation on job satisfaction, the influence of organizational culture on job satisfaction, the influence of employee engagement on job... more
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      PsychologyJob SatisfactionTransformational LeadershipEmployee engagement
This study aimed to investigate the relationship between person-organization value fit and employee engagement, as well as to develop a new scale for measuring organizational engagement. We considered person-organization fit with a degree... more
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      PsychologyValuesEmployee engagementSocial Science Research Network