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      HinduismComparative ReligionIslamic StudiesProphets
This hymn is often misused to claim some kind of geographical order of the rivers mentioned. This translation demonstrates that the said claim is false.
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      PhilologyReligionHinduismComparative Religion
A fresh and original translation from Sanskrit of the dashrajnya hymn (hymn 7.18 of Rig Veda) describing this defining battle between Aryan king Sudas and his Aryan as well as non-Aryan foes. The decisive battle led to the uprooting of... more
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      Ramayanaearly Hinduism
The paper explores the topic of Indian horse sacrifice in Indo-European context. A comparative study draws parallels, similarities and common heritage of other similar rituals in ancient and medieval Europe.
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      Comparative ReligionIndian studiesVedic RitualIndoeuropean Studies
associated with P ar sva and Go s ala, whereas Vardham ana's practices and teachings focused more on monasticism, asceticism, and morality. Balcerowicz also devotes an extensive discussion to the early rock-cut caves of the Bar ab ar and... more
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      BuddhismHinduismJainismInter-religious Dialogue
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      Hinduismearly Hinduism
This thesis studies the evolution of Balarama in Vaisnavism through comparative analysis of Balarama stories from selected Hindu puranas: the Harivam[dotbelow]sa (HV), the Visnu purana (Vi.pu), the Brahma purana (Br.pu), and the Bhagavata... more
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      HinduismVaishnavismHindu Mythologyearly Hinduism