classical Japanese poetry

167 papers
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Classical Japanese poetry refers to the traditional forms of poetry in Japan, primarily from the Heian period (794-1185) to the Edo period (1603-1868), characterized by specific structures such as waka and haiku, and often exploring themes of nature, love, and the human experience, while employing rich imagery and emotional depth.
Les « filles de pierre » shinü 石女 sont des personnages faisant de fréquentes apparitions dans les romans et pièces de théâtre des Ming et des Qing. Femmes au vagin obturé voire même absent, elles sont parfois rapprochées des... more
Уважаемые коллеги! Несколько лет назад на базе Кафедры истории государства и права Уральского гос. юридического университета группа российских японоведов начала работу над большим проектом по изучению... more
Уважаемые коллеги! Несколько лет назад на базе Кафедры истории государства и права Уральского гос. юридического университета группа российских японоведов начала работу над большим проектом по изучению... more
In the year Ten'ei 2 (1111) in what was then the capital of Japan, Fujiwara no Tadamichi turned fifteen and in Confucius' words it was time “to put his mind to study.” Scholarship meant not only the study but also the active... more
In this interview, Tawara Machi (1962) discusses poetics, new media, and the viewpoints of younger generations. She examines how contemporary technologies and forms of communication shape poetic expression and resonate with youth,... more
This is an article in Hebrew written by Shirah M. Cohen and myself about the indirect translations of Japanese poem by Lea Goldberg. It includes the original poems in Japanese and the translations used by Goldberg, mostly in German.
Kyō (madness or eccentricity) has been a notable aesthetic paradigm in Japanese literature since the medieval period, but the concept of kyō has never been monolithic. In fact, the term in existing Japanese texts represents highly diverse... more
Problem statement: Researchers describe periodic musical structures as square antecedent-consequent, which forms a large part of musical works. In such structures, longer pauses exist at the end of the antecedent and consequent. Shorter... more
This article considers both the possibilities and limits of 'gender' for our analyses of medieval Japanese texts. It does so on the grounds that the conceptual category of gender and woman, body and agency, closely associated with... more
Quello che colpisce nel bel volume che raccoglie le fotografie scattate da Maurizio Cianciarelli i è soprattutto la connessione che il fotografo romano mantiene con il pensiero classico giapponese. Questa relazione non dipende tanto... more
Materiał zawiera: 1. artykuł na temat japońskiej poezji buddyjskiej, a w szczególności wierszy w formie bussokusekika, czyli „pieśni o kamieniu ze śladami stóp buddy”, a także dōka, czyli „pieśni drogi” i zbioru Ninjutsu dōka, czyli... more
Yōsōki (Records about a Creepy Monk, 1902) is a lesser-known short story of Izumi Kyōka, one of the most popular writers of the Meiji period. Kyōka, known for his fantastic, pictorial and folksy stories, belonged to the renowned literary... more
Miyazawa's poem, well-known in Japan, is an early example of Japanese Modernism. It reverses the usual sociolectic roles of optimistic Spring and the negatively-marked Buddhist deity Shura in order to paint a negative picture of farming... more
This paper is inspired by Prof. Tzvetana Kristeva’s monumental study on the poetic image of tears, Namida no shigaku: Ōchō bungaku ni okeru shiteki gengo (The Poetics of Tears: Poetic Language in the Literature of the Heian Court), and is... more
This article aims to analyze five poems from the first chapters of the book Izumi Shikibu nikki (1008 b.C.), which are intertwined among themselves through the implicit or explicit presence of hototogisu, the bird that symbolizes summer... more
This paper (in Polish) presents available evidence of Hellenistic epigram books and discusses the character of the poetic anthologies, i.e. poetry books of that period. Two major documents discussed in the article are the "Milan Papyrus"... more
The purpose of this article is to analyze the selection and organization of poetic material of two medieval poetic collections, Shinsanjurokkasen and Koyasan Kongozanmai-in tanzaku, created respectively in the middle of the 13th and the... more
This paper is inspired by Prof. Tzvetana Kristeva's (2001b) monumental study on the poetic image of tears, Namida no shigaku: Ōchō bungaku ni okeru shiteki gengo (The Poetics of Tears: Poetic Language in the Literature of the Heian... more
The article analyzes the rules for recording poems on kaishi sheets of paper by poets during or for the poetic events. The main source of the study is the recording of a poetic collection Shokukokinshū kyōen waka (1266) composed of poems... more
The purpose of this article is to analyze the selection and organization of poetic material of two medieval poetic collections, Shinsanjurokkasen and Koyasan Kongozanmai-in tanzaku, created respectively in the middle of the 13th and the... more
The Ise monogatari (The Ise Stories, aka Tales of Ise, tenth cen.) is the oldest continuously illustrated secular narrative in Japanese history. The present article explores to what extent, and how, contemporary manga artists engage with... more
Godzilla, known as a hero in Japanese monster films and a global icon in popular culture, is associated with the conflict of representation between the Japanese national identity and the Western understanding of this Japanese monster. As... more
ウジェーヌ・ドラクロワ『アルジェの女たち』(1834)は、オリエントのハーレムの女性を画材にしたオダリスク絵画の代表的名画であり、以降のオリエンタリズム絵画、裸婦像に多大な影響を及ぼした。しかし、1830... more
Celem badawczym artykułu jest przedstawienie Ise monogatari (Opowieści z Ise) –najwybitniejszego dzieła należącego do podgatunku opowieści dworskich zwanego uta monogatari (proza liryczna). Na tle innych typów opowieści dworskich (ōchō... more
This paper examines the place of tea in Chinese poetry by looking at a sample of representative tea poems from some of China's greatest poets.
Text představuje oblast tzv. písní hraničářů (sakimori no uta) obsažených ve významné básnické antologii Man’jóšú z 8. století. Autorka nastiňuje historický kontext problematiky hraničářů ve vztahu k regionu severního Kjúšú, dále uvádí... more
Jippensha Ikku’s Tōkaidōchū hizakurige is a roman fleuve published be-tween the second year of Kyōwa (1802) and the sixth of Bunka (1809). Origi-nally the author’s intention was to end the novel with the first edition, de-scribing a... more
This article examines the connections between author, oeuvre, and institutions as reflected in the discourse of intellectual ownership from the late twelfth to the early sixteenth century. I address the issue by reconstructing the... more
An essay on the works of the Spanish playwright Alberto Conejero, accompanying the publication of his drama "La piedra oscura".
From ancient times to the Warring States period Toyotomi Hideyoshi fondling the hand of his favorite, Ishida Mitsunari. 1 1 Mashiba Hisayoshi(真柴久吉) was the name used by kabuki theatrical convention for the character Hashiba... more
Japońska farsa kyōgen kształtowała się w ścisłym związku z teatrem nō i początkowo była formą w dużym stopniu improwizowaną; później teksty sztuk zaczęto ustalać i spisywać w ich pełnym brzmieniu. Artykuł przedstawia język sztuk kyōgen,... more
Man'yōshū 万葉集 (MYS; Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves, 759-785)-the first extant collection of waka 和歌, or Japanese court poetry-has been researched by many generations of Japanese literature scholars in and outside Japan. Various experts... more
The aim of this paper 1 is to inquire into the significance of mudan-Paeonia suffruticosa Andrewsabove the mere botanic information. The adventurers and plant-hunters grasped little of it in the time they tried to acquire the plant in... more
L'oiseau poème s'irradie Dans l'alvéole Qui déplie le ciel (p 172) Le haïboun (ou haïbun) est une forme littéraire japonaise qui conjugue prose et poésie. Plus précisément, le récitatif anecdotique en prose y est interrompu par des poèmes... more
Dreams and Ghosts is the title of a book published in 1897 by Andrew Lang. Andrew Lang's title provides in itself an ideal summary of this article, the first one in a series devoted to the theme of necromancy in pre-modern and modern... more
Pendant la période de Nara, la divinité associée au port de Suminoe, dans la baie de Naniwa, a joué un rôle important comme protectrice de la navigation. Cette étude présente une mise en regard des poèmes 19-4245 et 6-1020 du Man.yô-shû,... more
Le Man.yô-shû, compilé dans la première moitié du 8ème siècle, est l’un des plus anciens recueils de poésie japonaise qui nous soit parvenu. Dans cette étude, nous nous intéressons spécifiquement aux poèmes composés à l’occasion d’un... more
In this article I discuss the presence of a poetic work created in the Heian period within an environment as different as the jesuit missions in Japan at the end of Civil Wars Period. Based on previous studies on the subject and... more
En el presente trabajo titulado Cómo traducir una obra de literatura clásica japonesa al español: Aproximación a la traducción del Kagerō nikki 蜻蛉日記, se ha apostado por una combinación de los estudios de traducción y literatura japonesa,... more