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In this chapter, both zooarchaeological and historical evidence are used to explore variation in patterns of consumption among different sectors of medieval English society (ca. A.D. 1066-1520). While in the early part of the period the... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyZooarcheology
Atti del convegno (cavallino, 26-27 gennaio 2012) a cura di liliana giardino e gianluca tagliamonte Bari 2013 2 Bibliotheca Archaeologica Collana di archeologia diretta da Giuliano Volpe 32 e s t r a t t o archeologia dei luoghi e delle... more
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      ArchaeozoologyAnimal Sacrifice (Anthropology)ZooarcheologyMessapians
Inhalt Michael rinD Vorwort ………………………………………………………………………………… V StePhan Berke unD torSten Mattern Römische Gräber augusteischer und tiberischer Zeit im Westen des Imperiums -Eine Einleitung ………………………………………………………………………… 1 SanDra aMMann unD... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyRoman HistoryDeath Studies
The paper introduces two new rock art sites from the Dakhla region in Egypt's Western Desert showing representations of Barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia) being hunted by dogs. Together with another site discovered a few years ago in the... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyZooarchaeologyEgyptian Art and Archaeology
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary History
En este artículo se tocan los puntos centrales en el origen del perro, el animal doméstico más antiguo conocido. Desde el tiempo de origen, hasta los cambios en su morfología, comportamiento y metabolismo, el perro ha pasado por... more
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      ArchaeologyAncient DNA ResearchArqueologíaAnimal domestication
Mastaba AS 104 is located above the Wadi Abusiri, to the south-east of the tomb of Kaaper (AS 1). It was preserved almost to the height of the former roofing, hence almost completely. The whole structure was built on a platform with a... more
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      EgyptologyEgyptian ArchaeologyBronze Age ArchaeologyPalaeoanthropology
Desde la década de 1980, el campo de la Zooarqueología fue adquiriendo un notable crecimiento, que se manifiesta en la diversidad de líneas de investigación desarrolladas y en el número creciente de investigadores, becarios y estudiantes... more
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      ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyFish Remains (Zooarchaeology)Taphonomy
Les techniques utilisées par les Romains et les peuples romanisés pour préparer les animaux de boucherie peuvent être déduites de sources variées, mais fragmentaires : basreliefs, outils, épigraphie et littérature; ces sources sont... more
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      ArchaeologyArcheozoologyZooarcheologyRoman Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyFish Remains (Zooarchaeology)ZooarcheologyLate Woodland and Mississippian societies
The Old World farming system arose in the semi-arid Mediterranean environments of southwest Asia. Pioneer farmers settling the interior of the Balkans by the early sixth millennium BC were among the first to introduce southwest... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropologyZooarchaeology
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyRitual
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyEgyptologyZooarchaeology
This paper aims to highlight developments in archaeological knowledge relating to dog remains found in deposits from Late Prehistoric contexts at sites along the Iberian Peninsula. Preliminary results from ongoing osteometric and 2D... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyGeometric MorphometricsArchaeozoology
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      ArchaeobotanyBurial CustomsJerusalem ArchaeologyZooarcheology
L'archéozoologie développe actuellement des interprétations de plus en plus précises et complexes qui séduisent par l'ampleur des discours et la facilité d'application des méthodes et des données. elles s'appuient sur des évidences en... more
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The authors present a remarkable site with a remarkable interpretation: a structured platform of dugong bones, containing skulls laid in parallel and ribs in sets, together with artefacts of the Neolithic period. They propose that the... more
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      Organizational BehaviorArchitectural EngineeringReligionSumerian Religion
The study of faunal remains from archaeological sites is based on qualitative and quantitative data that contribute to our understanding of the consumption of animal protein, environment, and lifestyle often goes beyond understanding... more
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      ZooarcheologyShell Mounds
The research is carried out within a historical-archaeological framework, conceived as the study of the worldwide modernization process after the European expansion. The archaeological site Alero Tala Huasi, occupied since pre-Hispanic... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyColonialismResistance (Social)Ground Stone Technology
Consumo di carne e macellai nel Medioevo costituiscono i temi su cui studiosi di matrice diversa si sono confrontati smantellando alcuni cliché (sporcizia delle città, carne alimento per pochi, barbarie dei macellai) illustrando per... more
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      Spanish HistoryArcheologia medievaleStoria medievaleArqueología medieval
Una rara testimonianza di rito di soglia da un santuario nuragico di Sardegna in età romana. An ancient ritual of passage probably dedicated to Janus, guardian of the entrances and protector of every beginning and every end, which was... more
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      ReligionHistoryArchaeologyThreshold concepts
Se presenta el estudio de la fauna recuperada en el tholos de Montelirio, perteneciente al yacimiento calcolítico de Valencina-Castilleja de Guzmán (Sevilla). La fauna pertenece a depósitos calcolíticos y a depósitos alterados en época... more
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      ZooarchaeologySocial zooarchaeologyRitual ZooarchaeologyFunerary Zooarchaeology
Cynophagy is well documented from the archaeological record in different regions worldwide. Despite a subsistence economy mainly centred on marine resources complemented with land mammals (either wild or domesticated), the coastal... more
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      Archaeology of OmanArchaeological dogsZooarcheology
In this paper, we describe a GIS-based methodology for estimating the minimum number of skeletal elements (MNE) and other archaeozoological measures, such as cut mark distribution and density. As a case study, we present a preliminary... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologySpatial AnalysisPalaeolithic Archaeology
En este trabajo se discute el rol de los moluscos fluviales en la subsistencia de los grupos cazadores-recolectores del tramo final de la cuenca del río Paraná, especialmente de Diplodon (Rhipidodonta) variabilis. Se analiza su... more
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      ZooarchaeologyArchaeomalacologyStable Isotope AnalysisStable Isotopes
Torre Velha 12 is located in Serpa (Beja) and was excavated and directed by two of the authors (LB and SG), during an emergency intervention within the Alqueva Project. This site is characterized by negative structures filled with pottery... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyBronze AgeZooarcheology
The Burgstraat is an archaeological site which is located within the high-medieval part of the town of Ghent. Excavations conducted by BAAC Vlaanderen in 2011 revealed numerous structures, artefacts and ecofacts at the site - some of... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyUrban archaeologyZooarcheologyCattle
An excavation in Heeten (municipality of Raalte) revealed settlement traces from the late second to the fourth or fifth century AD. The animal and plant remains gave cause to study not only the economic aspects of the settlement, but... more
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      ArchaeobotanyRitualArchaeology of Ritual and MagicArcheozoology
Mastaba AS 104 is located above the Wadi Abusiri, to the south-east of the tomb of Kaaper (AS 1). It was preserved almost to the height of the former roofing, hence almost completely. The whole structure was built on a platform with a... more
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      EgyptologyEgyptian ArchaeologyBronze Age ArchaeologyPalaeoanthropology
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      Medieval PotteryMedieval EconomyEarly Medieval EconomyZooarcheology
This paper presents the results of an analysis of fish remains from the pre-Hispanic coastal settlement of Xcambó, Yucatan, Mexico dating from the Early to Late Classical period (350-750 AD). This is one of the first ichthyoarchaeological... more
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      Coastal and Island ArchaeologyMaya ArchaeologyIchthyoarchaeologyZooarcheology
Dos áreas de montaña delimitan Aragón como región natural e histórica: el Pirineo y el Sistema Ibérico. La posición geográfica de ambos conjuntos montañosos determina las características físicas de clima, relieve, fauna y vegetación del... more
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      Cultural HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesSocial and Cultural Anthropology
In ons land wordt al sinds ongeveer 5500 voor Christus aarde-werk gemaakt. In eerste instantie werd het vooral gebruikt om voedsel te bewaren, te bereiden of als eetgerei. Ook werd aarde-werk meegegeven aan de doden of diende het om hun... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval PotteryChurch ArchaeologySettlement archaeology
The Magdalenian of the Cantabrian region is a well-known archaeological period with many sites contributing to the understanding of the economic and social organization dating ca. 14,800 cal BCE. Nevertheless, concerning the faunal... more
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      ArchaeologyPaleontologyTaphonomyUpper Paleolithic
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      Landscape ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyZooarcheology
This paper introduces some of the invaluable aspects of, and new perspectives arising in, the field of zooarchaeology. Studying archaeological animal remains provides clear evidence of past human diet, but the contributions zooarchaeology... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary History
This study uses faunal and epigraphic evidence from the valley of Cabrera de Mar in present-day Catalonia (Spain) as proxies for understanding complex processes and dynamics of cultural change between the late Iron Age and early Roman... more
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      ArchaeologyArchaeozoologyCultural changeLenguages
En este trabajo se presenta un ejemplar de concha de molusco marino recuperado como parte de un depósito funerario de época altoimperial. El elemento procede de una tumba excavada en la ciudad de Mérida (España). El análisis taxonómico... more
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      MalacologyZooarcheologyMalacologiaArqueología, Historia Antigua, Antigüedad Tardía, Roma, Hispania, Mundo Ibérico
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      Human EcologyArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyHuman Evolution
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      ZooarchaeologyMethodologyTaphonomyAnimal Bones
El jaciment protohistòric de Sant Jaume – Mas d’en Serrà (Alcanar, Montsià) ha proporcionat un conjunt de restes òssies d’origen animal que denoten una explotació dels recursos tant aquàtics com terrestres. Els elements faunístics que... more
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      ZooarchaeologyFish Remains (Zooarchaeology)Mediterranean prehistoryIron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)
Riassunto -Il presente lavoro esamina i resti archeozoologici provenienti dall'area dell'anfi teatro e dal cosiddett o criptoportico della citt adina di Alife, nell'alto casertano. I due insiemi faunistici coprono un arco cronologico che... more
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      Late Roman ArchaeologyArcheologiaCampanian ArchaeologyRoman food and drink
The vertebrate fauna from Sector I of Perdigões (Ditchs 3 and 4 and pits) This paper presents the results of the faunal analysis of Sector I from Perdigões. The assemblage consists of 4987 fragments of bones and teeth, extended over... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyArchaeozoologyIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)
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      ArchaeozoologyAncient RomeZooarcheologyGiacomo Boni
En este trabajo se presenta una revisión de los materiales obtenidos en el sitio La Yeguada, excavado por Boretto y Bernal en la segunda mitad del siglo pasado. El sitio se ubica en la margen izquierda del río Uruguay (República Oriental... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Tecnología LíticaZooarcheology
Can Sadurní cave is, at the moment, one of the earliest sites where Neolithic occupations in the Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula can be traced (5470‑5300 cal BC). The integrated study of the faunal and archaeobotanical remains, the... more
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      ZooarchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic Transition
Excavations near Orosháza (SE Hungary) included a site over 300 Arpad Period (10th-13th c.) settlement features. One of them contained a set of manufactured bones with a late 12th c. silver denarius. Some bones showed saw marks and knife... more
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      ZooarchaeologyArchaeozoologyMedieval ArchaeologyOrnament (Archaeology)
n dieser Arbeit wurden zwei kleine Tierknochenkomplexe aus der Schicht Troia VI untersucht. Es wird analysiert, ob die gefundenen Tierarten mit vorherigen Publikationen zu den Tierknochen in Troia VI zusammenpassen. Der erste Teil der... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyBone BiologyZooarcheologyArcheology
The Pena d’Água Rock-shelter (Torres Novas, Portugal) was excavated in 1992–2000, revealing a long stratigraphic and cultural sequence including Middle Neolithic occupations. A preliminary study on its fauna was published by Valente... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyMediterranean prehistory