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La tesi presenta inizialmente il pensiero di Jacques Derrida sull'animalità. Il tema affrontato è la sovranità dell'uomo sul resto dei viventi, in particolare nei riguardi della discriminazione dell'animalità. Nei capitoli a seguire si... more
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      PhilosophyOntologyPhilosophy Of LanguageEpistemology
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      Violence (Anthropology)Cultural AnthropologyLucretiusZooanthropology
Le società animali presentano un’incredibile molteplicità di articolazioni sistemiche e strutturali, tese a regolare le dinamiche interattive, comunicative, affiliative che si vengono a creare e che inevitabilmente richiedono predicati... more
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      EthologyAltruismCognitive EthologyZooanthropology
Social media is a powerful tool for sharing information and awareness campaigns concerning environmental issues, especially as they pertain to the conservation of wild, nonhuman animals (henceforth, "animals"). This form of online... more
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      SociologyHuman-Animal RelationsHuman-Animal RelationshipsHuman-Animal Studies
Recensione del libro "Alterità. L'identità come relazione" di Roberto Marchesini
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      PosthumanismIdentity (Culture)Transhumanism/PosthumanismZooanthropology
Cosa accomuna due oggetti culturali come il racconto della trasformazione dei pirati in delfini del III libro delle Metamorfosi di Ovidio e Origin, la serie di immagini in movimento dell'artista visuale contemporaneo Daniel Lee? E,... more
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      Ancient HistoryCultural StudiesAnthropologyClassics
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      ZooanthropologyZooantropologiaIl CaneAntropozoologia
In questo elaborato, partendo dall’analisi della caccia, uno degli innumerevoli aspetti che rispecchiano il dominio dell’uomo sulla natura, sarà esaminato il rapporto tra uomo e animale che dall’età preistorica si è evoluto fino ai giorni... more
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      AnthropologyAnimal ScienceAnimal StudiesGiorgio Agamben
This text analyzes US sheepdog culture through the lens of American pastoralism, taking its cue from the obvious connection between pastoralism and shepherds, but also locating features of the American pastoral- in particular the tension... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesAmerican StudiesPastoralism (Social Anthropology)
Lo studio dell'interazione uomo-animale ha una lunga storia alle spalle, soprattutto in Nord America ed in alcuni Paesi europei dove, già a partire dalla metà degli anni sessanta, si iniziava a comprendere la sua importanza sia sotto... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryGender Studies
Lei parla a più riprese di «amore per zoe» e della necessità di andare oltre i confini di specie. Quindi, se intendiamo bene, dovremmo guardare alla "specie" come a una sorta di costrutto artificiale? Dobbiamo sottoporre la "specie" alla... more
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      PhilosophyPosthumanismCritical Animal StudiesHuman-Animal Studies
1) L'argomento principe della discussione postumanista riguarda senza dubbio il termine "alterità non umana", potremmo persino dire che in esso tale filosofia cerca una sua coordinata di riferimento e lo fa allargando il profilo del... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryGender Studies
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      HistoryAnthropologyClassicsGreek Tragedy
The ontology of animality, starting from Derrida's writings, determines the reconsideration of the human being and his ontological condition within an environment (Umwelt) in which the anthropocentric point of view has hitherto been... more
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      PhilosophyOntologyPhilosophy Of LanguageEpistemology
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      Witchcraft, Religion and MagicZooanthropologyAnimal Iconography, Allegory, MetaphorAnimal Metaphor
Agnese Viola È il 1873 quando nel Corso di geologia del professore Antonio Stoppani appare il termine era antropozoica: si tratta di uno dei primi casi documentati in cui viene formalizzata l'idea dell'attività umana in quanto forza... more
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      Identity and AlterityAnthropoceneAntropocentrismoFrançois Jullien
L'aquila di Aristotele. Avventure simboliche dell'haliáetos nel mondo romano* 0. Le avventure cui allude il titolo del mio intervento, e che vorrei qui succintamente ricostruire, hanno come protagonista l'aquila marina, o haliáetos, un... more
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      AristotlePliny the ElderZooanthropologyAncient Zoology
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      EthologyPosthumanismAnimal StudiesCritical Posthumanism
Taken in the most literal way, the word "posthumanism" can have two alternative meanings: "after humanism" or "after human beings." Those who write about posthumanism as an intellectual movement often seem to conflate the two. The latter... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryGender Studies
В статье исследуется отношение к домашним животным в низовых сообществах России - в крестьянской среде, а также у некоторых городских групп населения, преимущественно в XVIII-XIX вв. Источниками служат, главным образом, мемуары, а также... more
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      Cultural StudiesRussian StudiesRussian LiteratureHuman-Animal Relations
L'ibridazione poteva essere vista, dagli autori e dai pensatori antichi, in termini di speciazione? E la nascita di nuove specie e la mutazione di quelle esistenti era vista in termini di evoluzione?
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureAristotleHistory of Science
In this lecture, Roberto Marchesini will discuss topics such as human identity, our relationship with other animals and the environment, by channeling the vibrant Italian traditions of humanism, materialism, and speculative philosophy.... more
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      EthologyAnthrozoologyCognitive EthologyHuman-Animal Relationships
Cuadrado Payeras, Lidia María. "Prefazione: Parola." In Abbecedario del postumanismo, edited by Elisa Baioni, Lidia María Cuadrado Payeras and Manuela Macelloni, editors. Abbecedario del postumanismo. Mimesis, 2021, pp, 13-20. BUY A... more
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      PosthumanismAnimal StudiesCritical Animal StudiesCritical Posthumanism
Within his Nylotic excursus of NQ Book IVa, Seneca describes a spectacular fight between crocodiles and dolphins. What is the real meaning of the author’s anthropomorphic cut of the account? What kind of ‘zoo-poetic’ profile is at work... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceLatin LiteratureHuman-Animal Relations
Referential communication occurs when a sender elaborates its gestures to direct the attention of a recipient to its role in pursuit of the desired goal, e.g. by pointing or showing an object, thereby informing the recipient what it... more
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      Human-Animal RelationsAnimal BehaviorIntentionalityAnimal Cognition
This interview ranges across a number of topics relevant to Roberto Marchesini’s thought: the history and philosophy of ethology and entomology; zooanthropology and animal culture; philosophical ethology and philosophical anthropology;... more
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      PosthumanismAnimal StudiesEvolution and Human BehaviorZooanthropology
L'ultimo libro di Roberto Marchesini -Post-human. Verso nuovi modelli di esistenza, Boringhieri, Torino 2002, pp. 577 -un volume che, per l'ampia articolazione, la molteplicità dei riferimenti e la densità concettuale non mancherà di... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryGender Studies
The authors present a remarkable site with a remarkable interpretation: a structured platform of dugong bones, containing skulls laid in parallel and ribs in sets, together with artefacts of the Neolithic period. They propose that the... more
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      Organizational BehaviorArchitectural EngineeringReligionSumerian Religion
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      ZooarchaeologyAnimal StudiesAnimals in CultureHuman-Animal Studies
Un girovagare rapsodico e inquieto. Sarà come seguire il volo di un calabrone (Vespa crabro), il percorso che compiremo nelle prossime pagine cercando di tracciare il ruolo che gli animali nonumani ricoprono nell’esperienza letteraria di... more
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      PosthumanismCritical Animal StudiesAnthrozoologyCritical Posthumanism
Quando osserviamo gli animali, spesso ci dimentichiamo che siamo a nostra volta oggetto del loro sguardo e della loro curiosità. È proprio l’analisi di questa reciprocità di relazioni a essere il cardine dell’etologia filosofica di... more
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      EthologyPosthumanismVinciane DespretZooanthropology
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      Animal StudiesZooanthropologyAncient Greek MythologyMonsters and the Monstrous
Recent, non-anthropocentric explorations of the interaction between human and non-human animals have resulted in many groundbreaking studies. In this 'animal turn', zooarchaeology, which deals with and has access to the material traces of... more
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      ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyHuman-Animal RelationsAnimal Studies
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    • Zooanthropology
L'ibridazione poteva essere vista, dagli autori e dai pensatori antichi, in termini di speciazione? E la nascita di nuove specie e la mutazione di quelle esistenti era vista in termini di evoluzione?
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureAristotleHistory of Science
Recensione del libro di Roberto Marchesini "Etologia filosofica. Alla ricerca della soggettività animale."
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      PosthumanismAnimal StudiesDefinitions of HumanityHuman-Animal Studies
Starting from current areas of research in the field of developmental theories, the aim of this work is to analyse parent-child interactions within a primary triad and to consider co-parenting couple and their children as an interactive... more
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      ZooanthropologyCoparentingYoung OffendersNew Forms of Family
In the middle of his Nylotic excursus, Seneca describes a strange fight between crocodiles and dolphins. What is the real meaning of the author's anthropomorphic cut of the account?
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      ZoologyEthologyClassicsLatin Literature
We hypothesized that in an open environment, horses cope with a series of challenges in their interactions with human beings. If the horse is not physically constrained and is free to move in a small enclosure, it has additional options... more
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      Equine BehaviorZooanthropologyEquine Cognition
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      AnthropologyBiological AnthropologySocial AnthropologyAnthrozoology
Social media has become a powerful tool for spreading information and awareness campaigns on environmental issues, especially as they pertain to the conservation of wild animals. It is a double-edged sword, however, since it also... more
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Quando il cibo ha un'anima. Implicazioni antropologiche del mangiar animali E A, F C Introduzione Preferiamo trasformare in bistecche, pasticci, grigliate, spiedini e salsicce degli esseri che potrebbero farci... more
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      AnthropologyPosthumanismAnimal EthicsCritical Animal Studies
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      AnthropologyPosthumanismAnimal StudiesCritical Animal Studies
On the origin of Catalan PIGA 'freckle' in the Latin bird name PICA 'magpie - jaw'. [Included in Studia in honorem Joan Coromines, centesimi anni post eum natum gratia, a sodalibus et discipulis oblata, Lleida 2007, 421-428. ISBN... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)OrnithologySemanticsMetaphor
Cuadrado Payeras, Lidia María. "Eugenetica." In Abbecedario del postumanismo, edited by Elisa Baioni, Lidia María Cuadrado Payeras and Manuela Macelloni, editors. Abbecedario del postumanismo. Mimesis, 2021, pp. 186-189. BUY A... more
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      PosthumanismCritical Animal StudiesCritical PosthumanismTranshumanism/Posthumanism
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      Cultural AnthropologyHuman-Animal StudiesZooanthropologyPhilosophy and Sociology of Human/animal Relations
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      AnthropologyBorder StudiesInvasive SpeciesHuman-Animal Studies
The considerable influx of tourists in parks and rescue centers represents a promising opportunity to investigate the relationship between public and non-human primates. The present study was carried out in the free-roaming sanctuary,... more
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The reflection about animal subjectivity – namely the difference between an object or a machine, on the one hand, and a nonhuman animal, on the other – demands an ontological inquiry in its broader philosophical sense. Classical ethology... more
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      Human-Animal RelationsAnthrozoologyZooanthropologyEtology