Prospective studies on overuse injuries and their impact on athletic training among youth team sports are scarce. The purpose of this study was to investigate the incidence, severity and player related risk factors of overuse injuries... more
Questions of modeling of preparation young gymnast are considered In monographs. The Analysis of the models, presented in work, enabled to get new information on speaker motor and functional preparedness young gymnast, about length of the... more
Problems surrounding parental involvement in youth sport have received much attention in the international academic community. Most of the focus has surrounded the frequency and nature of parental verbal behaviour such as criticism,... more
Adopting an integrated achievement goal (Nicholls, J. G. (1989). The competitive ethos and democratic education. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.) and self-determination theory (Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2000). The... more
Following developments in educational discourse more broadly, learning discourses in youth sport have been shaped by outcome-based and instrumental goals of developing useful life-skills for ‘successful’ lives. There is, however, a need... more
Background: COVID-19 continues to represent the single biggest challenge to contemporary community sport globally. Compliance with social distancing policies, strict return-to-play protocols, and COVID-19 specific training has, perhaps,... more
Special Admission contradicts the national belief that college sports provide upward mobility opportunities. Kirsten Hextrum documents how white middle-class youth become overrepresented on college teams. Her institutional ethnography of... more
In contemporary sport, it is common to see children initiating their specialization at ever younger ages with the hope that this early start will assist them in making the elite ranks at a later age. The growing acceptance of early sport... more
Thoughts on US Soccer As someone who is a fan of the world's game, and works in the industry as well, it was undoubtedly difficult to watch the World Cup competition last year without seeing the USA a part of it. America's failure to earn... more
An emerging area of research has focused on understanding how the group dynamics of a sport team influence positive youth development (PYD). The identities that youth form through their membership in sport teams (i.e., social identities)... more
Youth have very high participation and injury rates in sport. Sport is the leading cause of injury in youth. Sport injury reduces future participation in physical activity which adversely affects future health. Sport injury may lead to... more
Sport presents an opportunity for young people to experience the joys of success and cope with setbacks to develop resilient behaviours. However, there is a lack of clarity about how sport can cultivate resilience, particularly within a... more
RESUMO O propósito deste estudo, dividido em duas partes, foi desenvolver um método para medir a técnica de remo indoor nos jovens. No primeiro estudo, 39 participantes completaram um programa de remo onde a técnica foi medida pré e pós... more
Talent identification and selection in soccer is typically based on subjective evaluations of experienced coaches. Recently, there has been a trend to complement these subjective assessments with objective tests. However, there is... more
Researchers argue that sport must be deliberately structured to teach life skills. The purpose of this study was to examine differences in program quality and positive developmental outcomes across three youth programming contexts... more
The participation of children and young people in sport has been a perennial concern; despite claimed benefits, many sports have witnessed waning levels of participation. This is true of golf, with reports of dwindling numbers of juniors... more
An overview of peer-reviewed research on the physical impact of training on adolescents. Topics covered include: pros and cons of early specialization; growth, maturation, and selection; effects on bone density; risks of intensive... more
Objectives This study aimed to gain an in-depth understanding of overuse injuries in rhythmic gymnastics from a psychosocial perspective. More specifically, it examined how sport culture impacts overuse injuries. Design To develop an... more
Sport and physical activities offer a sensitive environment where the values of humanity, human rights, empathy and fair play come to the fore. However, at the same time the competition nature of sport and the interest of winning at any... more
Knightly Weaponry Play - the Manual of Fencing and Archery for German Scouting This is an instructional manual for the basic, fun, and clever wielding by youth of longsword, single stick, bow & arrow, and crossbow & bolt. Published in... more
The purpose of the study was to conduct a qualitative investigation into what factors affect middle distance runners in the transition from junior to senior athletics. The secondary purpose was to investigate how the nature of the... more
The lack of physical activity is an epidemic problem among American youth today. In order to combat this, many schools are incorporating youth running programs as a part of their comprehensive school physical activity programs. These... more
The learner's guide reflects the tendencies of modernization of educational space and the adoption of the Third Generation Federal State Education Standard of the Higher Professional Education. The system concept of the youth healthy life... more
Developmentally Appropriate' is one of those phrases, isn't it? It is a phrase that is simultaneously compelling and artfully vague. 'Child-centred' is another; 'Individualised' and 'personalised', too. Their power lies partly in the fact... more
Sport talent identification and development (TI and TD) in youth continues to attract strong interest among coaches, sport scientists and sport administrators. TI for sport in youth with the anticipation of future elite level sport... more
Introduction Dropping out of sports in adolescence represents a risk factor for the development of adolescents, but also a problem for the sports community in the form of a limited selection of players for senior competitions and national... more
An important characteristic and intensifying trend in the twenty-first century within Western sporting cultures is an increase in the range and diversity of sports practices, particularly more informal and individualistic activities. A... more
In this article I present an analysis of how traditionally run competitive, organized team sports reproduce multiple socionegative effects for youth who play them. After explicating how the structure and culture of traditionally run... more
Trabalho apresentado no seminário "Competências e Formação do Treinador".
[ENGLISH FOLLOW] La pratique sportive comme moyen pour contribuer au développement d’un individu est la pierre d’assise de ce projet de recherche. Découlant d’une hausse d’intérêt envers la pratique sportive organisée et encadrée... more
Research suggests participation in youth sport does not guarantee physical activity (PA) guidelines are met. Studies indicate few children achieve recommended levels of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) during their youth... more
Youth sports-related injuries represent a major public health challenge, and overuse injuries, which result from repetitive microtrauma and insufficient rest, are a particular and growing concern. Overuse injuries are increasingly... more
Although evidence supports the effectiveness of interpersonal Coach Development Programmes (CDPs), which are designed to foster coach-athlete relationships, an intervention's impact is shaped by numerous factors over and above... more
Recent media coverage and peer-reviewed research has called attention to Canadian minor hockey, highlighting problematic parent behaviours. The purpose of this study was to explore negative parental behaviour in Canadian minor hockey... more
The social identities formed through membership on extracurricular activity groups may contribute to the frequency with which youth engage in prosocial and antisocial behavior. However, researchers have yet to disentangle the individual-... more
There is mounting evidence that sports participation benefits children and young people. These benefits include improved physical health, enhanced self-esteem and self-efficacy, more effective life and social skills and better grades at... more
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of parents of elite specializing stage youth footballers. Design: A descriptive phenomenological approach guided the study design. Methods: Data from interviews with... more
Soccer is considered as the vehicle for developing everyday life skills such as the coordinative abilities which are required in everyday life. This ability enables the control of motor actions. An important component of coordinative... more
Involvement in organized sport can be highly demanding for young athletes who encounter many difficult situations and stressors. This can be exacerbated among youth athletes who have been recruited into talent-identification youth sport... more
A problemática da competição para crianças e jovens é um tema bastante explorado na literatura e que se mantém vivo na sua expressão prática. Neste trabalho, tenho por objetivo analisar uma competição de basquetebol, no escalão de Sub-14... more
It has been suggested that sport is increasingly becoming a ‘no-touch zone’ as some coaches, driven by a desire for self-protection, restrict their use of physical contact with (child) athletes in the belief that this reduces their risk... more
Youth have very high participation and injury rates in sport. Sport is the leading cause of injury in youth. Sport injury reduces future participation in physical activity which adversely affects future health. Sport injury may lead to... more
To provide an evidence-based review of muscle metabolism changes with sex-, age- and maturation with reference to the development of youth sport performance. A narrative review of data from both invasive and non-invasive studies, from... more