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The paper examines the nexus among the concepts of democracy, globalisation and technology, arguably the three most interdependent notions affecting the way and speed in which global dynamics and diplomatic practises were transformed. It... more
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      International RelationsTechnologyGlobalizationYouth Studies
Greta Thunberg’s influential activism was a by-product of not only direct personal factors, but also indirect cultural factors. Urging to spark a catalyst for significant climate action, autistic 16-year-old Greta Thunberg has been... more
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      Environmental EducationClimate ChangeEnvironmental StudiesYouth Political Participation
Debates over the status, value and challenges civil societies face in both democratic and non-democratic systems emphasise the idea of civil society as a crucial site for the development and pursuit of basic liberal values such as... more
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      Youth Civic EngagementYouth Political ParticipationCivil Society
تستعرض المقال ملامح الاهتمام الرئاسي في مصر بفئة الشباب، وأبرز المبادرات التي تبنتها أجهزة الدولة، وأفرزها المناخ العام المصاحب لها، مع محاولة تقييم مدى فعاليتها، وتقديم مقترحات بشأن الآليات، والخطوات اللازمة في الفترة القادمة لتفعيل تلك... more
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      Youth StudiesPoliticsYouth WorkMiddle Eastern Politics
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      East Asian StudiesYouth Political ParticipationSouth Korean politics
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Political elections have been shown to influence youth civic development. The election of Donald Trump is historic and has elevated precarity for people of color and immigrants, yet we know little about how young people with these... more
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      Youth StudiesPositive Youth DevelopmentYouth Civic EngagementYouth Political Participation
Lëvizja Rinia për Integrim – LRI është forumi rinor i LSI (Lëvizja Socialiste për Integrim). Është një nga tre organizatat më të mëdha politike rinore në vend. Për më tepër, është rasti i vetëm midis forumeve rinore shqiptare që ka dalë... more
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      Youth Civic EngagementYouth Political ParticipationAlbanian Politics
This article argues that the Ethiopian revolution was a generational achievement. Hence, its legacy and lasting social effects can be best examined through a sociologi- cal lens that highlights the intergenerational relations between the... more
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      African StudiesYouth StudiesRevolutionsEthiopia
This article is based on ethnographic work with two ‘‘crews’’ of young graffiti artists in southern Mexico City. The crews share certain characteristics with gangs or urban tribes, but more with ‘‘communities of practice’’: they live in... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesYouth StudiesEducation and Youth Exclusion
What are the European Youth Goals and how do they relate to the EU Youth Strategy? Do they embody the principles of solidarity? Can they contribute to solidarity in the youth field at a national and European level and if yes, how? This... more
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      Human RightsEquality and DiversityEuropean UnionStrategy Implementation
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      Social ChangeHealth PromotionSocial epidemiologyPolitical Behavior
This article examines how involvement in high school journalism contributes to socialization into citizenship and, most crucially, to the development of a collective sensibility. Recent work by W Lance Bennett (2008), Zukin and his... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesCommunicationMedia Studies
jesuitas, y de todas las universidades en general.
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      Social ChangeSocial MovementsPolitical AnthropologyPolitical Science
Por meio da compreensão do ativismo de fãs como uma forma de resistência cotidiana cultural, econômica e criativa, o objetivo deste capítulo busca problematizar as relações entre participação, resistência e consumo de fãs do jogo on-line... more
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      Game TheoryGame studiesPolitical ParticipationPolitical Theory
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      Social MovementsYouth StudiesSocial MovementRevolutions
This report investigates young Palestinians' views of their economic and political situation and their interest in and level of engagement in politics with reference to two momentous political events in 2011: the Arab Spring and the... more
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      PalestineYouth Political ParticipationYouth
One of the most important political transitions to occur in South Asia in recent decades was the ouster of Nepal's monarchy in 2006 and the institution of a democratic secular republic in 2008. Based on extensive ethnographic research... more
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      Youth StudiesDemocratic TheorySouth Asian StudiesPost-conflict Reconstruction and Development
La evolución de la participación y el uso de medios de los jóvenes chilenos han podido ser medidos a través de la encuesta “Jóvenes, participación y consumo de medios”, un proyecto que a partir de 2009 ha estudiado anualmente estas... more
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      CommunicationPoliticsPolitical communicationSocial Media
"Youth” is an important key word for political awakening during crises. During Perestroika, the leaders of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union tried to win over young people in order to gain support for reforms. But it lost complete... more
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      Social MovementsRussian StudiesYouth StudiesSoviet History
Il volume considera il modo in cui i giovani si posizionano all’interno delle diverse sfere sociali – dal genere alle relazioni intergenerazionali, dal lavoro ai consumi, dalla partecipazione nella sfera pubblica al rapporto con le... more
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      Youth StudiesYouth CultureYouth Civic EngagementYouth Political Participation
This paper introduces the Special Collection ‘Youth, the Kenyan state and a politics of contestation'. It focuses on youth and the heterogenous ways this social category responds to inordinate state action. Specifically, we foreground the... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesAnthropologyDevelopment Studies
Youth politics in contemporary Latin America diverge from those of previous generations. Increasingly decoupled from parties, unions, and the state, young people glide seamlessly across previously assumed boundaries: culture and politics,... more
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      SociologyLatin American StudiesYouth StudiesLatin American politics
Talking politics online is not exclusively reserved for those spaces dedicated to politics, particularly the everyday political talk crucial to the public sphere. However, past net-based public sphere research has focused mostly on... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesPolitical Participation
This paper shows the increasing trend of Spanish young people towards non-conventional mechanisms of political expression, in a crisis context which has reduced its reliance on traditional political actors. As an alternative to... more
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      Political ParticipationStructural Equation ModelingElectionsYouth Political Participation
Social networking sites (SNS) currently boast more than half a billion active users worldwide, the majority of which are young people. With notable exceptions, few studies have ventured into the growing political realm that exists on... more
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      Social MediaYouth Political Participation
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      Political SociologySocial MovementsYouth StudiesSocial Movement
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      Political ParticipationYouth Political Participation
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      Youth Political ParticipationChilean University Students MovementsYouth Movement
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      Youth Civic EngagementYouth Political ParticipationParticipación ciudadanaJóvenes
It is a common theme in the literature on voter turnout that advanced Western democracies have entered a period of political disengagement and that it is young people, in particular, that participate less. In this paper, I analyse data... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyComparative PoliticsPolitical Participation
Young people’s participation is an urgent policy and practice concern, across countries and contexts. This book showcases original research evidence and analysis to consider how, under what conditions and for what purposes young people... more
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      Youth StudiesCommunity Engagement & ParticipationYouth CultureYouth Civic Engagement
How do young people in Europe perceive politics? How do they engage in the political realm? Which groups of young people are actively involved? And which learning environments and opportunity structures can foster participation? In this... more
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      Youth Political ParticipationSociology of Youth
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      New MediaPolitical ParticipationPolitical communicationSocial Media
van de Velde (2021). Trois portraits de la colère chez les jeunes adultes. In: Tom Chevalier & Patricia Loncle (dir.). Une génération sacrifiée ?. Collection Vie des idées. Paris :
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      Political ParticipationYouth StudiesAngerEmotions And Political Theory
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      Young PeopleYouth Political Participation
After more than 5 months of research and work, this is my dissertation for the Master's of Public Policy at the Hertie School of Governance. The text explores how popular music can be a catalyst for political participation, especially... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicologyPolitical ParticipationCultural Policy
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      HistoryCultural HistorySociologyCultural Studies
The Council of Europe promotes and protects human rights, democracy and the rule of law. These principles have been cornerstones of European societies and political systems for decades, yet they need to be maintained and fostered, not... more
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      Civic EducationIntercultural EducationHuman Rights EducationEducation for Citizenship
Participation is frequently considered key to any policy response, more often than not with the ambition to orchestrate the comeback of previously established forms of political involvement. At the same time, participation tends to be... more
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      Environmental EducationPolitical ParticipationCommunity Engagement & ParticipationClimate change policy
Ces dernières années, dans le domaine de la participation citoyenne aux politiques de la ville, bon nombre de chercheurs en philosophie politique et en sciences sociales ont plaidé pour un décentrement du discours et de l’argumentation,... more
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      SemioticsSociologyPolitical SociologyPolitical Philosophy
La investigación Prácticas juveniles como expresiones ciudadanas es un proyecto realizado entre el 2007 y 2008 con el apoyo de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá), la Universidad de Manizales, el CINDE y Colciencias, a través de... more
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      Youth StudiesYouth Political ParticipationYouth and citizenshipYouth and Identity
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      Political ParticipationYouth Political Participation
Despite a recent increase in research on its political implications, many questions regarding rap's influence on mass-level participation remain unanswered. Accordingly, we consider the possibility that "imagining a better world"... more
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      Public Opinion (Political Science)Survey ResearchHip-Hop/RapYouth Political Participation
El presente texto presenta los resultados de investigación de Jóvenes Investigadores galardonados por Colciencias y vinculados al Semillero Temático de Investigación en Juventudes. En el texto se abordan temáticas relacionadas a culturas... more
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      Youth Political ParticipationGenerational StudiesYouth and MediaHeavy Metal music and culture
For most of the second half of the twentieth century, Philip Altbach has followed, analysed and theorised student activism in North America, India, Europe and beyond, and become the foremost scholar on the topic. This chapter critically... more
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      Social MovementsHigher EducationStudent EngagementYouth Political Participation
Zeller-Berkman, S., Muñoz-Proto, C. & Torre, M. (2015). A Youth Development Approach to Evaluation: Critical Participatory Action Research. Afterschool Matters, 22, pp. 24-31. Across the U.S., youth development approaches are being... more
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      Program EvaluationYouth StudiesParticipatory Action ResearchAction Research
Scholars have long debated on youth political disengagement; its causes and its solutions. Recent research (Gibson and Cantijoch 2013; Loader et al. 2014; Xenos et al. 2014) has suggested that social media has become a space where new... more
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      British PoliticsSocial MediaIn-depth InterviewsYouth Political Participation
En las democracias modernas existe una preocupación por la creciente falta de interés y participación de los ciudadanos en la actividad cívico-política, y en especial de la juventud. Asimismo, se tiende a pensar que los jóvenes son el... more
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      SociologyCommunicationEducationPolitical Participation