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Children's rights in the digital age This project was undertaken to provide children’s views on digital rights, at the upcoming Day of General Discussion of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. In 2014, 148 children from 16... more
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodHuman RightsDigital MediaYoung People and The Internet
The World Health Organisation defines health promotion as “the processof enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health”. EIIP undertook activities aimed at raising awareness of psychosis and the help available.... more
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      PsychosisYoung people's use of TechnologyMental HealthChildren and Families
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    • Young People and The Internet
To what extent is political participation deepened and enriched by the Internet? Is the Internet more inclusive—especially towards the young—than traditional forms of participation requiring physical contact? Do people learn more by... more
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      Political ParticipationInternet StudiesDeliberative DemocracyICT for Public Participation
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      Information SystemsRhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)SociologyCultural Studies
There is a widespread impression that younger people are less concerned with privacy than older people. For example, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg justified changing default privacy settings to allow everyone to see and search for... more
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      PrivacyFacebookYoung People and The InternetSocial Networking Sites (SNS)
This paper first presents some facts about the cultural background of young Italian people, showing subsequently a selection of the well-established characters of spoken and written juvenile Italian. Then it moves over to discuss the... more
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      SociolinguisticsComputer-Mediated CommunicationSocial MediaYoung People and The Internet
concatenate in sequenze (thread), ordinate in base al loro titolo (subject) 5 . I NG, come già accennato, sono pubblici, e chiunque vi può scrivere, anche in maniera -almeno superficialmente 6 -anonima. Il tempo di risposta a un messaggio... more
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      SociolinguisticsComputer-Mediated CommunicationYoung People and The InternetItalian language
Content in turkish: abstracts in english
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      Political ParticipationSocial SciencesYouth StudiesParticipatory Research
This study examines how social and psychological factors—social capital and communication anxiety interact to shape individuals’ use of social networking sites (SNSs). Using the data from 568 college students in China, regression... more
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      Young People and The InternetSocial Networking Sites (SNS)Psychology of CommunicationOral communication anxiety
The present article intends to analyze the exposure of Romanian children and teens to sexually explicit message and the so-called "sexting" activities they perform in the online environment. The main research topic to which we try to find... more
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      Young People and The InternetChildren and internetPornification Culture, Sexualisation Culture, of Children and Young People, Porn Chic, PornographyInternet and computer crimes
This chapter traces the development of Western-influenced youth subcultures in China, focusing on the hybridized reframing of linglei (“alternative lifestyle”). In the traditional vernacular of Chinese society, linglei refers to “the... more
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      Cultural StudiesSociology Of DevianceAsian StudiesGlobalization
"Os meios de comunicação de informação e comunicação, as novas plataformas, os novos aparelhos digitais e tecnológicos invadiram o quotidiano de milhões de pessoas e as crianças estão incluídas nesse número, cada vez mais recheadas com... more
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      New MediaTelevision StudiesYoung people's use of TechnologyYoung People and The Internet
Teenagers are living in a world where the accessibility of technology is exposing them to great harm and danger. They are growing up in an age where pornography has become mainstream, normalised and glamorised, warping and distorting... more
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      Young people's use of TechnologyYoung People and The InternetYoung PeopleCyber Bullying
The term “revenge porn” has become popular internationally for describing a virtual form of violence: the act of an ex-partner making private sexual images or videos public online. Strictly speaking, so-called revenge porn could victimise... more
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderInternet StudiesGender and Sexuality
In this paper and based on in-depth interviews with young people aged 14-25 years who are active in youth voluntary associations, youth councils, students’ unions, political parties or social movements, a qualitative portrait of young... more
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      HabitusYouth Civic EngagementYoung People and The InternetYouth Political Participation
This paper examines the ways nine teenage Australians—identified as being ‘at risk’ of socialexclusion—–are using online networks to participate in society. The research finds that onlinenetworks provided the participants with valuable... more
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      AustraliaSocial MediaYoung People and The InternetOnline social networks
O termo revenge porn popularizou-se internacionalmente por comunicar uma modalidade virtual de violência: o ato de um ex-parceiro tornar online imagens ou vídeos íntimos com teor sexual públicos online. A rigor, o chamado revenge porn... more
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      Gender StudiesInternet StudiesGender and SexualityGender
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      Criminal LawJuvenile JusticeYoung People and The InternetChildren and Youth
Presentacion del tema 1 - Curso Community manager y Derecho
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      Community DevelopmentSocial MediaYoung People and The InternetRedes sociales
The primary purpose of Youth 2010 research was to create a comprehensive picture of the lives of youth (between 15 and 29) in Slovenia. The study represents a conceptual and methodological continuation of the tradition of youth research... more
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      SociologyMedia SociologyPolitical SociologySociology of Education
Being mainstream places where a variety of online practices converge and are integrated, social network sites have also witnessed the emergence of grassroots and top-down political uses: from candidates’ and parties’ profiles, to... more
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      Participatory CultureSocial HistoryYoung People and The InternetCultural Citizenship
In a variety of ways young people today are represented as a new digital generation, not one that has learnt about technology in their teenage years, but one who has grown up with it. Digital Natives. Undifferentiated in this rhetoric,... more
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      Social TheoryYouth StudiesYoung People and The InternetThe Internet
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      SociologyMedia SociologyPolitical SociologySociology of Education
While there has been a keen interest and much research into why people bully and get bullied could it be that we as a society haven’t yet fully understood the issue? The very best bullying policies and plans are nothing without true role... more
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      BullyingSchool BullyingYoung People and The InternetYoung People
This article is about young people, censorship and pornography. It aims to introduce Media Studies A-level students (aged 16-18) to the issues at stake here, and to provide ideas for discussion and further research: the topic is... more
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      Media EducationSocial MediaMedia Literacy EducationYoung People and The Internet
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      SociologyPsychologyCriminal LawPublishing
Based on a survey that inquires the link between the Internet and young people’s political participation, this study seeks answers to the following research questions: Does the use of the Internet trigger young people’s political... more
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      Human Computer InteractionCommunicationPolitical ParticipationSocial Networks
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      Young people's use of TechnologySocial MediaYoung People and The InternetNew Media, Social Network Analysis, e-research, Link analysis, Social Network Sites, Twitter, Facebook, Political Communication
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      Creative Research MethodsFacebookYoung People and The InternetUsers of Social Media
In recent years, the prosecution of teenagers who use digital and online technology to produce and circulate erotic imagery ('sexts') under child pornography statutes has been the subject of sustained controversy. Debates over sexting... more
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      Criminal LawYouth CultureYoung People and The InternetCyber crime
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      Media SociologyYoung People and The Internet
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      SociologyMedia SociologyPolitical SociologySociology of Education
The article discusses the findings of a qualitative study aimed at investigating the development of new cross-media diets and new practices of media consumption and production among Italian young people (aged 14-24). These practices are... more
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      Media SociologyGeographyMedia and Cultural StudiesArt
As we start to be more dependent on the internet in our everyday lives, how we are constantly depending on the internet. In the next few paragraphs, I will explain how the internet has impacted our environment, education, economy,... more
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      Young People and The InternetThe InternetUnited States EconomyUnited States
The dramatic rise in popularity of online social networking sites has led to new forms of identity performance and interpersonal communication. This article explores the intriguing phenomenon of commemorating the dead through an... more
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      Internet StudiesSocial NetworkingDigital MemoryInternet & Society
Children's risks associated with the Internet and online technologies have been given great emphasis in media discourses across Europe. Perceptions and representations of online risks seem to be socially and culturally shaped, being... more
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    • Young People and The Internet
This article explores the criminalisation and governance of sexting among young people. While the focus is on Australian jurisdictions, the article places debates and anxieties about sexting and young people in a broader analysis around... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesCriminologyCriminal Law
Most state governments in Australia have banned popular online networking sites from public schools after these sites were accused of supporting a broad host of threats to young people. This paper questions the effectiveness of these bans... more
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      EducationInternet StudiesYoung people's use of TechnologyYoung People and The Internet
Over the past decade, a significant amount of attention has been paid to the potential for fans and amateur media producers to publish and distribute their own content online (Jenkins, 2006a; 2006b). The production and distribution of... more
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      Young people's use of TechnologyFan StudiesYoung People and The InternetFan Theory and Culture
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      Political ParticipationInternet StudiesParticipatory DesignLocal Government
Evidence from across the world is telling us that no matter where they are from, more and more children are relying on digital tools, platforms and services to learn, engage, participate, play, innovate, work or socialise. Foreward Some... more
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodHuman RightsDigital MediaYoung People and The Internet
Evidence from across the world is telling us that no matter where they are from, more and more children are relying on digital tools, platforms and services to learn, engage, participate, play, innovate, work or socialise. Foreward Some... more
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodHuman RightsDigital MediaYoung People and The Internet
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      Information TechnologyCriminal LawPublishingYouth Studies
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      Political ParticipationInternet StudiesDeliberative DemocracyICT for Public Participation
Tras el trabajo exploratorio de Jóvenes, Internet y Política (FAD, 2014), esta publicación profundiza en las relaciones que se producen entre las tres variables. El objetivo es explorar hasta qué punto la irrupción de Internet en la... more
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      Social MovementsPolitical PartiesYoung People and The InternetMovimientos sociales
a ciber briefing paper information behaviour of the researcher of the future contents 2 setting the scene 4 what are the aims of this study? 5 how was this study carried out? 6 what is the `google generation'? 7 what is the `digital... more
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      Young People and The InternetGoogle Generation
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      Computer ScienceInformation LiteracyDigital LiteracyYoung People and The Internet
Impacte de la tecnologia en la societat Controvèrsies i resistències al canvi TIC, consumisme i interessos comercials Comunicació digital Adolescents consumistes sota el discurs de la crisi. Adolescents i TIC La construcció de la... more
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      Social SciencesYoung People and The InternetYoung PeopleTICs aplicadas a la Educacion
This project stems from two intersecting strands. The statement, "I can always find out," neatly summarizes the intersection. Not surprisingly, it has two distinct but simultaneous meanings. The first, in which "always" means "every... more
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      Cultural StudiesComputer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducation