Recent papers in Yoruba
This article highlights narratives of enslavement held in the Church Missionary Society and Methodist Missionary Society archives for the Sierra Leone, Yoruba, and Gambia missions in the nineteenth century. Its particular focus is on... more
Este texto transcreve as entrevistas dos babalaôs Ifáiyemí Elebuíbon, de Òsogbo, e Awoyemí Aworeni, Arabá de Ifé, fornecidas ao Jornal Nigerian Compass, publicadas em 23 de Maio de 2009, que tratam da crença iorubá de Àkúdàáyà, o... more
Vivemos num mundo em ruinas, vivemos no limite das condições de existência, vivemos na beira da barbarei e ao mesmo tempo desde sempre somos à beira da floresta. A vida é co-existência, co-evolução e já não podemos nos dar mais o luxo de... more
This paper examines three M-toned and three H-toned elements in Yoruba. On the one hand are the mid-toned mora (MT/-l), the mid-toned ni and the midtoned ti. On the other hand are the H-toned mora (HT/-l), the H-toned nl and the H-toned... more
This is a theme that transcends religions, traditions and ways of life. It is not always easy, as we don't always like or agree with our elders. However, respecting does not have anything to do with liking or loving, as we often hear of... more
Le tambour apíntí du viLLage de tchetti (iFẹ`du bénin) D ans les villes et villages du département des Collines au Bénin, le tambour apíntí (ou abíntí) est notamment joué pour les rituels que rendent les populations Ifẹ̀, Iṣà et Ìdáìṣà,... more
Abstract The article discusses the cult of spiritual dolls which is an integral part of Cuban spiritism. It describes ceremonies of making a Mama Francisca doll, explains its place in the spiritual pantheon, and its connection to... more
The concept of mutual illumination between texts, genres, arts, and disciplines has been used in scholarly work for decades (Weisstein, 1973, 1993). Nevertheless, much of this literature lacks a firm anchor with regard to a literal source... more
Throughout the history of mankind, preference and preservation of one's kin or kind has been evident, an up-close observation of this behaviour birthed such theories as kin selection, social identity theory, realistic group conflict... more
Spiritual Teaching and Revelation from Baba Oduduwa through his Elègún (Medium) about the Yoruba 4 day Week, there are 7 weeks of 4 days in the Lunar Month (7 x 4= 28). and the spiritual use of these cycles.
In this article, I seek to update and deepen the conversation about female same-sex sexuality in Candomble´through description and analysis of the ethnographic data that I have gathered in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil for the past ten years.... more
In her landmark interdisciplinary study of African diaspora religious systems through dance performances, Yvonne Daniel considers three religious systems that rely heavily on dance behavior-Haitian Vodou, Cuban Yoruba (commonly called... more
A B S T R A C T Twinship and Sacred in the Yoruba Traditional Sphere (Benin Republic). A fascinating fact about the Yoruba peoples is that they have the highest twin birthrate world-wide. 45 out of every 1,000 births is a twin... more
Aunque yo, NICOLAS FLAMEL, escribano y vecino de París, en este año de 1399, y residiendo en mi casa de la rue des Ecrivains, cerca de la capilla de St. Jacques de la Boucherie. Aunque -digo-no haya aprendido más que un poco de latín,... more
Yoruba is a race of many tribes united by common descent, history, culture and language. Inhabiting a large area in the Guinea forest region of West Africa that covers some part of the present day Nigeria and Republic of Benin. This group... more
O presente trabalho analisado, descrito e construído por Juana Elbein dos Santos foi condensado em uma síntese dos capítulos do livro que descreve o sistema Nagô, nome dado ao um dos grupos de negros capturados que compartilhavam assim... more
The African Lexis in Jamaican: Its Linguistic and Sociohistorical Significance
The Yoruba diaspora in Central America differed substantially from betterknown examples such as that in Brazil, Cuba, and Trinidad, where Yoruba influence proved particularly strong. Colonial Costa Rica, arguably among the most isolated... more
This paper examines the myths of origin peculiar to the Yoruba race, opening up several seams into the culture and politics of the modern Yoruba nation in South West Nigeria.
PentecoStudies Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 160-177, 2017 Since the 1980s, Pentecostalism has grown immensely in Nigeria. At the same time, witchcraft fears have intensified and stories about flying women, ritual murders and secret cults have... more
Content Questions often display a similar structure to that of focus constructions. A possible reason could be that focus constructions are mostly used in the corresponding answers where the interrogative phrase is replaced by new... more
About the Prophecy of Nostradamus about the Black Pope, that doesn’t refer to a Black Pope, it s about the Spiritual Return of Baba Odùdúwà, the Ancient Yoruba Patriarch, Yoruba Christ, the Highest Soul of Evolution of this Planet. About... more
An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary: With an Index of English Words, King List, and Geographical List with Indexes, List of Hieroglyphic Characters, Coptic and Semitic Alphabets
For years, self-identified witches have demanded the public acknowledgement of witchcraft as “religion” in Nigeria. These political debates are reflected in a long-ongoing scholarly discussion about whether “witchcraft” in Africa should... more
De la clasificación de las artes mágicas hecha por Pedro Ciruelo en su Reprobación de las supersticiones y hechicerías (1538) puede deducirse que la magia tiene estos dos objetivos fundamentales: ampliar la extensión de las zonas de luz... more
Paule Marshall uses a West African cosmology in Praisesong for the Widow (1983) to color the physical and spiritual journey of the protagonist Avatara “Avey” Johnson. This cosmology is visible through the presence of African orishas... more
Nigeria, the most populous country on the continent of Africa, has long been the home for a varied mélange of faiths over the last few centuries of which Christian, Muslim, and indigenous practices are the most dominant. Nigerians,... more
The Ife–Sungbo Archaeological Project explores new perspectives on the history and chronology of the urbanization and socio-political dynamics of the forests of West Africa. It is key to the on-going re-assessment of the chronology of... more
Un viaggio iniziatico attraverso l’antica saggezza degli Oracoli e la loro storia. Dalla geomanzia, ovvero la Grande Madre dell’Astrologia, fino ai misteriosi Orixà della tradizione afro-brasiliana, e il lancio delle conchiglie. Viene... more
Several African languages seem to contain loan words from the ancient Egyptian language. These languages are spoken as far as in the westernmost corner of Africa. How is this possible?
Studies in pre-colonial intergroup relations among communities in ancient Yoruba kingdoms have shown that no people have for once lived alone and can live alone. This simply means that inter-group relations between these kingdoms as in... more
This working paper provides a comprehensive bibliography of historical and ethnographic literature on Christianity in Nigeria, and a brief discussion of some of the gaps that need to be filled in that literature.
Print reference Gilles-Félix Vallier, « Klein, Debra L. – Yorùbá Bàtá Goes Global », Cahiers d’études africaines, 208 | 2012, 1020-1022. Electronical tag, — Online reference Gilles-Félix Vallier, « Klein, Debra L. – Yorùbá Bàtá Goes... more