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The research for this article was prompted by the question: were Yoga and Āyurveda as intimately connected in premodern times as both seem today? It attempts to give a preliminary answer by assessing the shared terminology, theory and... more
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      PhilosophyIndian PhilosophyIndian studiesSouth Asian Studies
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    • Yoga Therapy
The project examined the histories of yoga, ayurveda and rasaśāstra (Indian alchemy and iatrochemistry) from the tenth century to the present, focussing on the disciplines' health, rejuvenation and longevity practices. The goals of the... more
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      History of MedicineYogaYoga PhilosophyYoga Meditation
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      Gestalt TherapyYoga TherapyACUPUNTURA MEDICINA CHINA
Thousands of years ago yoga originated in India, and in present day and age, an alarming awareness was observed in health and natural remedies among people by yoga and pranayama which has been proven an effective method for improving... more
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      YogaYoga MeditationYoga Therapy
This article considers the narrative and context around a particularly well-publicized incident of rejuvenation therapy, advertised as kāyakalpa (body transformation or rejuvenation), from 1938. In this year, the prominent Congress... more
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      RasayanaAyurvedaIndian nationalismImmortality
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      Medical SociologyPsychologyMedical AnthropologySocial Anthropology
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      YogaPolíticas PúblicasYoga TherapyPluralismo Médico/Medicina Integrativa
This essay is written with a dual agenda, the first aspect of which is to demonstrate the influence that martial traditions particular to India have or may have had on the formation of what DeMichelis refers to as Modern Postural Yoga... more
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      Yoga MedicineYoga MeditationMartial ArtsMartial Arts (Anthropology)
Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya (1888 - 1989) is widely acknowledged as the father of Modern Postural Yoga. This paper carefully analyzes one of his few major works, the 1934 Yoga Rahasya, . The book reveals the depth of Krishnamcharya's... more
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      HinduismIndian PhilosophyIndian studiesYoga
Autism is a neuro-developmental disorder characterized by restricted, repetitive activities and impaired social interaction. Its severity varies from individual to individual. Yoga, a mind–body intervention is often used as a... more
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      Yoga MeditationAutism Spectrum DisordersYoga Therapy
Notes on Anatomy & Physiology for Yoga Education compiled and edited by Dr Ananda with assistance of Ramya Pillutla and G Dayanidy at CYTER
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      Anatomy and PhysiologyYoga Therapy
The Haṭhasaṅketacandrikā is a large compendium on yoga composed by Sundaradeva, a Brahmin living in Varanasi in the 18th century. It contains the only premodern description of Śaṅkaprakṣālana, which is quite different to the practice... more
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      HistoryHistory of IndiaSouth Asian StudiesYoga
Entre os anos 2016 e 2018 atuei como professor de Kundalini Yoga na assistência social do município de Pinhais, que fica na região metropolitana de Curitiba. Nesse resumo expandido, apresentei um relato desse trabalho, algumas reflexões e... more
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      Mental HealthYogaYoga MedicineYoga Meditation
Based on Hindu religion, tradition and culture, and supported by ancient (800 B.C.E and on) Sanskrit literature from India, it is generally accepted by those who through their involvement in meditation, yoga, reiki, etc. have acquired a... more
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      YogaYoga TherapyYoga and Anatomy, Yoga and SpiritualityModern Yoga
A THESIS OF COMPILATION OF RESEARCH PAPERS, ARTICLES & WORK DONE Submitted for Doctor of Science (Yoga) (Honoris Causa) By Yogacharya Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani MBBS, MD (AM), ADY, DSM, DPC, PGDFH, PGDY, FIAY, C-IAYT. Yogacharya Dr... more
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      YogaYoga Therapy
C'est par l'Extrème-Orient que notre siecle a (re)dećouvert les arts martiaux, en particulier en ce qui concerne ceux du Japon tels que : Judo, karate, aïkido, kendo, etc.
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      Sociology of SportPsychologySocial PsychologySport Psychology
Foreword The theme is extremely complex and deserves a study in its own right, aimed at the clarification of the relationship between the two paths, identifying both points of contact and divergence, mostly with regard with the final aim.... more
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      HinduismYogaYoga MedicineYoga Philosophy
La mia tesi di fine corso è centrata sui Chakra e sulle posizioni dello Yoga per poter liberare ognuno dei 7 chakra individuati secondo la filosofia tantrica. Ho scelto questo argomento perché credo che nel nostro percorso di praticanti... more
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      Yoga PhilosophyYoga MeditationYoga TherapyHatha Yoga
Introduction - Āsana is an important constituent of Yoga. The impact of Anantasamāpatti, a technique for the practice of āsana prescribed by patañ jali, in the practice of Yogāsana remains to be scientifically assessed. Scientific... more
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      Yoga PhilosophyYoga MeditationYoga TherapyHatha Yoga
While the contemporary world has been heralded as being “post-racial”, we can look all-around to see evidence that this assertion is not only flawed but false. Religion is generally blamed as the key culprit for the escalating conflicts... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionAbrahamic ReligionsChristianity
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    • Yoga Therapy
Review of the mental health benefits of yoga.  A handy reference.
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      Positive PsychologyYogaYoga Therapy
As per UGC and AYUSH guidelines CYTER of SBV celebrated the 5th International Day of Yoga (IDY 2019) with a series of events from 13-21 June 2019. Every year SBV has celebrated IDY with a weeklong series of events both at the campus as... more
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      Health SciencesIntellectual DisabilityYoga TherapySpecial Education Needs and Inclusive Practice
By focusing on Eliade’s early life and writings (1921–1936), and specifically on his work on Yoga, I address in this paper a question that is frequently asked about the problematic relation between personal belief and scholarship in... more
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This study used archival methods to examine the research question: Do meditation and meditative-based practices have an effect on anxiety in the practicing meditator? It also explored the hypothesis that meditative practices work because... more
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      BuddhismBuddhist PhilosophyAnxiety DisordersBuddhist Studies
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologySocial PsychologyDevelopmental Psychology
Today Yoga is very popular and spread all over the world, because of its ability to transform a human person. The Medical Profession is promoting Yoga because of its power to calm the human mind, eliminate stress, keep the body agile with... more
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      Yoga PhilosophyYoga MeditationYoga TherapyYoga Psychology
Draft dal testo: Dall’Uno della Tradizione ai Sistemi Aperti ॥ पातञ्जलयोगसूत्राणि ॥ Patañjali Yogasūtra – Il ‘punto di vista’ Yoga Vol I -Yama e Niyama, i Doveri (astensioni e osservanze) III^ ed. in corso di preparazione A cura di... more
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      HinduismYogaYoga PhilosophyYoga Meditation
Neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) are birth imperfections that cause dysfunction in cognitive and sensory processes and impairment in motor function, communication, and behavior. The major factors responsible for increasing incidence of... more
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      Yoga TherapyNeurodevelopmental Disorders
Reusi Dat Ton (RDT) a little known aspect of traditional Thai culture consists of breathing exercises, self- massage, dynamic exercises, poses, mantras, visualization and meditation. It is the foundation of Traditional Thai Massage and... more
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    • Yoga Therapy
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      Anthropology of the BodyYogaYoga MedicineBiology
Background: Yoga is gaining momentum as a popular and evidence-based integrative healthcare and self-care practice. Demographics of yogis are skewed and several barriers have been implicated (e.g., time, cost, access to teachers, lack of... more
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      Yoga PhilosophyYoga MeditationYoga Therapy
Good sleep is an important indicator and also a requisite of good health. Yoga sūtras discuss the concept of Nidrā. A survey of commentaries of Yoga sūtras reveals elaborate discussions, which are seldom noticed, regarding the concept.... more
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      YogaYoga PhilosophyYoga MeditationSamkhya and Yoga
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      YogaYoga MedicineYoga TherapyHatha Yoga
author tries to convey that the practice and listening of music has many psychosomatic, therapeutic and sociocultural benefits
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      ManagementPsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive Psychology
Background: Yoga is a spiritual therapy originated in India. This therapy is called spiritual because it integrates the mind, body and. Survey of the National Department of Health, United States 2007 said at least 19% of Americans adults... more
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      YogaYoga MedicineYoga MeditationYoga Meditation and Learning
Yoga is a popular adjunct therapy for eating disorders (EDs). A systematic review and synthesis of the yoga literature is needed to guide treatment recommendations and future research. This article provides a review of studies that used... more
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      YogaEating DisordersTreatment OutcomeMeditation
In the realm of the theoretical framework of conflict transformation, the present thesis examines the shifts that yoga practice brings to violent conflict survivors in their thinking as well as lives. The thesis argues that in order to... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesDance/Movement TherapyYogaConflict Transformation
Per l'ascolto del file audio della presentazione: La medicina ayurvedica è un sistema di medicina tradizionale originaria dell'India e i professionisti... more
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      AyurvedaYoga TherapyAlzheimer Dementia
This article explores how patients and their families engage with yoga practice offered at a psychiatric ward of MGMC&RI in the Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth in Pondicherry, India. The material collected during participant observation-based... more
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      PsychiatryAnthropologyMental HealthComplementary and Alternative Medicine
Background: With the current challenge of rapidly aging populations, practices such as yoga may help older adults stay physically active, healthy, and fulfilled. Methods: The impact of an 8-week Iyengar yoga program on the holistic... more
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      Health PromotionYoga MedicineYoga MeditationAging
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      ReligionHinduismNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion
Context: Recent studies provide ample evidence of the benefits of yoga in various chronic disorders. Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by chronic hyperglycemia and Sandler coined the term “Diabetic Lung” for... more
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      Pulmonary ResearchType 2 DiabetesYoga TherapyPulmonary Medicine
Context: Patañjali Yoga Sūtras classify Citta Vṛttis into the Kliṣṭa and Akliṣṭa (Desikachar, 2014, p.16). After this initial mention, there are no further discussions on this 2-fold classification of the Vṛttis in the text. Though Kleśas... more
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      Yoga MeditationSamkhya and YogaYoga TherapyYoga Psychology
Ce mémoire explore le parcours de guérison de pratiquants du Yoga Sivananda dans un contexte de réenchantement du monde. Les répondants ont été recrutés à l'ashram Sivananda de Val-Morin (Québec) qui a été défini comme un territoire... more
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      YogaYoga MedicineHealing processYoga Therapy
This lesson plan was put together for a two week seminar and was part of doctoral work at Prescott College.  Learning outcomes include increased familiarity with yoga as a practice, exposure to literature on yoga as a therapeutic method... more
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      YogaYoga PhilosophyExperiential Learning (Active Learning)Qualitative Research
The present paper is based on a literature review and a pilot study that observed a small group of participants in a biweekly substance abuse treatment program that employs mindfulness training to help subjects avoid relapse into... more
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      Addiction and RecoveryYoga TherapyMindfulness Meditation
La Purificazione in questo lavoro viene considerata sia come śauca (pulizia esteriore e purezza interiore), il primo niyama degli yogasūtra di Patanjali, sia come purificazione (shuddhi), fattore ineliminabile della sādhana, pratica o... more
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      YogaYoga PhilosophyYoga MeditationTraditional Knowledge
Never had yoga been so big and never had it been so empty. Had America robbed it of its soul? - See more at:
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      ReligionCultural StudiesAmerican StudiesPhilosophy