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Reusi Dat Ton (RDT) a little known aspect of traditional Thai culture consists of breathing exercises, self- massage, dynamic exercises, poses, mantras, visualization and meditation. It is the foundation of Traditional Thai Massage and... more
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    • Yoga Therapy
Dr Ananda's presentation in the Mahotsav- 2022 on 28th April webinar organised by MAHER in association with MDNIY, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt of India, New Delhi.
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      SalutogenesisYoga TherapyYoga Psychology
Structure of the Knee The knee is one of the most complex joints in the body. It is highly flexible and yet bears the weight of the body across its surfaces. This combination makes it susceptible to damage and strain making it one of the... more
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      YogaYoga Therapy
Addressing the Yogasūtra योगसूत्र, or 'the point of view' codified in the Patañjali system, is a difficult task. We are faced with an Opera written in a sacred language, to which we approach with due respect. The text is hermetic, as it... more
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      HinduismYogaYoga PhilosophyYoga Meditation
“Human beings do the actions, and the results come according to the law of nature – the Lord has nothing to do with it. So when people are in trouble, they say: “Oh God, what have You done to me? What put this into Your mind?” But the... more
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      HinduismIndian PhilosophyHistory of ReligionTheological Ethics
Yoga implies various things to various individuals. This subject spotlights on a sort of yoga called Hatha yoga. One of the advantages of Hatha yoga is that it can ease pressure and help you unwind. Yoga incorporates breathing,... more
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      Yoga MedicineYoga PhilosophyYoga MeditationYoga Meditation and Learning
Stress is a common condition, a response to a physical threat, psychological distress and mental tension that generates a host of chemical and hormonal reactions in body. In essence, the body prepares to fight or flee, pumping more blood... more
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      DepressionYoga MeditationStressStress Management
Adaptive personal fitness and training classes are becoming more available in society. Incorporating modified classes allows for greater inclusion of individuals with disabilities. Personal fitness classes increase over health, muscle... more
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      Multiple sclerosisYoga TherapyAdaptive Physical EducationYoga Psychology
This study aimed to assess the feasibility of personalized yoga therapy intervention in a private setting and its effect on quality of life (QOL), sleep quality, and symptom relief among patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). A... more
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    • Yoga Therapy
Stress is a common condition, a response to a physical threat or psychological distress, that generates a host of chemical and hormonal reactions in the body. In essence,the body prepares to fight or flee, pumping more blood to the heart... more
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      PsychologyYoga Therapy
Revista Académica sobre Yoga. O número um é composto por quatro artigos: Maṇḍalas e Yantras e as escalas do Universo - Mariana Seabra. O yoga brasileiro: conversando com yogues e cientistas - Roberto Simões. Quem são os praticantes de... more
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      Yoga PhilosophyYoga TherapyHatha YogaModern Yoga Studies
Treating patients with chronic pain often proves difficult for medical professionals. One potential contribution to chronic pain is that upregulation of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) may cause the body to enter faulty pain cycles.... more
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      Autonomic Nervous SystemYoga TherapyYoga Psychology
Objectives and Methods: This study examined whether gentle Hatha yoga reduced fibromyalgia-related symptoms for a convenience sample of 10 participants ranging in age from 39 to 64 years who received yoga instruction 2 times per week for... more
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      YogaTreatment OutcomeYoga TherapyFibromyalgia
Yoga interventions are heterogeneous and vary along multiple dimensions. These dimensions may affect mental and physical health outcomes in different ways or through different mechanisms. However, most studies of the effects of yoga on... more
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    • Yoga Therapy
There is evidence that yoga practice is associated with decreased stress, worry, and depression, and with improved mindfulness-based skills. These findings had not been previously replicated for a sample of college students. This study... more
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The cognitive and somatic benefits of a Kundalini yoga intervention to treat anxiety and OCD (Shannahoff-Khalsa, 2006) was evaluated with 44 mental health consumers. Ratings were assigned for (1) initial meditations/postures, (2)... more
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      Yoga MeditationYoga Therapy
Yoga is a promising therapeutic modality for neurodegenerative diseases. This case study presents a therapeutic yoga protocol for adrenomyeloneuropathy (AMN) and its effect on a patient's quality of life (QOL), agility, balance, and... more
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      NeuroscienceBiomechanicsYogaYoga Therapy
Yoga therapy is an emerging profession with recent development of educational competencies, training program accreditation, and practitioner certification. In the United States, most yoga therapy training programs are studio-based and... more
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    • Yoga Therapy
“O human beings, you are fortunate. The clarion call of the Universal has reached you. Not only has the call come, but you are hearing it and it is vibrating in every cell of your body. Will you now lie in the corner of your house as an... more
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      Indian PhilosophyMetaphysics of ConsciousnessIndian studiesYoga
Background: While considerable progress is being made to understand the health and self-management needs of youth with mental health disorders, little attention has focused on the mental health and recovery needs that the youth themselves... more
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      Trauma-Informed CareYouthYoga TherapyIntegrated Services
Objective: The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between emotional coherence and chronic musculoskeletal pain perception changes after 3-week sessions of Heart Coherence training in healthy subjects. The participants... more
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      NeuroscienceMindfulnessYoga MeditationYoga Therapy
Background: Alteration in biochemical profile has been observed in perimenopause due to change in the hormonal level. Regular practice of yoga has been found to be effective in improving serum lipid concentration, glycemic index and... more
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      Oxidative StressYoga TherapyPerimenopause
The purpose of the study was intended to assess the effect of yogic and physical exercises on leg explosive strength and agility, for this purpose hundred fifty students studying in various classes of Government high school Nagathan of... more
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      YogaYoga PhilosophyYoga MeditationYoga Meditation and Learning
A therapeutic yoga program designed for older adults and the supporting research has demonstrated signifi cant improvement in floor transfer ability and standing balance. The study protocol was based on the ongoing work being performed in... more
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      GeriatricsElderly Falls (Geriatrics)Yoga Therapy
برون ریزی یکی از تکنیک های یوگاتراپی است که در آن فرد احساسات منفی خود را تخلیه می کند. او احساس خشم را با فریاد زدن ، احساس غم را با گریه کردن و احساس اضطراب را با حرکت های شدید بدنی تخلیه می کند. در این مقاله این موضوع بررسی می شود که... more
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      PsychologyToleranceYoga TherapyParents
Never had yoga been so big and never had it been so empty. Had America robbed it of its soul? - See more at:
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      ReligionCultural StudiesAmerican StudiesPhilosophy
The paper reviewed the origin of the chakra system on a more scientific basis. We have studied the history of the seven chakra system and Amit Ray's 114 chakra system. A couple of decades ago, it was believed that the seven chakras are... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyPositive PsychologyLeadership
Balaji R, Bhavanani AB, Ramanathan M. Bringing Yoga into the Lives of Children with Special Needs. Souvenir of the National Seminar and Workshop on Divyanga Yoga: A Yogic approach to children with special needs. International Day of Yoga... more
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    • Yoga Therapy
Poses that covers in Yoga Teacher Training courses
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      YogaYoga PhilosophyYoga MeditationYoga Meditation and Learning
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      Yoga PhilosophyYoga TherapyHatha YogaHistory of yoga
Tratto da: Pātañjala Yogasūtrāṇi Le fondamenta:Yama e Niyama Il ‘punto di vista’ Yoga Vol II – terza edizione A cura di Fabio Milioni YCP 2020, ISBN | 979-12-20306-83-6 Pgg. 371-413 Yama, Niyama e salute della popolazione... more
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      HinduismHealth SciencesHealth PromotionYoga Philosophy
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      Health SciencesYoga Therapy
Bozza preliminare dal testo: Dall’Uno della Tradizione ai Sistemi Aperti Patañjali Yogasūtra – Il ‘punto di vista’ Yoga Vol I -Yama e Niyama, i Doveri (astensioni e osservanze) III^ ed. in corso di preparazione. dal Capitolo: I... more
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      HinduismYogaYoga PhilosophyYoga Meditation
Background: Glaucoma is the second leading cause of global blindness and is the leading cause of irreversible visual loss. Hence, it becomes very important in guiding the designs of glaucoma screening, treatment, and intraocular pressure... more
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      GlaucomaIntraocular PressureOsmosisOcular Hypertension
“The true devotees love the world, the society and everything around because they perceive each and every manifestation of the artful Prakrti (Supreme Creative Power) with one universal spirit. They also love the finite, since it is also... more
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      History of ReligionYoga PhilosophyYoga MeditationTheory of Religion
Premessa: nell’emisfero occidentale, e non solo, si è avuta una larghissima diffusione di pratiche che vengono proposte come ‘meditazione’. Tale diffusione è seconda soltanto alle pratiche fisiche (āsana) dello Yoga, spesso proposte come... more
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      HinduismYogaYoga PhilosophyYoga Meditation
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      Ayurvedic MedicineYogaYoga MedicineAyurveda
Persons with disabilities often face societal barriers and disability evokes negative perceptions and discrimination in many societies. As a result of the stress associated with disability, persons with disabilities are generally excluded... more
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      Disability StudiesDisabilityYoga Therapy
Lo yoga è una pratica antica e complessa, radicata nella filosofia indiana, che ha avuto origine diverse migliaia di anni fa. E’ iniziato come pratica spirituale, ma è diventato popolare come mezzo per promuovere il benessere fisico e... more
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      YogaYoga MedicineYoga TherapyHatha Yoga
Diabetes mellitus is a major global metabolic disorder of 21 st century. This is due to its broad spectrum of associated complications with risks, like cardiac and renal disorders. The rapid growth of diabetes is becoming a major burden... more
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      YogaDiabetesExercise therapyIndia
The prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in ex-combatants from illegal armed groups in Colombia has been estimated at 37.4%. This high prevalence indicates a need to explore alternative and adjunctive therapies in the... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesColombiaPosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Yoga Meditation
This is the edited power point presentation that was used in the international Textual immersion workshop on Hathayoga pradipika - with focus on the Asanas, that was held at Krishnamacharya YOga Mandiram on 4th and 5th of August 2017.
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      Yoga PhilosophyYoga MeditationSamkhya and YogaYoga Meditation and Learning
This lesson plan was put together for a two week seminar and was part of doctoral work at Prescott College.  Learning outcomes include increased familiarity with yoga as a practice, exposure to literature on yoga as a therapeutic method... more
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      YogaYoga PhilosophyExperiential Learning (Active Learning)Qualitative Research
To bring out the full healing potential of Yoga, what we need is not just Yoga therapists applying the tools of Yoga according to the guidelines of Western medical doctors. What we need in the long run are Yogic doctors who can diagnose... more
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    • Yoga Therapy
The biography of Sri Swami Satchidananda, depicts the life of one of the first Yoga masters to bring the classical science of Yoga to the western world. Satchidananda was born as "Ramaswamy" into a deeply spiritual family, steeped in the... more
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      Interfaith DialogueYoga TherapyTamil StudiesInterfaith Studies
In this book, Ananda Bhavanani and Lee Majewski define yoga and yoga therapy as a whole person practice, demonstrating how it can help the individual to heal through their own mechanisms. The authors bring yogic concepts from theory into... more
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    • Yoga Therapy
This featured article published in Yoga Therapy Today of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, is a foundational piece that will no doubt inform many future discussions: Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Marlysa Sullivan, Matthew J.... more
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      HealthSalutogenesisYoga TherapyModern Yoga Studies