Xml Validation

866 papers
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XML validation is the process of ensuring that an XML document adheres to a defined schema or set of rules, such as Document Type Definition (DTD) or XML Schema Definition (XSD). This process checks the structure, syntax, and data types of the XML content to confirm its correctness and compliance.
A great deal of research into the learning of schemas from XML data has been conducted in recent years to enable the automatic discovery of XML Schemas from XML documents when no schema, or only a low-quality one is available.... more
Much research work has recently focused on the problem of representing historical information in XML. This paper describes a number of temporal XML data models and provides their comparison according to the following properties: time... more
This paper explains a novel manipulation framework for XML. The key idea is to choose some example XML elements existing in the database and show the system how to manipulate them. The system then infers how to manipulate the whole... more
XML has emerged as the standard for representing and exchanging data on the World Wide Web. It is critical to have efficient mechanisms to store and query XML data to exploit the full power of this new technology. Several researchers have... more
In this paper, we present a technique for efficient extraction of concise and accurate schemas for XML documents. By restricting the schema form and applying some heuristic rules, we achieve the efficiency and conciseness. The result of... more
Recently, there has been plenty of interest in XML. Since the amount of data in XML format has rapidly increased, the need for effective storage and retrieval of XML data has arisen. Many database researchers and vendors have proposed... more
Nowadays, structured documents are marked-up using XML. XML is the W3C standard that allows to give a meaning about the stored content of a document by the definition of its logical structure. A logical structure can be exploited to have... more
XML is increasingly becoming the format of choice for information exchange, in critical areas such as government, finance, healthcare and law, where integrity is of the essence. As this trend grows, one can expect that documents (or... more
XML is increasingly becoming the format of choice for information exchange, in critical areas such as government, finance, healthcare and law, where integrity is of the essence. As this trend grows, one can expect that documents (or... more
XML is increasingly becoming the format of choice for information exchange, in critical areas such as government, finance, healthcare and law, where integrity is of the essence. As this trend grows, one can expect that documents (or... more
This paper explains why XML is rapidly becoming the enabling technology for Internet markets and trading communities. It revisits EDI's basic premise that it is easier to interconnect business systems using "document-based coupling" than... more
We propose a method to evaluate queries using a last-resort semantic cache in a distributed Web search engine. The cache stores a group of frequent queries and for each of these queries it keeps minimal data, that is, the list of machines... more
XML is emerging as a de facto standard for information exchange over the Web, while businesses and enterprises generate and exchange large amounts of XML data daily. One of the major challenges is how to query this data efficiently.... more
If XML is to play the critical role of the lingua franca for Internet data interchange that many predict, it is necessary to start designing and adopting benchmarks allowing the comparative performance analy sis of the tools being... more
As a simple XML query language but with enough expressive power, XPath has become very popular. To expedite evaluation of XPath queries, we consider the problem of rewriting XPath queries using materialized XPath views. This problem is... more
XML (eXtensible Mark-up Language) has become the fundamental standard for efficient data management and exchange. Due to the widespread use of XML for describing and exchanging data on the web, XML-based comparison is central issues in... more
XML similarity detection plays an important role in facilitating many applications such as data integration, document classification/clustering, querying, and change management. In this chapter, we present an overview on XML document... more
The Ranking of XML documents can be performed by using Adaptive keyword search and Reverse indexing of the XML data within which critical metrics are weighed and assigned to the XML data. This proposed system can act as an upgrade to the... more
The widespread use of the XML format for document representation and message exchange has influenced techniques for data integration in last years. A development of various XML languages, methods and tools gave rise to so called XML... more
The increasing number of XML documents over the internet motivated us to develop indexing techniques to retrieve the XML data efficiently. Assigning unique labels to each node and determining the structural relationships is a critical... more
In XML Schema development, the quality of XML Schemas is a crucial issue for further steps in the life cycle of an application, closely correlated with the structure of XML Schemas and different building blocks. Current research focuses... more
Supporting queries and modifications on XML documents is a challenging task, and several related approaches exist. When implementing query and modification languages efficiently, the actual persistent storage of the XML data is of... more
Supporting queries and modifications on XML documents is a challenging task, and several related approaches exist. When implementing query and modification languages efficiently, the actual persistent storage of the XML data is of... more
Document Object Modeling (DOM) is widely used approach for retrieving data from an XML document. If the size of the XML document is very large, however, using the DOM approach for retrieving data from the XML document may suffer from a... more
Due to the evolution of computer systems and the proliferation of Internet, numerous information resources have been constructed. The deluge of information makes the need to integrate informations, which are distributed on the Internet... more
As many metadata are encoded in XML, and many digital libraries need to manage XML documents, efficient techniques for searching in such formatted data are required. In order to efficiently process path expressions with wildcards on XML... more
This work highlights how to transform information from invoice documents to semantic models, as an implementation of ontology modeling. The migration from printed paper to digital documents in the Mexican Government Offices in the last... more
UML is being increasing used for the analysis and design of Web Information Systems. At the same time, many XML-based languages are cornerstones in the development of this kind of system. As a consequence of the predominance of these... more
Recent fashion in knowledge representation languages is to use XML as the low-level syntax. This tends to make the output of these knowledge representation languages easy for machines to parse, at the expense of human readability. The... more
Spoken Language can be used to provide insights into organisational processes, unfortunately transcription and coding stages are very time consuming and expensive. The concept of partial transcription and coding is proposed in which... more
Spoken Language can be used to provide insights into organisational processes, unfortunately transcription and coding stages are very time consuming and expensive. The concept of partial transcription and coding is proposed in which... more
, кандидат педагогічних наук, старший науковий співробітник відділу створення та використання інтелектуальних мережних інструментів Національного центру «Мала академія наук України» МОН України і НАН України, вул. Дегтярівська,
In this thesis, we advocate storing XML documents in a relational DBMS, and address the related challenges. In particular, we set out to address the issues of mapping, indexing and updating XML documents. The first challenge is how to... more
This paper discusses subtyping of tree-structured data encountered on the Web, e.g. XML and HTML data. Our long range objective is to define a type system for Web and/or Semantic Web query languages amenable to static type checking. We... more
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The spread of XML vindicated a project that the present authors developed earlier, independently of SGML, the parent-language of XML (SGML was originally devised for communicating structured documents). Our own project was the Navigation... more
Currently, several researchers have proposed mapping both structure and constraints of XML documents to an object-relational database (ORDB). However, these researches cannot be conducted because of the limited range of constraints in... more
The past few years have seen the widespread adoption of XML as a data representation format in various middleware: databases, Web Services, messaging systems, etc. One drawback of XML has been the high cost of XML processing. We present... more
The past few years have seen the widespread adoption of XML as a data representation format in various middleware: databases, Web Services, messaging systems, etc. One drawback of XML has been the high cost of XML processing. We present... more
With the vastly growing data resources on the Internet, XML is one of the most important standards for document management. Not only does it provide enhancements to document exchange and storage, but it is also helpful in a variety of... more
The integration among DW, OLAP and GIS has been given considerable attention in recent years by many researchers and industrial corporations. This may be a result of: 1) DW/OLAP can improve GIS spatial queries whereas, 2) a GIS can... more
Background: The concept of Dual Mobility (DM) Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) has been introduced to improve the range of motion in the post-operative hips. However, literature on the mid-term and long-term outcomes of DM-THA are relatively... more
Abstract. Mapping XML documents into relational database is a promising solution because relational databases are mature and scale very well and they have the advantages that in a relational database XML data and structured data can... more
XML is a universal, platform independent language that describes the way, information can be stored, transferred and exchanged electronically. Any user on internet can access these XML documents & manipulate the information contents.... more
The Digital Curation Centre (DCC) develops and shares expertise in digital curation and makes accessible best practices in the creation, management, and preservation of digital information to enable its use and re-use over time. Among its... more
One of the consequences of the rapid development and dissemination of the ecosystem of XML technologies was the widespread adoption of XML as a meta-format for the specification of application configuration information. The validation of... more
XML and XML Schema are widely used in different domains for the definition of standards that enhance the interoperability between parts exchanging information through the Internet. The size and complexity of some standards, and their... more
XML is nowadays the dominant standard used for data exchanging and representation. XML documents can be transformed into different formats by using the transformation language XSLT. XSLT was designed to present data and transform data in... more