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      XMLWeb DevelopmentRSSData storage
This paper describes the output of the PERMIS project, which has developed a role based access control infrastructure that uses X.509 attribute certificates (ACs) to store the users' roles. All access control decisions are driven by an... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingXMLAccess Control
This paper describes the methodology and the software development of XWRAP, an XML-enabled w r apper construction system for semi-automatic generation of wrapper programs. By XML-enabled w e m e an that the metadata about information... more
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      Data MiningMetadataSoftware TestingXML
A good object-oriented design does not necessarily make a good component-based design, and vice versa. What design principles do components introduce? This paper examines component-based programming and how it expands the design space in... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer ArchitectureSoftware EngineeringObject Oriented Programming
On the basis of regular tree grammars, we present a formal framework for XML schema languages. This framework helps to describe, compare, and implement such schema languages in a rigorous manner. Our main results are as follows: (1) a... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingXMLInterpretation
Intuitively, data management and data integration tools should be well-suited for exchanging information in a semantically meaningful way. Unfortunately, they suffer from two significant problems: they typically require a comprehensive... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingXMLData Management
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      Service Oriented ArchitectureXMLWeb ServicesLibrary and Information Studies
As organizations increase their reliance on, possibly distributed, information systems for daily business, they become more vulnerable to security breaches even as they gain productivity and efficiency advantages. Though a number of... more
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      Distributed ComputingXMLDatabase Management SystemsComputer Software
Argumentation theory involves the analysis of naturally occurring argument, and one key tool employed to this end both in the academic community and in teaching critical thinking skills to undergraduates is argument diagramming. By... more
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      Cognitive ScienceCritical ThinkingXMLArgumentation Theory
Introduction Many software applications today need to handle data from different data models; typically objects from the host programming language along with the relational and XML data. The ROX impedance mismatch makes programs awkward... more
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      Service Oriented ArchitectureXMLIntegrationDesign Pattern
Keywords. Data exchange, XML, Relational databases, XML Queries.
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      EngineeringRelational DatabaseTechnologyComputer Networks
XML is rapidly emerging as a standard for exchanging business data on the World Wide Web. For the foreseeable future, however, most business data will continue to be stored in relational database systems. Consequently, if XML is to... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingRelational DatabasePublishing
The proliferation of mobile devices and the pervasiveness of wireless technology have provided a major impetus to replicate the network-based service discovery technologies in wireless and mobile networks. However, existing service... more
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      Computer NetworksXMLPervasive ComputingProtocol Design
This paper describes a new syntax that can be used to write OWL ontologies, and fragments of OWL ontologies for presentation and editing purposes. The syntax, which is known as the Manchester OWL Syntax, was developed in response to a... more
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      OntologyParticle PhysicsXMLAjax
Emerging large-scale distributed storage systems are faced with the task of distributing petabytes of data among tens or hundreds of thousands of storage devices. Such systems must evenly distribute data and workload to efficiently... more
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      XMLBenchmarkingDistributed Data MiningStorage system
XML (eXtensible Markup Language) has emerged as a prevalent standard for document representation and exchange on the Web. It is often the case that XML documents contain information of different sensitivity degrees that must be... more
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      Information SystemsXMLAccess ControlComputer Software
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      XMLPerformanceQuery OptimizationRDBMS
Bohannon et al. claim that XML is becoming the predominant data exchange format in a variety of application domains. Altinel and Franklin hold that the advent of XML as a standard for information exchange and the development of query... more
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      Relational DatabaseSemanticsXMLModeling
XML documents are typically queried with a combination of value search and structure search. While querying by values can leverage traditional database technologies, evaluating structural relationship, specifically parent-child or... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation RetrievalXMLData Engineering
Keyword search enables web users to easily access XML data without the need to learn a structured query language and to study possibly complex data schemas. Existing work has addressed the problem of selecting qualified data nodes that... more
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      XMLData StructureStructured Query LanguageKeyword Search
Abstract. This paper presents structural recursion as the basis of the syntax and semantics of query languages for semistructured data and XML. We describe a simple and powerful query language based on pattern matching and show that it... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingXMLOptimization
We present the functional language ¡ Duce, discuss some design issues, and show its adequacy for working with XML documents. Distinctive features of ¡ Duce are a powerful pattern matching, first class functions, overloaded functions, a... more
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      XMLType SystemsLanguage DesignPattern Matching
Motivated by formal models recently proposed in the context of XML, we study automata and logics on strings over infinite alphabets. These are conservative extensions of classical automata and logics defining the regular languages on... more
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      XMLAutomataPure MathematicsExpressiveness
In this paper, we present Trust-X , a comprehensive XML-based framework for trust negotiations, specifically conceived for a peer-to-peer environment. Trust negotiation is a promising approach for establishing trust in open systems like... more
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      Computer NetworksXMLAccess ControlSystem Architecture
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      XMLAtomic Layer DepositionSearch EnginesMemory
The increasing use of the Web for everyday tasks is making Web services an essential part of the Internet customer's daily life. Users query the Internet for a required Web service and get back a set of Web services that may or may not... more
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      MeteorologyXMLWeb ServicesClustering Algorithms
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      Information SystemsInformation RetrievalXMLEvaluation
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      Distributed ComputingSemanticsService Oriented ArchitectureXML
Data exchange is the problem of finding an instance of a target schema, given an instance of a source schema and a specification of the relationship between the source and the target. Theoretical foundations of data exchange have recently... more
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      XMLConsistencyData ExchangeQuery Answering
We formalize and study business process systems that are centered around "business artifacts", or simply "artifacts". Artifacts are used to represent (real or conceptual) key business entities, including both their data schema and... more
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      Model CheckingXMLFirst-Order LogicRegular Expressions
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      XMLUser InterfaceSearch EnginesOpen Source
This article describes OpenTracker, an open software architecture that provides a framework for the different tasks involved in tracking input devices and processing multi-modal input data in virtual environments and augmented reality... more
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      Open Source SoftwareXMLAugmented RealitySoftware Architecture
Today's manufacturing enterprises struggle to adopt cost-effective manufacturing systems. Overview of the recent manufacturing enterprises shows that successful global manufacturing enterprises have distributed their manufacturing... more
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Web services have the potential to dramatically reduce the complexities and costs of software integration projects. The most obvious and perhaps most significant difference between Web services and traditional applications is that Web... more
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      XMLWeb ServicesData CommunicationNotes
WebSplitter symbolizes the union of pervasive multi-device computing and collaborative multi-user computing. WebSplitter provides a unified XML framework that enables multi-device and multi-user Web browsing. WebSplitter splits a... more
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      XMLMiddlewareService discoveryRemote Control
Access control policies for XML typically use regular path expressions such as XPath for specifying the objects for access control policies. However such access control policies are burdens to the engines for XML query languages. To... more
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      Information SystemsStatic AnalysisXMLAccess Control
We present the ASKALON environment whose goal is to simplify the development and execution of workflow applications on the Grid. ASKALON is centered around a set of high-level services for transparent and effective Grid access, including... more
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      Grid ComputingXMLSchedulingResource Allocation
The common abstraction of XML Schema by unranked regular tree languages is not entirely accurate. To shed some light on the actual expressive power of XML Schema, intuitive semantical characterizations of the Element Declarations... more
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      Information SystemsType TheoryXMLUser Interface
Modern day enterprises exhibit a growing trend toward adoption of enterprise computing services for efficient resource utilization, scalability, and flexibility. These environments are characterized by heterogeneous, distributed computing... more
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      Information SystemsXMLAccess ControlComputer Software
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      Digital SignatureXMLKnowledgeWeb Based System
XML repositories are now a widespread means for storing and exchanging information on the Web. As these repositories become increasingly used in dynamic applications such as e-commerce, there is a rapidly growing need for a mechanism to... more
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      XMLFood Web DynamicsActive DatabasePublish/subscribe
Background: A plethora of digital electrocardiogram (ECG) formats have been proposed and implemented. This heterogeneity hinders the design and development of interoperable systems and entails critical integration issues for the Health... more
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      Information SystemsEngineeringCardiologyOntology
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      Software EngineeringXMLSelf ControlAgent Oriented Software Engineering
Because of the widespread diffusion of semistructured data in XML format, much research effort is currently devoted to support the storage and retrieval of large collections of such documents. XML documents can be compared as to their... more
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      Information RetrievalData MiningGraph TheoryWeb Mining
Integrated health care systems Systems analysis Software process engineering Model-Driven Architecture Semantic interoperability Unified process HL7 a b s t r a c t Background: Semantic interoperability is a basic challenge to be met for... more
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      EngineeringMedical InformaticsXMLSystems Analysis
We are interested in de ning and querying views in a huge and highly heterogeneous XML repository Web scale. In this context, view de nitions are very large and there is no apparent limitation to their size. This raises interesting... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingXMLKnowledge Representation
Using an object-relational data model and an XML datatype, we show how a relevant subset of XML documents and their implied structure can be mapped onto database structures.
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      Relational DatabaseStatistical AnalysisXMLWorld Wide Web
XML is rapidly becoming the standard method for sending information across the Internet. XML Schema, since its elevation to W3C Recommendation on the 2 nd May 2001, is fast becoming the preferred means of describing structured XML data.... more
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      Graphic DesignXMLXML SchemaUML
150 words or less [Article copies are available for purchase from]
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      Information SystemsXMLData WarehousingData Warehouse
The rapid growth of the Web and the ease with which data can be accessed facilitate the distribution and sharing of information. Information dissemination often takes the form of documents that are made available at Web servers, or that... more
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      XMLSecurity PolicyInformation DisseminationSecurity Policies