Recent papers in XML
This paper gives a survey of the infrastructure currently being developed in the MUSITECH project. The aim of this project is to conceptualize and implement a computational environment for navigation and interaction in internet-based... more
This paper presents the results of the STASIS (www.stasis-project.net) project and applies it to the area of semantic interoperability within technologyenhanced learning platforms. Within the paper an innovative approach for creating a... more
Some IP-phones are offering only a simple user interface with plain DTMF digits and optional function buttons, but without any graphical display. This kind of limited user interface makes cumbersome the usage of advanced IPtelephony... more
pela amizade e pela contribuição que o Laboratório de Simulação e Controle do Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica da EESC/USP proporcionou para esta pesquisa. À Embrapa Instrumentação Agropecuária pelo importante apoio para participar em... more
- by Robson Pereira
- XML, Isobus, Iso
E2 is a plugin-based, service-oriented middleware architecture. E2 extends the popular Eclipse platform's idea of building a software system entirely and dynamically from XML-interfaced plugins, adds the feature to remove and replace... more
Recent research in the field of security has evolved into trust issues, which are now one of the interesting research topics. A majority of current approaches proposes techniques that support users' trust processes, while a minority of... more
This paper presents an information retrieval methodology which uses Formal Concept Analysis in conjunction with semantics to provide contextual answers to users' queries. User formulates a query on a set of heterogeneous data sources.... more
Inferring an appropriate DTD or XML Schema Definition (XSD) for a given collection of XML documents essentially reduces to learning deterministic regular expressions from sets of positive example words. Unfortunately, there is no... more
The creation of 3D models is generally considered by newcomers to be a difficult activity requiring a number of skills and considerable practice. This paper describes work in the INHERIT project which aims to address these issues by... more
The National Archive of Portugal (IAN/TT) doesn't currently have the needed infrastructures to support the processes of ingestion and management of digital objects produced by the public administration (PA). The eGovernment... more
In this paper we introduce a logical viewpoint on architectures. The logical viewpoint is based on the distinction between symbolic and semantic models of architectures. The core of a symbolic model consists of its signature that... more
This paper describes the problems involved with learning and understanding math for vision impaired students and developing a computer system approach for rendering mathematical formulae into audio form. Access to mathematics is an... more
While virtual tours have been around for some time, the ability to get a true sense of the location has not been adequately developed. As part of a partnership between our department and the Vatican, we have created a virtual tour of the... more
Recent developments of new technologies are aimed at opening the contents of data sources to the wider area of the Internet. These data sources are to be found on the lower es
The MOVES Institute's mission is research, application, and education in the grand challenges of modeling, virtual environments, and simulation. Specialties are 3D visual simulation, networked virtual environments, computergenerated... more
Web services have the potential to dramatically reduce the complexities and costs of software integration projects. The most obvious and perhaps most significant difference between Web services and traditional applications is that Web... more
On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) is a powerful method for analysing large data warehouse data. Typically, the data for an OLAP database is collected from a set of data repositories such as e.g. operational databases. This data set is... more
A plethora of digital ECG formats have been proposed and implemented. This heterogeneity hinders the design and development of interoperable systems and entails critical integration issues for the healthcare information systems. This... more
In response to the lack of common formats for documenting automatic test information, the Naval Air Systems Command led the creation of the Automatic Test Markup Language (ATML) to standardize the documentation and reporting of automatic... more
We are interested in the problem of improving ipreuse in SoC design. This paper presents an MDE based approach based on a proposed IP-XACT standard extension. This approach combines the benefits of using MDE techniques in SoC design such... more
Rapid adaptability is a critical requirement for modern communication intelligence systems. This paper explores the concept of combining model based design with a runtime framework to realize an easily reprogrammable signal analyzer for... more
A crucial challenge for scientific workflow management systems is to support the efficient and scalable storage and querying of large provenance datasets that record the history of in silico experiments. As new provenance management... more
Interest in querying XML is increasing as it becomes an important medium for data representation and exchange on the web. A core component in many of XML query languages is XPath. This paper describes a benchmark for comparing the... more
Queries containing outer joins are common in data warehousing applications. Materialized outer-join views could greatly speed up many such queries but most database systems do not allow outer joins in materialized views. In part, this is... more
The first part of this article describes the development of the encoding system originally devised for the Commedia Project, 1 and subsequently adapted for other projects. 2 The second part of the article describes the encodings used for... more
Web Services are the newest mechanism of communication among applications. Web Services are independent of both hardware and software infrastructure, they are very flexible and scalable. Lack of security features provided by the web... more
Maintenance of land records, processing of mutations and delivery and access of documents are key areas which have been revamped as a result of successful Computerisation of Land Records project. Efforts have been also made to share data;... more
For better or for worse, XML has emerged as a de facto standard for data interchange. This consensus is likely to lead to increased demand for technology that allows users to integrate data from a variety of applications, repositories,... more
XML (Extensible Mark up language) is emerging as a tool for representing and exchanging data over the internet. When we want to store and query XML data, we can use two approaches either by using native databases or XML enabled databases.... more
This paper presents an overview of GITTA (Geographic Information Technology Training Alliance). GITTA brings together 11 departments in 7 Swiss higher education (HE) institutions in an effort to develop a virtual campus in Geographic... more
XML Internet a b s t r a c t Background: With the introduction of the electronic health record, physiotherapists too are encouraged to store their patient records in a structured digital format. The typical nature of a physiotherapy... more
XML is rapidly becoming the standard method for sending information across the Internet. XML Schema, since its elevation to W3C Recommendation on the 2 nd May 2001, is fast becoming the preferred means of describing structured XML data.... more
Web services work over dynamic connections among distributed systems. This technology was specifically designed to easily pass SOAP message through firewalls using open ports. These benefits involve a number of security challenges, such... more
Over the past few years, XML has become a standard for data representation and data exchange on the web. Although XML data is self-describing, most application domains tend to use document schemas, given as Document Type Definitions... more