X-ray Physics
Recent papers in X-ray Physics
After passage through matter, the energy spectrum of a polychromatic beam of x-rays contains valuable information about the elemental composition of the absorber. Conventional x-ray systems or x-ray computed tomography (CT) systems,... more
The scientific objective of the X-ray Advanced Concepts Testbed (XACT) is to measure the X-ray polarization properties of the Crab Nebula, the Crab pulsar, and the accreting binary Her X-1. Polarimetry is a powerful tool for astrophysical... more
A superluminal quantum-vortex model of the electron and the positron is produced from a superluminal double-helix model of the photon during electron-positron pair production. The two oppositely-charged (with Q = ±e sqrt (2/α) = 16.6e)... more
The Voynich manuscript is the book dated as fifteen century, written using specific and smart coding methods. This article describes the methods how it was analyzed and how coding keys were found. The last manuscript page decoding.... more
X-ray is being used widely in medical and in other fields of science, engineering, and technology since its invention in the year 1895. Globally, the growing number of general population and the high prevalence of various critical... more
Raja Ramanna Centre For Advanced Technology, Indore,(M.P) 2 | P a g e DECLARATION I, Divya Aggarwal student of M.Sc. hereby declare that the Major Project dissertation titled "Frequency Analysis Of X-Ray reflectivity data by FFT" Which is... more
Pesawat Radiologi Sinar-X lazim disebut Pesawat Röntgen. Pesawat Röntgen adalah pesawat medik yang dapat menghasilkan sinar-X/sinar Röntgen baik untuk keperluan diagnostik maupun terapi. Pesawat ini bekerjanya sangat ditentukan oleh... more
Tutankhamun's golden mask and throne were investigated by an improved XRDF setup, which was specially designed for this study. XRD pattern and XRF data were taken non-destructively from one small site (2mmtD) in air under contact free... more
The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) has so far been unsuccessful and demands additional methods. To achieve this, we introduce a two-dimensional metric for civilizational development, using the Kardashev scale of energy... more
Este trabalho teve como objetivo constatar a eficácia do programa de garantia da qualidade dos serviços de radiologia em dois estabelecimentos assistenciais de saúde (EAS) pertencentes à esfera administrativa municipal do município de... more
Abetract—The scattering of X-rays and v-rays are events that have strong dependencies on the polarization ofthe incident and scattered photons. Because of this, scattering problems that can be solved without explicit reference to the... more
Fisika klasik adalah ilmu fisika yang berkembang pada abad ke 17 – 18 dan diprakarsai oleh Sir Issac Newton dikarenakan kesuksesannya didalam merumuskan tiga hukum dasar mengenai gerak. Pada era abad ke 19, ada sebuah fenomena baru dimana... more
Studies on radiative transfer lead to a clean formulation of polarised photon transport in terms of the vector Boltzmann equation whose solution gives the four Stokes components of the ¯ux, from which the full polarisation state of the... more
Berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, menuntut penggunaan suatu materialsecara tapt dan pasti.untuk dapat menggunakan material yang akan digunakan dengan tepat, maka harus dikenali dengan baik dari segi sifat – sifat material yang... more
Deciphering the internal structure of prehistoric artefacts can provide spectacular insights that might help us understand the people who made them. In order to preserve the integrity of these relics of past civilisations, it is desirable... more
The structure adopted by lead sulfide nanoparticles changes surprisingly often as they assemble to form ordered superlattices. [37] Researchers have demonstrated a new high-resolution X-ray imaging technique that can capture the motion of... more
Precipitation strengthening is a highly complex phenomenon on the nanoscale, responsible for providing strength in Al-Cu, Al-Mg-Cu, Al-Mg-Zn and Al-Mg-Si alloys. Advances in methodology, especially high-angle annular dark-field... more
Aluminum oxide (Al 2 O 3) is an emerging material in integrated photonics. It exhibits a very broad transparency window from the UV to the mid-IR, very low propagation losses and a high solubility for rare-earth ions leading to optical... more
We report the generation of ultrahigh brightness X-ray pulses using the Fresh Bunch Self-Seeding (FBSS) method in an X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL). The FBSS method uses two different electron slices or bunches, one to generate the seed... more
Many studies have been conducted on the environmental impacts of combustion generated aerosols. Due to their complex composition and morphology, their chemical reactivity is not well understood and new developments of analysis methods are... more
In this paper a practical solution to perform spectral analysis of diagnostic X-ray beams is described, based on a miniaturized Compton selection chamber (CSC) using a Si-PIN detector. Results are compared with those obtained with a first... more
Polycrystalline diamond detector prototypes suitable for x-ray spectroscopy were realized and tested. Thick diamond specimens, mechanically polished to reduce the surface roughness, were selected for prototypes development. Noble metal... more
This paper introduces the perfect complementary relationship between the 3-4-5 Pythagorean triangle and the 1:2: √5 right-angled triangle. The classical geometric intimacy between these two right triangles not only provides for the... more
We present the first results on experimentally measured ultrafast X-ray scattering of strongly driven molecular Iodine and analysis of high-order anisotropic components of the scattering signal. We discuss the technical details of... more
Analytical expressions describing double-scattering intensities of the Compton and Rayleigh effects (Compton-Compton, Compton-Rayleigh, Rayleigh-Compton, and Rayleigh-Rayleigh contributions), are deduced in the framework of the transport... more
Even though already in the seventies, right after the invention of the quantum cascade laser (QCL) concept, it was argued that this device could be operated in the THz (far-infrared) range of the electromagnetic spectrum, it was only in... more
Purpose Cerebrospinal fluid shunt valves are important tools in hydrocephalus treatment. Adjustable valves, sensitive to MRI, are onerous. They need be controlled; in case of re-settings. The vendor give advices for the radiographic... more
The enhancement of XRF intensity due to Rayleigh and Compton scattering in the target (which may occur after or before the photoelectric interaction) is commonly neglected in XRF spectrometry. However, this contribution can modify the XRF... more
We present the results of the uniform analysis of 46 XMM-Newton observations of six BAL and seven mini-BAL QSOs belonging to the Palomar-Green Quasar catalogue. Moderate-quality X-ray spectroscopy was performed with the EPIC-pn, and... more
Deciphering the internal structure of prehistoric artefacts can provide spectacular insights that might help us understand the people who made them. In order to preserve the integrity of these relics of past civilisations, it is desirable... more
NGC 2617 is a nearby (z ∼ 0.01) active galaxy that recently switched from being a Seyfert 1.8 to be a Seyfert 1.0. At the same time, it underwent a strong increase of X-ray flux by one order of magnitude with respect to archival... more
Absolute cross sections for the single and double K-shell photoionization of carbonlike O2+ and nitrogenlike O+ ions were measured in the 526–620-eV photon energy range by employing the ion-photon merged-beam technique at the SOLEIL... more
Sadržaj-Kako napreduje razvoj informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija, tako raste potražnja i interesovanje za uređajima iz ove oblasti. Sistemi za pametne kuće ne pretstavljaju više luksuz već postaju potreba pristupačna svakom čoveku.... more
XRF and micro-Raman stratigraphic microanalyses of fragments of some mural paintings, belonging to the Archaeological Site of Oplonti (Napoli) and the Vigna Barberini site in the Palatino (Roma), were performed. In order to collimate the... more
In the post year 2000 era the technologies that facilitate human communication have rapidly multiplied. While the adoption of these technologies has hugely impacted the behaviour and sociality of people, specifically in urban but also in... more
This paper describes the use of Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) to measure electron densities and temperatures in nonequilibrium plasmas. The ways to interpret relative lineintensities of neutral argon atoms are evaluated based upon a... more
It has been developed a model of the DNA in MATLAB, where it has been taken into account each one of the component atoms. It is possible to have a sequence length of even 10000 basis pairs with the possibility for introducing all types of... more