Ratooning, the cropping practice of harvesting a second crop from the stubbles of the primary harvest, is gaining renewed popularity as a resource-efficient alternative to increase rice production. Although current remote sensing-based... more
At airports, runway operation is the limiting factor for the overall throughput; specifically the fixed and overly conservative ICAO wake turbulence separation minima. The wake turbulence hazardous flows can dissipate quicker because of... more
In this paper a comb like microstrip patch antenna structure is proposed. This antenna has a total size of 100mm x 30mm x 1.6mm including ground plane which is fabricated using Fr-4 substrate with dielectric constant of 4.6. This is a... more
Nearshore areas can be incredibly dynamic and therefore are difficult to monitor using traditional survey methods that typically provide only a snapshot of the physical conditions at the time of survey. These snapshot data are often... more
Mapping the morphology of intertidal areas is a logistically challenging, time consuming and expensive task due to their large expanse and difficulties associated with access. A technique is presented here that uses standard marine... more
One goal of the Remote Sensing based Information and Insurance for Crops in emerging Economies (RIICE) project is to estimate, on an operational basis, rice production at national scale in primis targeted to food security and crop... more
Polycrystalline NiZn ferrites with the chemical formula (Ni 0.3 Zn 0.7) 1−x Me x Fe 2 O 4 where Me being Be or Cu and x=0.05, 0.1 and 0.25 have been prepared by a ceramic method. Certain magnetic properties such as the coercivity H c ,... more
Concerns about "emerging missile states" have spurred development of a system to defend the US from small-scale ballistic missile attacks. But the planned system could be compromised by simple countermeasures, and the security costs of... more
− The X-band radar installed in Turin was used to analyze extreme events. About 3 years of radar maps have been analyzed in comparisons with about 30 years of measurements made by rain gauges located in the same area. The entire monitored... more
Air flows in the troposphere have a major impact on air traffic safety and operations. By air flows, several phenomena can be distinguished with different spatial and temporal characteristic scales: the mean wind itself, its rapid... more
This study presents a comprehensive simulation of a compact shared aperture antenna designed for dual S- and X-band operation. The antenna, measuring 82 by 82 mm and standing at a mere 4 mm in height, is specifically engineered to meet... more
The first weather radar campaign over Lima, the capital of Peru, a desertic area on the western side of the Peruvian Andes, was carried out to study the occurrence of rain events in summer 2018. The weather radar was installed... more
Cork is a renewable and sustainable material, highly porous and lightweight. We valorised waste cork and recycled wine stoppers to make pyrolysed/carbonised solid cork, for use as economic and sustainable microwave (MW) absorbers at the... more
Microstrip patch antenna is a low profile antenna that is capable of maintaining high performance over a wide spectrum of frequencies. In this paper the practical and experimental results obtained from the design, construction and test of... more
Recent studies have highlighted the need for high resolution rainfall measurements for better modelling of urban and peri-urban catchment responses. In this work, we used a fully-distributed model called “Multi-Hydro” to study small-scale... more
for providing research facilities. The authors are also thankful to Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar for providing characterization facilities".
A new algorithm is proposed, called the stream function method (SFM) for producing vector current maps from radial data measured by dual-site high frequency surface wave radar (HFSWR). In SFM, a scalar stream function is constructed under... more
Web cameras are transforming coastal environmental monitoring. Improvements in camera technology and image processing capabilities, paired with decreases in cost, enable widespread use of camera systems by researchers, managers and first... more
Air flows in the troposphere have a major impact on air traffic safety and operations. By air flows, several phenomena can be distinguished with different spatial and temporal characteristic scales: the mean wind itself, its rapid... more
The objective of this study is to provide complete information on the dynamic relationship between X-band (3.11 cm) backscattering intensity (σ°) and rice crop’s leaf area index (LAI) at all growth phases. Though the relationship between... more
The ephemeral nature of marine oil and gas seepages and their complex trajectories in the water column make seep sampling difficult and costly. Here we report on how active natural seepage can be detected and located in the water column... more
Dual-polarized probe systems can be used with some of the advantages: the two electric field components are simultaneously measured within a single scan, amplitude and phase drift affects the two polarization components in the same way,... more
When waves propagate in coastal areas at depths lower than one half the wavelength, they exhibit a different signature at the sea surface and the observed wavelength pattern enables inferring bathymetries. Commonly, a spectral analysis... more
When waves propagate in coastal areas at depths lower than one half the wavelength, they exhibit a different signature at the sea surface and the observed wavelength pattern enables inferring bathymetries. Commonly, a spectral analysis... more
Coasts are continually changing and remote sensing from satellite has the potential to both map and monitor coastal change at multiple scales. This study aims to assess the application of shorelines extracted from Multi-Spectral Imagery... more
The first weather radar campaign over Lima, the capital of Peru, a desertic area on the western side of the Peruvian Andes, was carried out to study the occurrence of rain events in summer 2018. The weather radar was installed... more
The effects of different BiFeO 3 (BFO) additions (0, 20, 40, 60 and 80 wt%) on the SrFe 12 O 19 hexaferrite ceramic matrix (SFO) have been studied by Complex Impedance Spectroscopy (CIS), M€ ossbauer spectroscopy, magnetic hysteresis and... more
A new algorithm is proposed, called the stream function method (SFM) for producing vector current maps from radial data measured by dual-site high frequency surface wave radar (HFSWR). In SFM, a scalar stream function is constructed under... more
In this article we present the visualization of NEXRAD reflectivity data by means of first-order (bilinear) interpolation. We provide the comparison of the raw and interpolated data with the corresponding values obtained from TropiNet... more
In this paper, a new flower-shaped microstrip line feed reconfigurable band-notched UWB monopole antenna using single varactor diode is introduced and fabricated. Different notch frequencies can be obtained using different capacitance... more
Comparative corrosion inhibition of mild steel in 0.5 H 2 SO 4 by the total alkaloids and tannins extracted from Parkia biglobosa seed bark and Jatropha curcas stem bark was investigated using gravimetric method at 30 0 C. Results showed... more
Akademisk avhandling som med tillstånd av Kungl Tekniska högskolan framlägges till offentlig granskning för avläggande av teknologie licentiatexamen i radiosystemteknik fredagen den 15 June 2011 klockan 14.00 i sal C2,
TerraSAR-X is the first German Radar satellite for scientific and commercial applications. The project is a publicprivate partnership between DLR and EADS Astrium GmbH. TerraSAR-X consists of a high resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar at... more
The objective of the EuroROSE (European Radar Ocean Sensing) project was to combine area covering ground-based remote-sensed wave and current data with high-resolution numerical forecast models to provide nowcasts and forecasts for... more
TerraSAR-X is the first German Radar satellite for scientific and commercial applications. The project is a publicprivate partnership between DLR and EADS Astrium GmbH. TerraSAR-X consists of a high resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar at... more
Although large amplitude ocean internal waves (IWs) may induce strong underwater currents and cause a severe threat to offshore drilling platforms, little research attention has been paid to the issue. This paper proposes a method for... more
The ephemeral nature of marine oil and gas seepages and their complex trajectories in the water column make seep sampling difficult and costly. Here we report on how active natural seepage can be detected and located in the water column... more
Triple band-rejection MIMO/Diversity UWB antenna characteristics are described in this paper. Proposed antenna discards worldwide interoperability for microwave access WiMAX band from 3.3 to 3.6 GHz, wireless local area network WLAN band... more
A triple band notch MIMO/Diversity antenna using Inductance Boosted Compact Electromagnetic Band Gap (IB-CEBG) cells is presented in this paper. For obtaining compactness in the conventional EBG cell, spiral shaped defects are introduced.... more
The objective of this study is to provide complete information on the dynamic relationship between X-band (3.11 cm) backscattering intensity (σ°) and rice crop’s leaf area index (LAI) at all growth phases. Though the relationship between... more
In this paper, a loop antenna loaded with coplanar strip (CPS) line is proposed as a multiband antenna. The CPS line is added with two switches to vary the antenna perimeter to cover seven different bands. The CPS line introduced into the... more
A new algorithm is proposed, called the stream function method (SFM) for producing vector current maps from radial data measured by dual-site high frequency surface wave radar (HFSWR). In SFM, a scalar stream function is constructed under... more
Este trabajo propone un sistema de detección basado en radar para calcular las orillas de un rio usando procesamiento de imágenes. El sistema estima orillas sin pérdida apreciable en resolución evitando costos asociados con batimetrías... more
The objective of this study is to provide complete information on the dynamic relationship between X-band (3.11 cm) backscattering intensity (σ°) and rice crop’s leaf area index (LAI) at all growth phases. Though the relationship between... more