What would children's learning look like in the Child Development Center's Re-Use Center if teachers, parents, and children could collaborate around the learning? This action research collaboration between a professor and a graduate... more
What would children's learning look like in the Child Development Center's Re-Use Center if teachers, parents, and children could collaborate around the learning? This action research collaboration between a professor and a graduate... more
In this exploratory study, we took as our point of departure Lori Salem's (2016) call to investigate the factors that affect students' decisions to visit the writing center. Rather than exploring student decision-making through a... more
En la vivencia diaria del trabajo con los estudiantes del sistema tradicional de la UNAD en el CEAD Barranquilla, los docentes y tutores de todos los cursos académicos desarrollados con los estudiantes principiantes, se encuentran con... more
Collaborative Networking for Direct Feedback in the Ndu Writing Center: Preferences and Perspectives
The role of the Writing Center at Notre Dame University ‐ Louaize, Lebanon is to help students develop their writing skills by offering one-on-one tutoring. Specifically, Writing Center tutors meet with students by appointment to provide... more
You know the story...the one about a curious little girl, captivated by a little white rabbit? Like young Alice, my curiosity compelled me to follow my own white rabbit down an unknown path, at least to me. It found me when I attained an... more
Though most freshmen may not believe it, there is life after freshman comp -and even some writing to be done. Although the first mission of a new writing lab is usually to supplement or to be integrated into the freshman writing course,... more
This article, co-authored by former and current Composition-English Education Connections CCCC SIG leaders, describes the SIG's history, its member profile, and the nature of its collaborative work. English educators and composition... more
In this article, an English education professor, a university writing center administrator, and a recent graduate of an undergraduate English education program discuss the role peer tutoring might play in enhancing the education of... more
Writing centers and their faculty are often considered to be "Others" because they have both power and no power-they have the ability to make a difference in students' writing abilities, but they are often excluded because they are seen... more
This dissertation will broaden the purview of recent scholarship pertaining to socially just writing assessments by making connections among assemblage theory and materialism, studies of ecological and anti-racist assessments, and studies... more
This dissertation will broaden the purview of recent scholarship pertaining to socially just writing assessments by making connections among assemblage theory and materialism, studies of ecological and anti-racist assessments, and studies... more
This study sought to determine the impact writing center consultations have on student writing self-efficacy and to illuminate effective consultant strategies for fostering student writing confidence. As part of a multimethods study, a... more
The need for empirical validation of a specific set of second language proficiency descriptors for the four skill areas-reading, writing, listening, and speaking-provided the impetus for the work described in this report. The University... more
Until 2022, D'Arcy Randall was a Professor of Instruction in the Department of Chemical Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. Now retired, she teaches part-time in the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. She collaborated with... more
This contribution aims to introduce a non-English text, a landmark study of cross-genre writing, to a broader audience. Schreiben und Denken (translated as Writing and Thinking) was published in 2000 by Hanspeter Ortner, an Austrian... more
Charles Bazerman and James Paradis, eds. Textual Dynamics of the Professions: Historiealand Contemporary Studies of Writing in Professional Communities. (Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1991), 390 pages. On any given day, tutors in a writing... more
Readers can find many of the articles mentioned in this study listed in Babcock and Thonus's Researching the Writing Center: Towards an Evidence-Based Practice (86-109).
The goal of this article is to characterize the university writing center as a crucial institutional resource for the support of student writers and to advocate for its establishment at Tribhuvan University (TU). To achieve this, it... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Writing center scholars have long debated whether writers are best served by "generalist" tutors trained in writing center pedagogy or "specialist" tutors with insider knowledge about a course's content or discipline-specific discourse... more
Working and writing in a time of heightened social justice and advocacy movements that recognize and amplify unheard, silenced, and marginalized voices, writing center practitioners and scholars are compelled to reckon with the stories we... more
In the US, supplemental writing resources have played a strong role in higher education, emphasizing nondirective peer tutoring, but recent initiatives have developed discipline-specific teachingoriented resources, which have yet to be... more
In the US, supplemental writing resources have played a strong role in higher education, emphasizing nondirective peer tutoring, but recent initiatives have developed discipline-specific teachingoriented resources, which have yet to be... more
In the past decade, theories of the social construction of knowledge have resulted in the widespread use of collaborative learning techniques. Computer technology has been in the forefront of this movement, with one result being a minor... more
The status of WPAs, both writing program directors and writing center directors, has been an issue of central concern for the last two decades, as reflected in position statements such as the Portland Resolution (Hult et al.), "Evaluating... more
Redesigning the online writing lab (OWL) presented the opportunity for collaboration among writing center and professional writing program members. While the article briefly describes the OWL redesign process, the argument focuses on... more
This article discusses issues of accessibility and how user-centered and participatory approaches can inform empirical research to guide the Universal Design of virtual spaces and influence writing center efforts for students with... more
Although research and writing for publication are seen as important responsibilities for most graduate students and faculty, many struggle to understand the process and how to succeed. Unfortunately, writing centers at most universities... more
Although research and writing for publication are seen as important responsibilities for most graduate students and faculty, many struggle to understand the process and to succeed. Unfortunately, writing centers at most universities do... more