Recent papers in Wormholes
October 30, 2016, the web site for the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies published an article, "Breaking into the Simulated Universe" by Eliott Edge. An attempt to argue against the idea of escaping out of the universe, if it... more
The possible process of creation/annihilation of traversable wormholes in the model with phantom (ghost) scalar field is described. It is shown that such process can be realized only for some special choice of a potential energy, in... more
Pure thermodynamical considerations to describe the entropic evolution of the universe seem to violate the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This suggests that the gravitational field itself has entropy. In this paper we expand recent work... more
In this paper we have described some Ramanujan incomplete elliptic integrals and Black Holes-Wormholes formulas. Furthermore, we describe new possible mathematical connections with ϕ, ζ(2), and various parameters of Particle Physics... more
While Moore’s Law is partially correct by addressing that flaw of Close Space Particle Bombardment in Component Package Size, Moore’s Law does not address what is used in powering the entire device in the first place. This flaw adhering... more
In the context of modified f(R) gravity, we attempt to study the thermodynamic properties of the evolving Lorentzian wormholes at the apparent horizon. It is shown that the wormhole can be derived from a particular f(R) model in the... more
Portals: Windows, doors, black holes, white holes and worm holes serve as nodes for transport between different systems of organization in the works and writings of Marcel Duchamp, and in Thomas Pynchon's novels _Gravity's Rainbow_ and... more
Time is a simple word, though it remains truly the most mysterious and vicious phenomena where every living and non-living ones are its victim. This antediluvian force of nature shows no mercy as it moves along every path, every corner... more
Abstract. This paper will demonstrate that the transportation of high energy subatomic particles through wormholes occurs at superluminal speeds through an ‘elastic ’ wormhole entity which adjusts its diameter based upon the kinetic... more
What is shab e meraj? Was this physical journey or spiritual journey? What did prophet see in meraj? How prophet would have travelled such a large distance in so much of short time?
My attempt to provide the best advice, involving 4-d matter and possibly the quantum.
“This product is one is a series of advanced technology reports produced in FY 2009 under the DIA, Defense Warning Office’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Application (AAWSA) Program. Comments or questions pertaining to this document... more
Dört temel kuvveti birleştirmeniz söylenseydi? Bakışımın temelinde birkaç varsayım var. İlki evrenin basit tekrarlar sonucunda bu kadar karmaşıklaştığıdır. Fraktal geometrideki gibi, kendini tekrarlayan olguların ilişkisi ile bu... more
Stephen Hawking has flirted with the subject of time travel, off and on, during his career but he is most famous for his argument that history should be safe for historians, due to the fact that although he has revisited the subject... more
Examining the possiblity of violation of Relativity and Einstein causation thru superluminally transmitted signals and messages embedded in art (primarily antique music). The parallels to 'acoustic black holes' and the Hawking Black hole... more
The aim of this paper is to expand the possibilities of political cartography beyond the limited scope that current cartography offers. Over the last century visual models have improved tremendously, and yet political mapping has not... more
Recent thought experiments and calculations in the field of quantum gravity research have led to the idea that spacetime may be intimately related, if not identical, to quantum mechanics, rather than agonistic towards it. This finding... more
During the last century, entanglement was the bone of contention between the two main pillars of Physics: General Relativity (GR) and Quantum Mechanics (QM). This began in 1935 with the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox (EPR paradox) which... more
We numerically construct a symmetric wormhole solution in pure Einstein gravity supported by a massive 3-form field with a potential that contains a quartic self-interaction term. The wormhole spacetimes have only a single throat and they... more
The very bad error is with respect to breaking down time first and force complex time of Einstein and Lorentz which may be beyond all particles to manage and make haphazard waste of energy. 'In the nonrelativistic theory, this product... more
Published in the Journal of Historical Sociology : https://t.co/Zm334jkkWT Neo-Weberian historical sociology and political science establishes that territory is a defining feature of the modern state. Drawing on insights from political... more
Stephen Hawking has flirted with the subject of time travel, off and on, during his career but he is most famous for his argument that history should be safe for historians, due to the fact that although he has revisited the subject... more
We consider a configuration consisting of a wormhole filled by a perfect fluid. Such a model can be applied to describe stars as well as neutron stars with a nontrivial topology. The presence of a tunnel allows for motion of the fluid,... more
We examine the compatibility of the mirror matter concept with the non-orientable wormholes. If any particle (or classical object) is traversing through the non-orientable wormhole, it turns into a corresponding mirror particle and vice... more
Recent work has shown the existence of a unique nonlinear extension of electromagnetism which preserves conformal symmetry and allows for the freedom of duality rotations. Moreover, black holes and gravitational waves have been found to... more
In the Ellis wormhole metrics we study characteristics of fluid dynamics and the properties of linear sound waves. By implying the energy-momentum equation and the continuity equation in the general relativistic manner we examine the flow... more
In this paper, we review modified f (R) theories of gravity in Palatini formalism. In this framework, , we use the Raychaudhuri's equation along with the requirement that the gravity is attractive, which holds for any geometrical theory... more
Questions of cost and time distance have long been of interest to geographers and have become a more central concern as globalization advances. We analyze the global air travel system by examining the differences in the costs, distances,... more
Pure thermodynamical considerations to describe the entropic evolution of the universe seem to violate the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This suggests that the gravitational field itself has entropy. In this paper we expand recent work... more
The energy flux emitted during the accretion of matter onto a wormhole in the Brans-Dicke the ory has been calculated. This characteristic is compared with its values calculated previously for wormholes in general relativity and for a... more
We tend to think that evolution is a smooth line of changes in the characteristics of a species over several generations and relies on the process of natural selection. This, by the majority, accepted theory of an almost vivid and... more
The idea of a “cesspool”. It does not seem so farfetched. It would seem that the “cesspool” idea, adds a few strings to the process of LIFE creation. THE ENERGY as well, does not obey the common rules of current to resistance variations,... more
We compute the graviton one loop contribution to a classical energy in a traversable wormhole background. Such a contribution is evaluated by means of a variational approach with Gaussian trial wave functionals. A zeta function... more
In the frame work of Palatini approach to modified f (R) theories of gravity, we attempt to investigate the thermodynamic behavior of time-dependent wormhole geometries. By considering an evolving wormhole spacetime, we find the field... more
This is a presentation I gave in the second semester of a quantum field theory course I took. I reviewed the problem of black hole thermodynamics and Gerard 't Hooft's solution that, in order to preserve the 2nd law of thermodynamics,... more
The Schwarzschild solution of the Einstein field equation leads to a solution that has been interpreted as wormholes. Many have been skeptical about this interpretation. However, many researchers have also been positive about it. We show... more
Recent work has shown the existence of a unique nonlinear extension of electromagnetism which preserves conformal symmetry and allows for the freedom of duality rotations. Moreover, black holes and gravitational waves have been found to... more
The following paper is purely hypothetical in nature in that it is based on pure hypothesis and mathematical physics. The effect of Mach’s principle on the quantum regime has been studied especially with reference to the quantum... more
In this research thesis, we describe some equations concerning Black Holes, Wormholes and Universe and we describe the possible mathematical connections with various parameters of Ramanujan formulas
The following paper is purely hypothetical in nature in that it is based on pure hypothesis and mathematical physics. The effect of Mach's principle on the quantum regime has been studied especially with reference to the quantum... more
In this work, we explore the possibility that quantum fluctuations induce a topology change, in the context of Gravity's Rainbow. A semi-classical approach is adopted, where the graviton oneloop contribution to a classical energy in a... more
The purpose of this study is to investigate observational features of Brans-Dicke wormholes in a case if they exist in our Universe. The energy flux from accretion onto a Brans-Dicke wormhole and the so-called "maximum impact parameter"... more
The SYK model has a wormhole-like solution after averaging over the fermionic coupling in the nearly AdS2 space. Even when the couplings are fixed the contribution of these wormholes continues to exist and new saddle points appear which... more
The wireless networks and mobile computing applications are rapidly changing the landscape of network security. These technologies create new vulnerabilities that do not exist in wired network. Some of the techniques and methods of... more
A quote attributed to Albert Einstein points out that intuition is the source of great ideas while mathematics is only intuition's faithful servant. Prior to being assaulted by equations, the two diagrams below immediately show a great... more
The curvature invariants of three Lorentzian wormholes are calculated and plotted in this paper. The plots may be inspected for discontinuities to analyze the traversability of a wormhole. This approach was formulated by Henry, Overduin,... more
The problem of how many colors are required for a planar map has been used as a focal point for discussions of the limits of human direct understanding vs. automated methods. It is important to continue to investigate until it is... more
We provide an in depth study of the theoretical peculiarities that arise in effective negative mass lensing, both for the case of a point mass lens and source, and for extended source situations. We describe novel observational signatures... more