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As a participant in the internationally presented eight part series The Scientists - Profiles of Discovery in 1979 by the Science-Unit of Australian National Television my subtitle was Pope the Catalyst. In that year UNESCO appointed me... more
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      Theoretical PhysicsPhilosophyArt TheoryClimate Change
We discuss the conceptual advantages that would accrue if we were to conceive our discipline more broadly as Worldview Studies with an emphasis on the scientific study of their emergence, development, and function. We realize that... more
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      Worldview.Religious Studies
Since the 18th century to the present, the concept of worldview has been used in various forms by various writers and extensively in several fields of academic disciplines. The article provides a brief historical overview of its usage in... more
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      Youth StudiesIslamic StudiesWorldview.Worldview Theory
Work in progress,
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      ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionTrinity and CommunityTrinity
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      GeographyAnthropologyIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal Studies
Thinking with Excellence is for first-generation students in mind, namely, those who are the first in their families to seek formal education. Broad enough for those attending high school, secondary education, or graduate studies, and... more
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      PhilosophyEducationSuccessful High School To College Transition For Students At Risk Of Dropping OutCritical Thinking
When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth? The difference between a secular mindset and a sacred mindset is that in the secular life, one engages in daily life disconnected and without awareness of God. In the sacred... more
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If knowledge is dynamic, evolving, and relative, then whatever conclusions we believe we may have reached, with regard to the origins, nature, and classification of difference, as a general concept, can only be partial in their... more
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      EducationCurriculumWorldview.differentiated Instruction
Dinjii Zhuh K’yàa Yahdii / Yahdii in the Native Tradition: A Gwich’in (Dene) Star Chart is a product of more than a decade of research with Gwich’in traditional knowledge bearers and the first-ever star chart for a Northern Dene language.... more
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      Athabaskan languagesAlaska Native StudiesEthnoastronomyCultural Astronomy
People from the Middle East and Arabic speaking countries have been present in North America for many generations. They represent a growing multicultural community with various ages, backgrounds, educations, customs, socio-economic... more
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      Middle East StudiesTransnationalismPsychotherapy and CounselingPsychology of Religion
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      ChristianityChristian EthicsChristian SpiritualityWorldview.
These notes reflect my own personal interpretation of these items and do not constitute the official position of The Salvation Army, but only the exact wording of the position statement indicates TSA's official position.
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      ChristianityEthicsApplied EthicsVirtue Ethics
The article discusses the problem of worldview and its role in the francophonie as sociocultural multilingual dimension. The author addresses the francophonie as a poly-cultural multi-ethnic world, which is characterized by a plurality of... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsFrancophonieIntercultural dialogueWorldview.
This paper combines qualitative and quantitative content analysis to map and analyze the “Incel” worldview shared by members of a misogynistic online community ideologically linked to several recent acts of politically motivated violence,... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsNatural Language ProcessingTerrorismPolitical Violence and Terrorism
An ideological texture analysis of Colossians 2 to address the question; how can modern Christians confront competing philosophical factions without oppressing or dominating other cultural groups? A refinement of polemics that relies on... more
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      Servant LeadershipTransformational LeadershipGlobal LeadershipIdeological Criticism
Resumo O termo "visão de mundo" (Weltanschauung) tem sua origem no interior da filosofia alemã, mais especificamente na Crítica da faculdade de julgar (1790) de Kant (1724-1804), sendo decisivo para a consolidação do "idealismo alemão".... more
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      PhilosophyOntologyHermeneuticsMartin Heidegger
Worldview is the general outlook on life. It is the blueprint by which people perceive reality and interpret the world. Worldview is a rich concept and an all-­‐encompassing notion. It can be described as a large cognitive-­‐mental... more
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У дослідженні вивчається специфіка письменницької публіцистики. Зазначається, що в основу публіцистичних виступів письменників покладено особливий тип мислення (він виражається в тому, що комунікант має чітку світоглядну позицію), принцип... more
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      CreativityWorldview.Journalism StudiesArtists’ Books
This paper outlines an emerging Transition Design approach for addressing " wicked " problems (such as climate change, loss of biodiversity, crime, poverty, pollution, etc.) and catalysing societal transitions toward more sustainable and... more
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      Design educationDesign for Social InnovationDesign TheoryCollaborative Design
Síntesis y crítica de "El arte no necesita justificación", de Hans Rookmaaker, caps. 1 al 4
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      Art HistoryTheologyCosmovisionBible
C.S. Lewis (cited in Dockery 2002, 359) famously posited that “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else,” articulating the broad scope that a... more
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      ReligionPhilosophyWorldview.Christian worldview
The sky is routinely overlooked in Northern Dene ethnology as a meaningful domain of linguistic and cultural knowledge. However, a decade of comparative ethnological research in Alaska and Canada has shown that Dene stellar knowledge is... more
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      ShamanismAthabaskan languagesEthnoastronomyCultural Astronomy
It is not possible to speak of a single systems approach. There are rather of a number of systems approaches, each loosely drawing on different aspects of a family composed mainly of, general system theory, cybernetics, information... more
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      Organizational BehaviorManagementSociologyPsychology
In order to navigate through difficult times of divisiveness, injustice, and inequality , oneness-the essential interconnectedness of all beings, could just be the filter through which we may need to reevaluate our existence as parts of a... more
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      Social ChangeDesignMuseums and Exhibition DesignMindset
Though the Christian faith has in recent years increasingly shown itself to be a truly African religion, a variety of African authors such as Kä Mana, George Kinoti, Hannah Kinoti, August Shutte and Efoé Julien Penoukou have noted that... more
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      Virtue EthicsAfricaCultureChristian Missions
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      Theology and ScienceWorldview.WorldviewsWorldview Theory
This article talks about time management and its effects to the African. Written by an African from an African perspective.
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      BusinessInternational BusinessWorldview.Business Management
The ethics and transformative capacity of Ecological Art for Sustainable futures: An analysis and 3 international case studies.
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      Applied PhilosophyVisual StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyModes of Perception
It will be the thesis of this paper that the biblically-based Christian worldview best fits and expresses reality via the filters of theology, cosmology, epistemology, and anthropology, is the most logical and defendable among all... more
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      Ethical TheoryBiblical worldviewsWorldview.Worldviews
Focusing on the Western intellectual lineage, this essay traces the human archetypal metaphor for the universe as it shifts three times, from that of a great mind, to a great machine, to the modern-day transition toward an organismic view... more
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      Philosophy of MindCosmology (Anthropology)Alfred North WhiteheadConsciousness
This paper is a preliminary exploration of the concept of ecological wisdom. This paper is part of the book "Integral Ecologies" edited by Sam Mickey, Adam Robbert, and Sean Kelly and published by SUNY Press.
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      Environmental PhilosophyTransformative LearningEcopsychologyIntegral Theory
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      Youth MinistryChristian ApologeticsWorldview.
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      TheologyTheological EthicsNarrative TheologyBiblical Studies
Neil Gaiman has won nearly every literary award available and is arguably the most famous of postmodern novelists. This study performs a cultural artifact analysis of his novels in order to explore the worldview embedded in his narratives.
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      Popular CultureNeil GaimanWorldview.C.S. Lewis
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      Religious EducationMagicHarry PotterOcculture
‘Sustainability transitions’ has emerged as one of the most important and influential literatures on understanding the pathways towards a more sustainable future. Yet, most approaches in this literature privilege technological and... more
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      ReligionSocial ChangeSpiritualityCommunity Ecology
Communicating the gospel across cultural barriers is an essential element of the Great Commission. Jesus mandated that his followers should go and make disciples of all the nations (Matt. 28:19a). The gospel was not limited to Israel, but... more
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      ChristianityNew TestamentHistory of ChristianityContextual Theologies
Pētījuma mērķis ir mēģināt pārvērtēt līdz šim aktuālo pieeju – Jāņa Poruka garstāstu “Pērļu zvejnieks” uztvert un analizēt tikai kā reālpsiholoģisku darbu. No tā izriet tas, ka pētījuma galvenie uzdevumi ir klasificēt J. Poruka domāšanu... more
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      RomanticismPhilosophy of LoveWorldview.Latvian Literature
Worldview and culture are the essential tools in order to contextualize the experiences of Latinos. The focus of this paper will be on connecting African-centered thought via the usage of Cheikh Anta Diop"s two-cradle theory to the... more
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Citation: Buck, Christopher. “Ninian Smart (1927–2001).” British Writers, Supplement XXIV. Ed. Jay Parini. Farmington Hills, MI: Charles Scribner’s Sons/The Gale Group, 2018. Pp. 269–283. ISBN-13: 978-0684325156. (Release date: September... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistoryIntellectual History
What is theological reflection, as a modern concept? Theological reflection is the process by which we come to understand reality as it truly is. The goal ultimately is to see God, the universe, the inspired word, and ourselves, as God... more
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      ChristianityTheologyPhilosophical TheologyBiblical Theology
В статті аналізується вплив фантастики в різних її видах на формування світогляду дітей та підлітків. Розглядаються внутрішні суперечності й загальні проблеми дитячо-підліткової фантастики. Як приклади наводяться твори останніх років, їх... more
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      EducationVideo GamesMass cultureScience Fiction and Fantasy
The conquest of the Canaanite city of Jericho by Joshua's forces, as famously narrated in the Hebrew Bible, was a fascinating archaeoacoustic event. There were horns blowing, feet marching, shouts, the sounds of the wall falling, a fierce... more
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      Ancient WarfareWorldview.ArchaeoacousticsBiblical History
s): 1. The order of (human) nature is inherently good. 2. Natural order is the basis for beauty, virtue and wisdom. 3. Virtuous order is attained through emulation of natural order. 4. Power with. 5. Order through reciprocal collaboration... more
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      Critical TheoryEnvironmental EngineeringPhilologyEnvironmental Sociology
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      BuddhismMissiologyTheravada BuddhismWorldview.
CV Current to end of 2019
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      EducationTheologyEvangelical TheologyCurriculum
The aim and purpose of the present essay is to trace, define, explain and criticize broad Postmodernism, as a means to (1) introduce the Christian worldview as the only valid worldview and (2) to proclaim the Gospel. The structure to... more
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      PostmodernismWorldview.Presuppositional ApologeticsChristian worldview
Pendahuluan Pembahasan tentang worldview merupakan topik kontemporer yang sedang hangat pada zaman modern ini. Pertama kali, istilah ini dikenal sebagai weltasnschauung dari bahasa Jerman yang pertama kali digunakan oleh Immanuel Kant... more
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The allegory of ‘The Cave’ in Book VII of the Republic as recounted by Plato is perhaps the most compelling and arguably the most vital metaphor that Socrates puts forward in his conversation with his interlocutors, particularly in... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationPlatoPhilosophy of Education