World Englishes
Recent papers in World Englishes
This paper investigates the role of English in Japan, outlining its current status and use. The paper begins with a critical review of the World Englishes model as it relates to the categorization of Japan within the expanding circle of... more
It is a truth universally acknowledged that the subjunctive in modern English is on its deathbed. It has been described variously as “a vestigial survival” (Strang 1968), “a rather feeble and restricted device” (Foster 1976:220), “a... more
Introducing Global Englishes provides comprehensive coverage of relevant research in the fields of World Englishes, English as a Lingua Franca, and English as an International Language. The book introduces students to the current... more
A great article from HBR made into an English lesson for students to improve their skills in the language.
In the thirty-two years since the Islamic Revolution occurred in Iran, economic and cultural globalization have affected the role of English in multiple domains in the country. Within the domain of advertising, shifts have occurred... more
Language ideologies and authenticity i contexts of dialect contact.
The story of Erin Brockovich, a woman who brought about the biggest lawsuit settlement in American history, that was made into an English lesson for students of all levels to practice their English skills
It's an interview article published for TEFLIN Journal.
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This study aims to explore the feasibility of teaching critical reading—a practice based on critical language awareness—in local English language classes where learners tend to be receptive about the contents, and to describe the... more
... E-mail: [email protected] ª 2006 The Author. ... This, however, may not have a significant impact on the possibility or not of transfer of strategies from one language to the other. ... Please! Sit! Sit! Table 1. DCT-elicited SeL... more
This paper presents observations from an agro-pastoral village in the Andes, at the periphery of Lima and from an upper-class shopping area, and discusses attitudes toward the state-driven promotion of English. In these communities, a... more
Once you've settled into your new American life, chances are you'll want to indulge in some good, clean U.S. style fun. An activity for the English Language learner to practice their skills.
These poems, composed in Somali and in English, provide a poetic reflection of the recently emerged debate on the theme of Caddaan Studies which means "White Studies". The criticism and counter-criticism contained in the debate dug so... more
The English used in the Netherlands, a European Union country, is classified by many linguists as an ESL variety, or, within Kachru's (1985) Three Circles model, as an Outer Circle variety, or as being between an Outer and an Expanding... more
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English holds an unparalleled place in the world as a lingua franca; no language before has been spoken by so many people. Research has found that students believe learning English is vital to their job prospects (Saraceni, 2010, p.116;... more
В настоящей статье дано краткое описание истории, фонетических, морфосинтаксических и лексических особенностей, а также современного положения пакистанского регионального варианта английского языка. Ключевые слова: пакистанский... more
Get students to rewrite a full paragraph in different time tenses
This article sets out to give a brief overview of phonetic and phonological aspects of Caribbean varieties of English. Specifically, it provides a general description of similarities and differences between Caribbean varieties with... more
Ch. 1 introduces the study's methodology and organization and explains the exigency prompting the study. Powerful contributors to that exigency are the increasing dominance of English-medium research journals among those indexed by... more
Get access to a great study on the COVID-19 done by McKinsey and also practice your language skills and learn more about this disease while improving your English.
PhD thesis investigating implicit and explicit attitudes towards non-native (Asian) speakers of English in China, Japan and South Korea using a cross-cultural research instrument for direct comparison. The study also investigates factors... more
This research reports evaluation of tertiary learners’ spoken English fluency. The evaluation was done after explicit teaching of idioms to tertiary learners. The present study was conducted over a period of time and it was consisted of... more
Understanding English varieties other than native-speaker norms has been regarded as necessary for effective communication in contexts where English is used as a lingua franca. In Vietnam, however, English language teaching remains... more
This article considers Jalal Al-Ahmad and Elizabeth Braddon as writers whose fictions voiced attitudes towards poverty and motherhood. Two women, to get rid of poverty, have to get rid of their children in order to remarry. These two... more
The ideal description of a variety of English is one that is constructed within the terms of the variety itself. This paper discusses a number of issues involved in such a description in relation to the distinctive vocabulary of Hong Kong... more
A little bit about Harvard´s history, a place so close to my heart as somewhere I called home for many years and I just wanted to share some its info with you
A wonderful study done by INSEAD, THE ADECCO GROUP and GOOGLE on the Global Talent Competitiveness Index made into an English activity for students to learn and improve their skills in the language.
A study of the limits of multilingual literary expression in print culture. Beginning with the insight that multilingual literature defies simple translation, Brian Lennon examines the resistance multilingual literature offers to book... more
this article approaches two repositories of lexical items, the Dictionary of American Regional English and the Dictionary of Canadianisms on Historical Principles, as repositories of historical dialectology. Starting with a detailed... more
In this paper the authors discuss the themes of autonomy and creativity as they have been expressed in this special issue. At a linguistic level, the emergence of Hong Kong English has been clouded by a cluster of language ideologies... more
Having established the world's first undergraduate college of world Englishes, and in an ‘Expanding-Circle’ setting, we have created the pilot environment for a new type of ELT curriculum. We must address the creation of a curriculum that... more
This paper investigates the prosodic strategies used by Malaysian speakers of English to mark the information status of new and given discourse elements. Thirty speakers of Malaysian English were recorded both when playing a game designed... more
Pichi, an Afro-Caribbean English-lexifier Creole spoken on the island of Bioko, Equatorial Guinea, features four types of reiteration. Amongst them, reduplication and repetition can be distinguished on formal and semantic grounds.... more
A full book with activities for students to work on all skills in order to improve or learn the English Language
The book "World Englishes and Culture Wars" is a novel collection of issues and concepts, past, present, and future that have (and will still continue to) shape intellectual debates and discussions about the narratives of the contentions... more
A short report from McKinsey on Lifelong Employability turned into an ESL lesson for English Students of all levels to learn and improve their language skills
A lesson on Culture for English Language Students to practice their communication skills.