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Africa and Africans are playing an increasingly important role within World Christianity. Not only is what happens in Africa Christianity more and more representative of Christianity as a whole (as Andrew F. Walls began to prophetically... more
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      World ChristianityAfrican ChristianityAfrican pentecostalismAfrican agency
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      PentecostalismCharismaCharismatic ChristianityWorld Christianity
Pour un cinquième de l’Église mondiale, le leadership s’exerce dans un contexte de persécution. Si la persécution et le leadership suscitent l’un et l’autre un intérêt croissant tant parmi les érudits que chez un public plus profane, il a... more
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      ChristianityLeadershipChristian MissionsTransformational Leadership
Kristendommen er i rask endring og kommer til uttrykk på nye måter både sosialt og politisk. På få tiår er tyngdepunktet flyttet fra det globale nord til det globale sør. I Vest-Europa blir kirker nedlagt eller solgt. Samtidig fylles... more
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      World ChristianitiesWorld ChristianityGlobal Christianity
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      Latin American StudiesHistorical TheologyHistory of ChristianityChurch History
It is March in Beijing. Many local friends tell me that it is the loveliest month here, as one can see, smell, and feel the change of seasons coming after a long smoggy winter: The day is warm and the golden sunlight streams brilliantly... more
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This paper analyzes the growth of Buloba over the years using the Revitalization movement theory. It’s believed that in the formative years, Buloba was a “dark place” to stay in. There were no roads connecting to the city of Kampala. The... more
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    • World Christianity
which the church -rightly or wrongly -has tried to develop criteria for articulating the content and forms of divine revelation, presence and grace in this universe. Brown pays no attention to the theological struggle with such criteria... more
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      HistoriographyHistory of MissionsWorld ChristianityGlobal Christianity
Christians have not been a major part of the mainstream debates in studies on Chinese diaspora and transnationalism. This chapter attempts to move Christianity into the centre of such conversations through the theme of identity.... more
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      TransnationalismChinese ReligionsWorld Christianity and Chinese ChristianityOverseas Chinese
The intention expressed by the Busan assembly of the World Council of Churches to embark on a Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace throughout the next decade invites one to imagine what such a pilgrimage might look like. Of course, in its... more
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      TheologyContextual TheologiesEcumenical TheologyWorld Christianities
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      MissiologyAmazoniaWorld ChristianitiesWorld Christianity
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      World ChristianityHistory of Religon
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      Missionary HistoryHistory of MissionsWorld Christianity and Chinese ChristianityChinese history (History)
This is a personal review of “To Whom Does Christianity Belong? Critical Issues in World Christianity” by Dr. Dyron B. Daughrity (2015). The review was made on January 31, 2020.
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      ChristianityWorld ChristianityGlobal Christianity
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      Contextual TheologiesMissiology and Mission TheologyWorld ReligionsWorld Christianity
This paper considers the evangelical personalities and convictions that sustained the landmark 1838 Myall Creek case in which free, white settlers were convicted for the murder of Aborigines in New South Wales.
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      EvangelicalismAustralian colonial historyWorld ChristianityHistory of Christianity in Australia
Edward Smither’s recent offering is a welcome contribution for those interested in a short over- view of the history of Christian missions from the perspective of World Christianity. DOI: 10.1111/irom.12346... more
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      History of MissionsWorld ChristianityHistory of Christian Missions
In "Theology Today" 71/2 (2014):178-191.
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      Journalism HistoryMissionary HistoryChurch HistoryHistory of Journalism
Many church leaders conclude that immigrant churches are not engaged in missions, based on a limited view of the geographic scope of missions. The "going principle" assumes that mission activity involves cross-cultural engagement, while... more
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      Arabian GulfDiaspora and transnationalismWorld ChristianityMigrant Churches
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      Chinese StudiesSinologyChinese TheologyWorld Christianity
Links to reviews below! An examination of Christianity in contemporary Russia. It begins with an overview of Orthodox Christianity before focusing on the distinctive aspects of Russian Orthodoxy and Russian Christianity. Explores... more
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      ChristianityRussian StudiesRussian LiteratureHistory of Christianity
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    • World Christianity
The 1890s saw a rapid expansion of mission schools in China, among which a number of theological seminaries were established or enlarged in order to provide Chinese Christian workers with a systematic education, rather than traditional... more
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      EducationChristian EducationChristian MissionsModern Chinese History
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      Pentecostal TheologyPentecostalismEcumenical dialoguesWorld Christianity
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      ChristianityChinese ReligionsChinaWorld Christianity and Chinese Christianity
The University of Shanghai (滬江大學) was founded in 1906 as a co-operative effort between the Southern Baptist Convention [SBC] and the American Baptist Missionary Union [ABMU]. Herman C. E. Liu (劉湛恩) was appointed its first Chinese... more
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      EducationChristian EducationChristian MissionsModern Chinese History
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      History of ChristianityWorld ChristianitiesPentecostalismWorld Christianity
In Christian Circulations, Jean DeBernardi offers a meticulous take on the “history of the globalization of Christianity and the local church” (p. 358). She does this by paying attention to the Brethren movement in Singapore and Penang,... more
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      ReligionChristianitySoutheast Asian StudiesHistory of Religion
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      Sociology of ReligionAfrican StudiesWorld ChristianityAfrican Christianity
A bibliography of responses of American Indians / Native Americans / First Nations peoples in North America to Christianity. This includes missionary perspectives, colonial perspectives, non-Christian academic perspectives, critical... more
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      Native American ReligionsHistory of MissionsGospel and CultureNative American (History)
محققان و عموم به هر دو موضوع جفا و رهبری، گفتگوهای اندکی بین این دو حیطه یا تحقیق روی تجربۀ رهبران جفادیده صورت گرفته است. هدف این مقاله این است که لزوم مطالعۀ هدفمند و پایدار رهبری مسیحی تحت جفا را نشان داده و چالشهایی که شاهدان امین... more
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      ChristianityLeadershipChristian MissionsTransformational Leadership
Klaus Koschorke, «"'Dialectics of the Three Selves": The ideal of a "self-governing" native church -from a missionary concept to an emancipatory slogan of Asian and African Christians in the 19th and early 20th centuries», in... more
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      Missionary HistoryProtestantismGlobal HistoryChurch History
This is a select bibliography on the topic.

(Latest revision, 13 November 2024)
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      Ecotheology (Environment)African theologyWorld ChristianityEcotheology
This article appeared in the Winter-Spring 2018 issue of Missio Dei Journal ( in an issue dedicated to "engaging the classics" of missionary literature. In this article I explore the continuing significance of Andrew... more
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      History of ChristianityHistory of MissionsChurch HistoryHistory and Theology of Missions
Chapter 15 in African Christian Biography: Stories, Lives, and Challenges, ed. Dana L. Robert (Pietermaritzburg, South Africa: Cluster Publications, 2018) (275-294). Biographical essay on Catherine Zimmermann, born Geveh in Angola,... more
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      Women's HistoryBiographyJamaicaGhana
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      Liberation TheologySocial JusticeChurch HistoryContextual Theology
This is a booknotes review of Paul G. Hiebert, "The Gospel in Human Contexts: : Anthropological Explorations for Contemporary Missions," published in Religious Studies Review
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      AnthropologyChristian MissionsMission StudiesWorld Christianities
移民與海外宣教:真耶穌教會近期的全球拓展 葉先秦(政治大学)、蔡彥仁(政治大学) 摘要:二十世紀中葉後殖民時期全球南方基督教人數的大幅增長,已然轉變過 往對宣教的西方主導以及文化帝國主義認知。這些急速崛起的南方教會,無論 是前殖民時期留下的宗派或者新興的獨立教會,也開始進行海外宣教工作。 1917 年創立於北京的真耶穌教會從 1920 年代以降就已運用海外移民網絡從事 宣教,可謂非西方教會「反向宣教」的先驅。在「國際聯合總會」成立後更是... more
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      World ChristianityChristianity in ChinaHistory of Chinese ChristianityTrue Jesus Church
Drawing on extensive research on the Christian understanding of the Spirit in both Asian and Western contexts, Kirsteen Kim explains how different cosmologies have shaped Christian pneumatology. The contrast between belief in one... more
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      TheologyMissiologyMissiology and Mission TheologyMission Studies
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      Indonesian HistoryIndonesian StudiesReligious ConversionJava
Proverbs is a poetic book full of images and metaphors, many of which are often obscure and enigmatic. In this volume, Rotasperti offers a contribution to the understanding of figurative language in Proverbs by looking at the grammatical... more
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      Discourse AnalysisTheologyPragmaticsHebrew Bible
This opening article offfers an introduction to the theme of this special issue of Exchange: Jesus traditions and masculinities in world Christianity. Highlighting the historical trajectory of feminist theological debates on the maleness... more
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      Gender StudiesNew TestamentHistory of ChristianityContextual Theologies
In the past decade, there has been an explosion of research that uses insights from migration studies as a way of understanding various shifts in global Christianity. As a result, missiology has both benefited from and increasingly... more
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      TransnationalismMissiology and Mission TheologyMigration StudiesDiaspora Studies
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      ChristologyWorld ChristianityJesus ChristChristianity and Buddhism
Klaus Koschorke, "Asia in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries", ch. 9 of "History of Global Christianity", vol. 3: "History of Christianity in the 19th century", eds. Jens Holger Schjørring and Norman A. Hjelm (Leiden - Boston: Brill,... more
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      Missionary HistoryChurch HistoryWorld ChristianityGlobal Christianity
As part of a larger project, this paper serves as an overview that examines how “ai” 愛 (love) as an affective concept made its way into the Chinese vocabulary, how it gained popularity at specific junctures in modern Chinese history, and... more
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      Chinese ReligionsReligion and PoliticsCommunismLove
This chapter uses the Chinese Home Missionary Society (CHMS) – the first nationwide native evangelistic missionary society – as a case study. By examining the process in which mainline Chinese Protestant churches and individuals... more
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      Christian MissionsModern Chinese HistoryChurch HistoryWorld Christianity and Chinese Christianity
The church in Africa needs to develop enough leaders to serve the needs produced by its rapid growth. One significant aspect of leadership development is theological education. Theological education in countries like Kenya has grown... more
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      Church plantingWorld ChristianityGlobal ChristianityChurch Leadership & Ministry
This doctoral dissertation is a historiographical examination of the missionary encounter in Ottoman Syria (modern Syria and Lebanon) during the late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century Nahda, or Arab renaissance. It begins in 1870,... more
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      Middle East StudiesMiddle East HistoryMissions from/to/in the Middle EastHistory of Missions