Workplace Studies
Recent papers in Workplace Studies
about contact donate submit articles photos videos mixed media the medes is a volunteer collective of academic writers, artists, photographers and videographers advocating for social change workplace violence (part one) by ken johnson.... more
Studies on classroom design, most especially in Nigerian secondary schools, are seriously lacking. With particular focus on selected teachers in Ogun State, this ex-post facto research examined classroom design and its influence on... more
The totalitarianism inherent in corporate structures is defined and preserved by the hierarchy, and these structures stretch far beyond for-profit, private enterprises. In an attempt to justify arbitrary positions of power, organizations... more
Until recently, knowledge-intensive work activities have predominantly taken place in office buildings as a specialized form of economic infrastructure. New digital technologies together with an economic and organizational transition from... more
In order to study collaborative information behaviour (e.g. information search, creation, and sharing) in the work environment, it is important that we take into consideration its embedded nature in collaborative work, however not many... more
Handheld computers are increasingly being used by hospital workers. With the integration of wireless networks into hospital information systems, handheld computers can provide the basis for a pervasive computing hospital environment; to... more
This paper examines the degree to which work is becoming de-ethnicised in the Malaysian tourism industry sector. This so-called de-ethnicisation of work is formulated in the Malaysian Government’s 10th Malaysia Plan (2011–2015) as an... more
There is a disconnect between how writing is taught in the academy and how it is performed in the professions. This can make for a very difficult transition from college to the workplace (National Association of Colleges and Employers,... more
Over the last two decades rates of women's participation in science, engineering, and technology careers has greatly increased. However, to date little research exists on how women, especially those in management positions, are performing... more
Creative choice is an individual act. As in other fields such as filmmaking, dance creation is based on a cognItive dualism that considers the choreographer as the creative decision-maker, while the dancer is objectified. The dancer’s... more
Schnurr, S., & Mak, B. C. N. (2009). Humor as an indicator of workplace socialization. In V. K. Bhatia, W. Cheng, B. Du-Babcok, & J. Lung (Eds.), Language for professional communication: Research, practice and training (pp. 131-145). Hong... more
Summary Primary emphasis within the literature on mechanisms to address the prevalence of negative occupational well-being outcomes among human service workers has tended to focus on individual self-care efforts or organizational level... more
This is an edited, expanded and reshuffled version of my framing remarks for the two panels of the stream “Music and Sound at Work”, which I convened at the London Conference in Critical Thought, University College London, in June 2015.... more
In the business world creating added value is beginning to be the main need of organizations, they are seeking employees, service providers, and clients that would add value to their organization. The workplace is considered to be a... more
Para quienes no lo conocen, Kim Moody es un activista e intelectual norteamericano de izquierda que nos tiene acos-tumbradas a reflexiones "no convencionales" sobre la clase obrera y sus posibles estrategias políticas. Así fue, cuando en... more
Review of 'Lines of Work: Stories of Jobs and Resistance', by Scott Nikolas Nappalos, ed. (Alberta, Canada: Black Cat Press, 2013). Review first published in LHP Bulletin 64.
The present research aims to explore perception of Hong Kong employees towards workplace counseling and workplace counselors. This preliminary exploration adopted a qualitative approach. Two individual face-to-face and semi-structured... more
Studies on classroom design, most especially in Nigerian secondary schools, are seriously lacking. With particular focus on selected teachers in Ogun State, this ex-post facto research examined classroom design and its influence on... more
Mak, B. C. N., & Chui, H. L. (2013a). A cultural approach to small talk: A double-edged sword of socio-cultural reality during socialization into the workplace. Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 8(2), 118-133. ISSN: 1744-7143. (Indexed... more
Scale items for article:
Thomas, B., & Lucas, K. (2019). Development and validation of the workplace dignity scale. Group & Organization Management, 44, 72-111.
Thomas, B., & Lucas, K. (2019). Development and validation of the workplace dignity scale. Group & Organization Management, 44, 72-111.
Listening to music while working is by no means a new innovation. Songs, for a long time, helped people synchronise their movements and made the day go quicker. In the 1930s, recorded music was often used in factories to improve... more
This paper identifies six elementary interactional constraints in face-to-face meetings: frames, sequential relevance, face, status, physical boundaries, and temporal boundaries. It argues that these constraints are not absolute but... more
Catalyst Project is delivering end-user computing, communications, and collaboration capabilities through a set of world-class services that we call Workplace as a Service (WPaaS), in a context of everything as a service across an... more
ABSTRACT Employees are the backbone of any company therefore their management plays a major role in deciding the success of an organization. Each employee in the database is associated with a position can be added and edited when need... more
After 10 years in force, has the CMCHA 2007 been a success or inadequate on a practical level? This research paper investigates whether the Corporate Manslaughter Legislation adequately holds organisations to account for serious failings... more
Knowmad Society explores the future of learning, work, and how we relate with each other in a world driven by accelerating change, value networks, and the rise of knowmads. Knowmads are nomadic knowledge workers: Creative, imaginative,... more
A b s t r A c t In many countries throughout the world, the justice sector is characterised by high levels of staff turnover, often associated with the particular stresses embedded in the criminal justice working environment. This... more
Emotional intelligence is at the heart of our research. Our aim was to examine the differences that exist between generations, based on the views of their representatives. In the theoretical portion we dealt with defining emotional... more
People with disabilities are perhaps the largest and most expanding group of individuals in the United States. Despite the fact, they are considered a minority and constantly struggle to succeed in society. Factors include negative stigma... more
Sexual harassment is among the oldest immoral practices penetrating societies around the globe, from the ancient times to the present. Studies have shown that sexual harassment is widespread in all cultures and especially in transitional... more
In this article, I integrate research in social construct theory, the medicalization of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and strengths-based theory to propose a change in the way American society negatively labels and... more
The factory disasters at Rana Plaza and the Triangle Shirtwaist Company were 100 years apart, but strikingly similar events. What has happened in the garment industry during the intervening years, and why hasn't a solution for the... more
This is the final pre-publication version of the report published by the then English National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visitors. It provides an insight into undertaking qualitative research in workplace settings. Th... more