Recent papers in Workplace
In the face of research that shows that workplace knowledge and learning are highly contextual, calls for the teaching of generalizable skills for the workplace have been widespread. While the authors reject the usefulness of teaching... more
Aims. The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between bullying and burnout and the potential buffering effect psychological detachment might have on this relationship. Background. There is evidence to suggest that bullying is... more
Background: The United Kingdom (UK), alongside other industrialised countries, is experiencing a shortage of nurses partly due to low retention rates. Job satisfaction has been highlighted as a contributing factor to intent to leave and... more
The visual dimension has featured prominently in person perception in the last 25 years. Alone, this dimension cannot give the complete 'picture' of others because language and speech (i.e., the auditory dimension) are also highly... more
Current theorists on the psychology of possession highlight control as an important route in the development of feelings of ownership. In the present article, the authors hypothesized that the extent to which individuals experience... more
The "think manager-think male" (TMTM) association underlies many gender inequalities in the workplace. However, research into the "glass cliff" has demonstrated that the suitability of male and female managers varies as a function of... more
Social work in workplace is one of the area in which the social worker extend their skill and expertness in helping personnel managers in the industry directly and organizational development indirectly, by intervening the employee... more
Much emphasis has been placed on the importance of the environment as a determinant of health; however, little theoretical work in nursing has specifically articulated the importance of the nursing practice environment as a factor in... more
Background: Call center sector in India is a relatively new and fast growing industry driving employment and growth in modern India today. Most international call centers in National Capital Region (NCR) of Delhi operate at odd work hours... more
The researchers document the individual and workplace characteristics associated with decreased work productivity and intent to stay in nursing for nurses employed in direct patient care in the hospital setting. Factors associated with... more
Exposure to inhalable wood dust and compliance with the British Control of Substances
Computers and other digital devices are commonly used both in the workplace and during leisure time. Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is a new health-related condition that negatively affects workers. This article reviews the pathology of... more
A major concern by the health decision makers in Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC) countries is the burden of financing healthcare. While other GCC countries have been examining different options, Saudi Arabia has endeavoured to reform its... more
This prospective cohort study examined the association between educational level and major causes of death in Japan.A baseline survey was conducted between 1988 and 1990 among 110,792 inhabitants of 45 areas aged 40–79 years. Follow-up... more
Journal of Nursing Management 17, 120-134 Nurses' job satisfaction in their early career: is it the same for all branches of nursing? Aim To develop an early career job satisfaction instrument that is valid and reliable across the four UK... more
This paper addresses possible changes in Dutch employers' behavior regarding the recruitment and retention of older workers during the last decade. We analyze surveys
An analytical method using a liquid chromatograph combined with a simple online column switching sample pre-treatment system was developed for the determination of 1-hydroxypyrene (1-HP) in urine. This compound is the metabolite of pyrene... more
If citing, it is advised that you check and use the publisher's definitive version for pagination, volume/issue, and date of publication details. And where the final published version is provided on the Research Portal, if citing you are... more
Objective: To assess the prevalence of risk factors and risk for cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes in employees with sedentary occupations enrolled in a workplace health-promotion program. Methods: Participants (n = 762) were... more
The present study investigated processes by which job stress and satisfaction unfold over time by examining the relations between daily stressful events, mood, and these variables. Using a Web-based daily survey of stressor events,... more
The companion article by Mitler and Miller (pps 000) suggests a number of issues for policy makers. Federal legislators have already been alerted to some of these issues.
Resistance in the workplace, by nurses, has not been extensively studied from a sociological perspective. In this paper, nurses' resistance to the implementation and use of computer systems is described and analysed, on the basis of... more
The development and implementation of worksite health and wellness programs (WHWPs) in the United States (US) holds promise as a means to improve population health and reverse current trends in non-communicable disease incidence and... more
Workplace incivility (WI) continues to hamper professional nursing practice, patient care, and the health of nurses who encounter this phenomenon in their workplace. This article provides an exemplar of WI experienced by a new nurse when... more
Aims To report our experience of implementing the first community-based lifestyle intervention programme to detect high-risk individuals and prevent the development of Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in a general population sample in... more
Psychosocial factors at work have been found to predict a range of health outcomes but their effect on mental health outcomes has not been extensively studied. This paper explores the relationship between psychosocial factors at work and... more
Objective: This study investigated the extent to which selflabeling as a victim of workplace bullying mediates or moderates the relationship between exposure to bullying and the target's health outcomes. Methods: Data were collected by... more
Drawing from an approach-avoidance perspective, we examine the relationships between subordinates' perceptions of abusive supervision, fear, defensive silence, and ultimately abusive supervision at a later time point. We also account... more
Regular physical activity (PA) is associated with a reduced risk for chronic health conditions and improved health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Efforts to increase PA have included workplace health promotion. Currently, little is... more
Title. Learning how we learn: an ethnographic study in a neonatal intensive care unit. Aim. This paper is a report of a study to identify how nurse clinicians learn with and from each other in the workplace. Background. Clinicians'... more
Background: Postgraduate medical education and training (PGMET) is a complex social process which happens predominantly during the delivery of patient care. The clinical learning environment (CLE), the context for PGMET, shapes the... more
In many industrialized countries smokers have been observed in high prevalence among workers with poor educational status, who are usually exposed to major occupational risks. The smoking habit and passive smoking may by themselves, or... more
A participatory ergonomics model was designed for improving working conditions, quality, and productivity in a medium-sized manufacturing enterprise by making use of a Supportive Expert Team (SET). In order to implement the model, a... more
Smoking is an important issue for the majority of the world's working population. It is important to explore in which ways the workplace might contribute to changes in smoking status and smoking behavior. The present article provides a... more
Evidence regarding the extent of mental health problems and the associated characteristics within an employee population is necessary to inform appropriate and tailored workplace mental health programs. Mental health within male dominated... more
There are three main conceptualizations of nurses' stress: occupational stress, moral distress, and traumatization (compassion fatigue, secondary traumatic stress, vicarious trauma). Although we have learned a great deal from these... more
The American Conference of Governmental Industrial hygienists (ACGIH) lowered the threshold limit value (TLV) for respirable crystalline silica (RCS) exposure from 0.05 to 0.025 mg m 23 in 2006. For a working environment with an airborne... more
SUMMARY Objective: Despite the progress in the implementation of health promotion programs in the workplace, there are no questionnaires in Brazil to assess the scope of health promotion interventions adopted and their scientific basis.... more
This study sought to explore the job satisfaction level of migrant nurses working in a multicultural society and, more specifically, the relationship between their job satisfaction levels, work environment, their intentions to leave and... more
Purpose To investigate: (1) relationships between job stress, recognition of nursesÕ performance, job performance and intention to stay among hospital nurses; and (2) the buffering effect of recognition of staff performance on the... more