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      Feminist TheoryWorking ClassesBeverley Skeggs
Eighteenth-century Britain saw the emergence of a new poetic genre, the “work” poem which took various forms of labor as its subject and was often written by laborers themselves. Several of these working class poets found their lives... more
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      Critical TheoryBritish LiteratureScottish LiteratureEnglish Literature
Dans l'horreur que suscite, chez certains, la sociologie entre pour beaucoup le fait qu'elle interroge le premier (ou le dernier) venu au lieu de donner la parole seulement aux porteparole autorisés » Pierre Bourdieu, La Distinction Le... more
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      Cultural StudiesPolitical SociologyRural SociologyWorking Classes
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      Victorian StudiesWorking ClassesVictorian LiteratureChartism
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      Working ClassesCitizenshipWorking Class Studies
More an essay inspired by than a review. Published by Dublin Review of Books, September 2014.
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      Working ClassesTheories of SocialismGuild Socialism
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      Rural SociologyYouth StudiesWorking Classes
This report was published in the Bulletin of the Communist Platform, No.2, June–September 1978, and is an attempt to present the discussions of two socialist feminist workshops held in Bombay (a smaller, more theoretical Marxist... more
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      Feminist TheoryMarxismWorking ClassesWomen
3 Epistemische Struktur

4 Heuristische Struktur

5 Hypothesen

6 Kompliziertheit und Komplexität

7 Varietät

8 Begrenzung und Redundanz

9 Entropie

10  Redundanzprinzip


12 Langzeitgedächtnis
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      HeuristicsWorking ClassesCyberneticsProblem solving (Education)
Un costo laboral que se calcula en derechos conquistados con lucha y organización. Una planta industrial que se conoce como ícono del sindicalismo combativo y de izquierda. Un día de la bandera que pretende izar la revancha burguesa... more
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      Working ClassesResistance (Social)ArgentinaNeoliberalism
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      SociologySociology of SportWorking ClassesClass
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryWorking Classes1970s Culture
Description of the work of the working class organisation - Chhattisgarh Mukti Morcha (Mazdoor Karyakarta Committee)
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    • Working Classes
Résumé Au même titre que la déstructuration du monde ouvrier et que la crise du militantisme, la présence croissante de surdiplômé(e)s dans les catégories populaires ne contribue-t-elle pas au déclin du sentiment d’appartenance de classe... more
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      Working ClassesClasses Populaires
Review of the 2009 Penguin Modern Classics edition of Richard Hoggart's The Uses of Literacy (published in Popular Music journal, May 2010).
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      Cultural StudiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesPopular Music Studies
For the journal 'Work, Employment and Society'
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      American StudiesCultural SociologyWorking Classes
Does capitalism generate prosperity and well-being in an atmosphere of freedom, as its defenders claim, or is it an unjust system in which workers are exploited for the benefit of a capital-owning minority, as its critics assert? Does... more
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      MarxismDiversityWorking ClassesCapitalism
Resumo: O presente artigo pretende analisar os meandros da implementação de bibliotecas em empresas automotivas no ABC Paulista. Como recorte metodológico a Volkswagen do Brasil foi escolhido para ser analisado. Ao discutir e analisar a... more
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      Working ClassesLeituraSindicatos
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      MarxismWorking ClassesClassMarxist theory
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      HistorySociologyEnglish LiteratureEarly Modern History
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      Sociology Of DevianceWorking ClassesSociology of Crime and Deviance
Donnée pour morte à maintes reprises, la classe ouvrière démontre avec la pandémie son rôle central dans la production et trace des possibilités pour s’émanciper du capitalisme.
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsLabor EconomicsMarxismWorking Classes
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      Working ClassesClassLaw and EconomicsTransnational History
In India, many women from former untouchable caste groups (Dalits) are domestic workers. Despite attempts at seeking formal, legal recognition, they continue to be seen by the state as part of a broad, ambiguous category of “informal... more
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      Working ClassesGenderDomestic workersCaste
The recent electoral tide of the Far Right in Europe and the US has revived the old debate on working-class susceptibility to nationalism and exclusivism. Political analysts and mass media invoked an empirical, but theoretically... more
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      Cultural StudiesPolitical SociologyWorking ClassesCultural Materialism
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      European HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic HistoryHistorical Sociology
African urban workers are relatively few in number, but they are often well organized and located close to the centers of power.
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      Urban PoliticsWorking ClassesAfrican PoliticsUrban Poverty
Time and low-income families challenged by vulnerability Based on a study of low-income families, this article documents the connections between the structuring of the families’ time and the vulnerability of their circumstances. The... more
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      SociologyEducationWorking ClassesHealth
savoir/agir, Sept.2016
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      Rural SociologyWorking ClassesSocial Representations
Edited by Erika Polson, Lynn Schofield Clark, and Radhika Gajjala, this companion, brings together scholars working at the intersection of media and class, with a focus on how understandings of class are changing in contemporary global... more
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      Media StudiesWorking ClassesGlobal mediaHistory of Middle Classes
Sungur Savran, The great challenge: Winning the working class back from ideological irredentism Tamás Krausz, An updated, second edition of the Horthy regime in Hungary Ewa Groszewska, The new Polish government: Anti-neoliberal but... more
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      MarxismWorking ClassesFascismCapitalism
"crackle[s] with insight and revealing detail" (Jakub Benes on H-nationalism) "a major contribution to the study of nationalism" (Carl Strikwerda in American Historical Review) "This well-written, innovative, and engaging study pushes... more
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      European HistoryModern HistoryCultural HistoryNineteenth Century Studies
Probably the most important apolitical, non-physical education organization in interwar Ostravsko was the Sdružení českých bezvěrců [Association of Czech Atheists] (1919) or Sdružení sociálnědemokratických bezvěrců [Association of Social... more
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      Czech HistoryWorking ClassesUrban HistoryCzech & Slovak Studies
When in a person’s life does upward social mobility begin? We know from sociological research that people experience the trials and triumphs of mobility at life-stages of adaptation to new contexts, such as school, university, and work.... more
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      Working ClassesClassFamilySocial Class
Alors que les classes populaires confèrent comme on l'a vu ci-dessus beaucoup d'importance à la famille et la chaleur du foyer, elles semblent demeurer aujourd'hui également attachées -comme nos données empiriques l'attestent largement... more
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      Social SciencesWorking ClassesCritical PedagogyDistinction
Les significations attribuées au mot « communiste » sont plus diverses que jamais. Il renvoie à une histoire tragique pour les peuples et les communistes eux-mêmes, et est même associé, dans le cas de la Chine, à un acteur central de la... more
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      Political PartiesWorking ClassesCommunismFrance
Tytułowa figura robotnika i związane z nią performanse pamięci przedstawione są z punktu widzenia kulturoznawstwa, filozofii, historii sztuki, teatrologii i muzykologii. Autorki i autorzy przyglądają się rzeczywistości fabryki i ulicy... more
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      Performance StudiesWorking ClassesTheater and filmMemory Studies
Em seu mais recente livro, Nova Classe Média? O Trabalho na Base da Pirâmide Social Brasileira, Marcio Pochmann, economista, professor licenciado da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) e presidente do Instituto de Pesquisa... more
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      Working ClassesEconomic GrowthSociology of the Middle ClassesEconomia Brasileira
A meta-analysis of 35 studies found that social class (socioeconomic status) is related to social integration among students in higher education: Working-class students are less integrated than middle-class students. This relation... more
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      Social PsychologySociology of EducationHigher EducationWorking Classes
Pat Barker with her first novel, Union Street, provides a realistic social panorama of her time and offers a significant vantage point to class and gender issues by focusing on overall characteristics of working class environment with the... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesFeminist TheoryWorking Classes
Pandemi ortamının en önemli getirilerinden ve sorunlarından biri “eve iş getirmek” ifadesiyle özetlenebilir. Başka bir anlatımla, iş mekanının göçebeleşmesi gibi bir olguyla yüz yüzeyiz. Bu metin söz konusu meseleyi ve değişen iş yaşamını... more
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      Political EconomyArchitectureUrban PoliticsWorking Classes
Ancien prof de lycée dans le « 9-3 » devenu sociologue, Fabien Truong a pendant dix ans – des émeutes de 2005 aux attentats de janvier 2015 – suivi et accompagné une vingtaine d’anciens élèves, du bac jusqu’à la fi n de leurs études. Tour... more
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      Sociology of EducationFrench StudiesEthnographyHigher Education
Rethinking Radicalism: Means Test Protest in County Durham 1931-1935.
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      HistorySocial PolicyWorking ClassesLabour history
En la escuela segundaria -pero su padre no lo permitió de hacer la graduación Hizo un aprendizaje como comercante y gerente a Barmen, a Bremen y a Manchester Un año en servicio militar a Berlin No hizo estudios completos, no hizo un... more
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      Industrial SociologySocial MovementsPolitical EconomyMarxism
Učna veriga odlomkov z vprašanji za tesno branje in problemski pristop k poučevanju književnosti.

Learning chain of excerpts with the questions for close reading and for the problem solving approach to teaching literature.
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      Working ClassesAutobiographySymbolismNational Identity
The first one is a gradual dealignment of manual workers from the left, between the end of the 1970s and the end of the 1990s. It reflects the transformation of the working class (declining numbers, fragmentation, individualization, and... more
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      Working ClassesExtreme Right Politics
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      Working ClassesOral historyArgentina HistoryMemory Studies