Work Engagement/employee Engagement

469 papers
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Work engagement, or employee engagement, refers to the psychological state characterized by vigor, dedication, and absorption in one's work. It reflects an employee's commitment, enthusiasm, and connection to their job, influencing productivity, job satisfaction, and overall organizational performance.
Abstract This case study explores the relationship between women in leadership at the decision-making level and the phenomenon of quiet quitting among Gen Z employees in Sri Lanka’s apparel industry. As one of the country’s largest... more
This study investigated the mediating role of work engagement in the relationship between teachers' positive instructional emotions and job performance in the Turkish educational system. Using a cross-sectional design, a sample of 413... more
Although extensively used in the academic literature, workaholism as a concept has been explained in different ways, which has influenced the development and use of some measurement tools. As such, this article aims to address the subject... more
This study offers a counterpoint to the generalization of positive and linear effects resulting from challenge stressors in the workplace. The guiding objective was to verify whether social challenge stress impacts individuals' work... more
This study investigates the effectiveness of environmental sensitivity training (EST) in fostering pro-wildlife behaviours (WB) among tour guides in Sri Lanka, and explores the mediating role of work engagement (WE) in this relationship.... more
This study aims to identify how private universities in Indonesia survive and develop and identify development strategies used by private universities in Indonesia in facing the era of change. This study uses a descriptive qualitative... more
This investigation evaluates the intricate and multidimensional role of employee engagement in advancing organizational productivity. By systematically analyzing the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral dimensions of engagement alongside... more
Consumer confidence index is an indicator used to measure consumer confidence based on the degree of optimism on economy. Basically. it is a measure that reveals how optimistic or pessimistic consumers are with respect to the economy in... more
The objective of this study is to examine the effect of employee engagement dimensions on job performance at Tibebe Ghion Specialized Hospital. For this purpose, a quantitative approach was used to perform an in-depth investigation of the... more
This study aims to examine the relationship between school counselors' perceived organizational support, job satisfaction, and resilience levels in terms of various variables. The sample of the study, which was conducted with a... more
This study investigates the impact of perceived organizational support (POS) and employee training on job satisfaction among the administrative and academic staff at the University of Hargeisa, a public university in Somaliland. A... more
Bu araştırmanın amacı, hizmetkâr liderliğin işe angaje olma üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Bu bağlamda liderlik tarzlarının çalışan tutumları üzerindeki etkilerini anlamak ve daha olumlu bir iş ortamı oluşturmak için stratejilerin... more
This research has several purposes such as analyze the effect of leadership behaviour's factors on organizational performance and analyze the right leadership behaviour which is proper to apply in organizational performance's improvement... more
Corporate turnarounds are critical yet complex processes that often fail despite favorable external conditions and expert planning. This paper explores the psychological and organizational factors that undermine restructuring efforts,... more
Ethical leadership is increasingly essential for cultivating a vibrant workplace and strengthening employee-organization relationships. Using the framework of social exchange theory, this research delves... more
Orientation: Workplace fatigue has harmed the working environment, with workers becoming increasingly exhausted, disgruntled and detached from their work and co-workers. Curbing workplace fatigue is important to increase job performance,... more
Abstrak Artikel ini membahas pentingnya mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai Pancasila ke dalam budaya perusahaan di Indonesia serta bagaimana nilai-nilai tersebut dapat memengaruhi keterlibatan dan pengalaman karyawan (employee engagement dan... more
This study examines the complex connections between servant leadership (SL), collaborative culture (CC), and project success (PS) in the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) sector in Kabul, Afghanistan. The objectives were to analyse... more
Purpose-Based on the job demands-resources theory, the objective of the current research is to investigate the influence of contextual (i.e. change information), as well as, personal (i.e. meaning-making) change resources on the perceived... more
Purpose– This study aims to investigate the relationship between organizational trust, psychological empowerment, and employee engagement. In addition, the study seeks to test the moderating role of psychological empowerment on the... more
In parallel with the developments in information and communication technologies, the concept of digital leadership has emerged with the impact of current approaches such as Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0. Digital leadership is a phenomenal... more
The link between corporate culture and employee engagement has awakened the interest of both the business community and academia. However, the role that entrepreneurial leadership plays in this equation has been neglected by the... more
The purpose of the study is a comprehensive picture of work engagement and work family conflict for the criteria of key authors, documents, and keywords and mapping the development of research through a bibliometric approach with... more
Background: Ineffective communication among healthcare team members is associated with decreased collaborative efforts and adverse patient outcomes. The impact of empathy on collaboration with colleagues and patient interaction has been... more
Introduction: Building on the motivational process of the job demandsresources (JD-R) theory, in the current research we investigated the longitudinal association between supervisor support/resilience as job/personal resources, work... more
Although extant research shows detrimental consequences of workaholism, wellknown workaholism scales have been commented on for the lack of construct clarity and validity. The Multidimensional Workaholism Scale (MWS), a new measure... more
Beşerî sermaye, sürdürülebilir rekabet avantajı elde etmede işletmeler için nadir ve taklit edilemez stratejik bir kaynaktır. Bu nedenle çalışanların, işletmenin amaçlarına yönelik performans göstermesinde psikolojik kapasitelerinin... more
To address the research question, following hypotheses were formulated: H1: EE relates positively and significantly wit TI. H2: POS moderates the relationship between EE and TI Research Instruments Emotional Exhaustion Scale (EES)... more
Orientation: Organisations need energetic and dedicated employees to enhance the quality of their services and products continuously. According to the Conservation of Resources Theory, it is possible to increase work engagement of... more
Bu araştırmanın amacı, Samsun ilinde Milli Eğitime bağlı okullarda görev kadın psikolojik danışmanların algılanan örgütsel destek düzeylerini ile iş doyumlarını belirlemek ve algılanan örgütsel desteğin iş doyumuna olan etkisini... more
Estrés del desafío social y engagement en el trabajo: el papel moderador de la habilidad política Estresse de desafio social no trabalho: o papel moderador da habilidade política
Universal Resilience Theory (URT) presents a comprehensive framework aimed at understanding and promoting resilience across diverse individuals, communities, and contexts. Grounded in the recognition of resilience as a universal human... more
Building on the motivational process of the job demandsresources (JD-R) theory, in the current research we investigated the longitudinal association between supervisor support/resilience as job/personal resources, work engagement (WE) and... more
The main objective of the study was to examine a comparative analysis of staff involvement in private and public hotels in a few selected Addis Ababa hotels. To find out if there was a relationship between the dependent and independent... more
Purpose-The aim of this study is to analyze how levels of political skill and work engagement vary among managers of different hierarchical levels in the scenario studied. Theoretical framework-This research is based on the existing... more
This study examines the impact of Human Resource Management (HRM) on organizational performance at the United Bank for Africa (UBA) in Nigeria from 2013 to 2023. Employing a mixed-methods approach, it investigates HRM practices at UBA,... more
Amidst the evolving landscape of higher education institutions, employee engagement remains a critical determinant of organizational success. This study aims to explore the intricate dynamics of trust, integrity, and employee engagement... more
Çağdaş liderlik yaklaşımlarından olan stratejik liderliğin, çalışanların kurumları ile olan uyum seviyelerinin arttırılmasına ve çalışanların işlerine angaje olmalarına katkı sağlaması beklenen bir durumdur. Çalışmada, stratejik... more
Kinerja karyawan di Indonesia masih tergolong rendah dan perlu ditingkatkan seiring dengan meningkatnya persaingan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Job Crafting dan Person Job Fit terhadap Work Engagement dan kinerja... more
This study investigates the relationship between workplace ostracism and work engagement of the employees in the local governments and whether neuroticism, one of the personality traits, has a role on this relationship. Convenience... more
Digital Leadership is a leadership style that focuses on implementing digital transformation within an organization. It enables enterprises to digitize their work environments and learning cultures. As such, it is a critical component of... more
The study explored the relationship between work engagement (WE) and job performance (JP) among vocational teacher educators (VTEs) in higher education institutions (HEIs) in Nigeria. The study adopted a quantitative approach and the... more
This studyoffers a counterpoint to the generalization of positive and linear effects resulting from challenge stressors in the workplace. The guiding objective was to verify whether social challenge... more
This management project undertook an extended literature review to evaluate the effects of flexible work arrangements on nurses' engagement and performance by reviewing a wide range of literature that underpin flexible working... more
Purpose-By drawing on the reciprocity norm and the employee engagement theory, the aim of this study is to investigate the influence of workplace characteristics (e.g. individual, job, group and organizational levels) on remote employee... more