The objective of this study was to evaluate variations between the velocity of ultrasonic wave propagation in trees and in freshly felled logs as well as to investigate the correlation between those speeds and corrections that would... more
Experiments were conducted using ASTM standard methods to determine the medium density fiberboard (MDF) expansion properties and swelling characteristics as a function of panel density and sorption state. Specimens without density profile... more
The potential of proton magnetic resonance techniques, in particular magnetic resonance imaging, for analysis of western red cedar has been investigated. Proton magnetic resonance experiments were carrled out on normal sapwood, heartwood... more
The effect of supercritical fluid treatment on superficial gas permeability of Douglas-fir was investigated by using carbon dioxide either alone or amended with methanol. Permeability increased in a majority of samples, although nearly... more
This research is intended to expand information on fiber characteristics for better understanding their complexity and potential in industrial use. Tensile properties of four types of individual cellulosic fibers, bamboo, kenaf, Chinese... more
Ongoing research into chemically treating southern hardwoods for producing structural composite lumber suggests that some improvements may be imparted by modifying the wood. How chemical treatment(s) affect modified wood durability,... more
A microtension testing system was devised to measure mechanical properties of individual cellulosic fibers. To avoid specimen gripping and to enhance fiber alignment during testing, a self-aligning ball and socket gripping assembly was... more
As previously reported, the combination of various organic biocides with relatively high levels of commercial antioxidants always increased the biocides' efficacies against wood-destroying fungi in short-term laboratory decay tests. The... more
In Eastern Canada, black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) has recently been introduced in the finger-jointing industry. However, little information is available on some of the key manufacturing parameters that influence the... more
Lignin, holocellulose, cellulose, and hemicelluloses were isolated from pine wood and reacted with acetic anhydride. The order of reactivity was found to be lignin > hemicelluloses >> holocellulose. Cellulose did not react. At a level of... more
Dimensional stability can be improved by either steaming or heating wood while the wootl is in a compressed state. This study investigated the effect of steam or heat on fixation of compression set and the effect of these treatments on... more
Nanofibers were isolated from bagasse pulp pretreated with dilute hydrochloric acid, dilute sodium hydroxide, cellulase, or xylanase enzymes using high-shear ultrafine grinding and high-pressure homogenization. The effect of the different... more
Birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh) condensate collected from a veneer plant in Michigan was analyzed for its major chemical constituents. This condensate contained carbohydrates and lipids. In the lipid fractions, triglycerides were the most... more
Oriented strand board (OSB) manufacturers would like to reduce panel weight to save on costs and provide a lighter panel for handling during construction. This study explored the possibility of making a lighter and cheaper oriented strand... more
The effects ofdifferent wood drying procedures, offelling time (winter and summer), and of compass orientation within one tree (north and south side) on the fracture properties of spruce wood have been studied. A most useful parameter to... more
Partially cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase-deficient and wild-type loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) were studied for shrinkage properties. The study established no significant difference between these two genotypes. Results also showed that... more
Numerical and three-dimensional finite element models were developed to improve understanding of major factors affecting hygroelastic wood properties. Effects of chemical composition, microfibril angle, crystallinity, structure of... more
Numerical and three-dimensional finite element models were developed to improve understanding of major factors affecting hygroelastic wood properties. Effects of chemical composition, microfibril angle, crystallinity, structure of... more
Abstract. Partially cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase-deficient and wild-type loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) were studied for shrinkage properties. The study established no significant difference between these two genotypes. Results also showed... more
Reducing lignin content is a target for processes such as papermaking because lignin removal requires a tremendous amount of energy and chemicals. Recent advances in tree genetics permit modification of lignin content and structure. The... more
Two nuclciir magnctic rcsonance (NMR) pulsed field gradient diSSusion approaches have been applied to the measurement of the magnitude and the distribution of the tangential dimension of cells in a number of wood samples. The results thus... more
The anatomical characteristics and density of wood were examined in 23-year-old Acacia mangium trees that had been planted in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The seeds had been collected from trees of five different provenances. The distance from... more
Recent studies demonstrated that perforated pit membranes (i.e., pit membranes with a large opening in their central portion) are commonly present between wood fibers in core eudicots. It is unclear whether this type of pit membranes... more
A Rapid Agar Plate Screening Assay (RAPSA) was developed and optimized for assaying individual extracellular enzymes produced by potential biological control agents and sapstain fungi. The RAPSA, which uses culture tiltrates rather than... more
The lumber industry is challenged to operate more efficiently. Sawmill systems use much equipment with various technologies and their manaEement methods are very much influenced by s i x of oo-eration, employee skills, hierarchy levels,... more
The applicability of a l~ewly dcviscd technique, hased on the TVilhelllry principle, for measuring wetting propcrtic; of textile fibers has hcen dclllonstrated for a series of wood l)~~l p fibers. The w e t t a l~i l i t~ of ~~nI>leached... more
Changes in ring density and its components with increasing distance from the pith (ie, age trends) were examined in 15-year-old trees from 60 open-pollinated families of coastal Douglas-fir [Pseudo-tsuga menziesii var. menziesii (Mirb.)... more
as a basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate the effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situation. Global Case Writing Competition 2009 Corporate Sustainability Track oikos free case collection... more
The surfacc characteristics of trcated waste newsprint fibers were investigated using inverse gas chromatography (IGC). The surfaces of waste newsprint fibers were modified with y-aminopropyltriethoxysilanc, dichlorodiethylsilane (DCS),... more
A tcxtl~rr goniometrr \vus rltilized for meas~lring the azim11th:rl intensity distribution of the (040) meridional diffr;lction fro111 S O I I I~ coniferous \\loocl tissues. A compntcrizod iterative fitting method rvas r~sed to generate... more
The environmental burden of timber-based products is becoming more significant in delivering competitive advantage in term of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. A recent project studied the life cycle inventory of wood products from cradle... more
Elasticity properties were evaluated with respect to the various commercial types of composite lumber. The study included laminated veneer lumber (LVL), parallel strand lumber (PSL), and laminated strand lumber (LSL). The experimental... more
The knowledge of the environmental performance of different products and services is vital in the modern world because of the climate change and other environmental problems that we are facing. Life cycle assessment is a valuable tool... more
We developed a spreadsheet-based model, named ThinTool, to evaluate the cost of mechanical fuel reduction thinning including biomass removal, to predict net energy output, and to assess nutrient impacts from thinning treatments in... more
Laboratory and field leaching exposure tests were conducted to compare the residual metal content in EN 252 (50 9 5 9 2.5 cm 3) pine sapwood stakes treated with commercial chromium-and copper-containing preservatives. Treated stakes were... more
Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell is one of pulp woods that is being developed through breeding plantation programs in Indonesia. The research aimed at exploring the chemical and morphological characteristics of fiber, and to determine the rank... more
Phenotypic correlations between juvenile-maturc wood density and growth were examined based on increment corc samplcs from two plantations, a provcnancc test and a commercial plantation, of black sprucc [Picerr murianu (Mill.) B.S.P.].... more
In this work, a two-dimensional mathematical model of the moisture transport and stress-strain phenomena during the conventional drying process of Eucalyptus nitens wood is presented. The model consists of a system of partial differential... more
Key message Xylem maturation depends on cambial age rather than diameter growth in Shorea macrophylla by the model selections for radial variations in cell length, wood fiber traits, and basic density. Abstract Radial variations in... more
The pH distribution near the adhesive-wood bond line in black spruce (Picea mariana) and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) bonded with various acidic and alkaline adhesives was investigated. For alkaline adhesives, exposure to moderate... more
Acoustic emission monitoring requires applying a force to an object. In most cases, special-purpose loading devices are used for this process; however, they are subject to some operational limitations. Dynamic loading of a controlled... more
Using a new method to determine the longitudinal shear modulus (G) and shear strength (7) of solid wood in a single test, the observed shear properties of normal (NW) and compression wood (CW) of larch samples were related to their... more
The objective of the present study was the determination of the extractives, acidity and ash content of three different provenances of Cupressus semprevirens wood. The specimens were collected from the sapwood, heartwood, bark and needles... more
Dokonano analizy definicji i niektórych podziałów klasyfikacyjnych zarówno podstawowych, jak i dotyczących budowy strukturalnej oraz technologii kompozytów i wyrobów kompozytowych. W analizie uwzględniono kompozyty o osnowie metalowej,... more
Changes in growth and wood density traits were investigated across annual rings of 12-year-old trees from four selected subpopulations in lotlgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. Ex Loud var. latifolia Engelm) based on X-ray densitometry... more
This study evaluated the relative ability of three types of wood preservatives to inhibit attack by Formosan subterranean termites (FST) (Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki) and native subterranean ter mites (Reticulitermes spp.). The study... more
Elasticity properties were evaluated with respect to the various commercial types of composite lumber. The study included laminated veneer lumber (LVL), parallel strand lumber (PSL), and laminated strand lumber (LSL). The experimental... more