In partial fulfillment of the requirements in WD 230 Course, Women and Work of the Graduate Studies on Women and Development
Canada's Inquiry into Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women (MMIW) will soon begin its work. This paper reviews the history and current ways that Canada's laws and legal system have and continue to discriminate against indigenous women,... more
Abstract The recent rise in the intensity of the call for equality between men and women and the increasing number of accusing fingers pointed at the Islamic legislation vis-à-vis the woman, claiming that the Muslim Woman is oppressed,... more
This report documents the process of understanding cultures and cultural transformations that embrace and promote women’s rights. It involved mapping discursive interventions across Bangladesh, Indonesia, India and Nepal.
This essay examines the diminutizing of college students through language and explores implications for pedagogical practice.
This is the introduction to the RESEARCH HANDBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVES ON DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT (Elgar Publishing) that finds its place in a series of volumes on international perspectives on equality and... more
The Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women 1979 (CEDAW) is one of the core international legal instrument aiming at the protection and promotion of women's rights. It is considered as the most comprehensive... more
This article introduces the special issue on diversity and equality. We discuss the development of European Union anti-discrimination legislation, in particular as relates to gender and race/ ethnicity, and the ways in which different... more
Diriez-vous d'un tribunal dont on limite la compétence qu'on lui coupe les couilles? Diriez-vous d'une enfant violée qu'elle a vécu une « aventure sexuelle »? Diriez-vous de 30 avocates et d'un document qu'« ils » se trouvent dans la... more
s there a human right to be governed democratically? And what are the considerations that might ground such a right? These are the questions raised in Joshua Cohen’s 2006 article, ‘Is There a Human Right to Democracy?’ – a paper over... more
The article reveals a historical source that has been overlooked in the research of Israeli society and women, including the history of Israeli feminism: the Hebrew journal Ha'ishah bamedinah, edited by Tehila Matmon and published for... more
For women and girls, gender-sensitive legislation is one of the greatest gateways to security and improved status within society. Outdated legal frameworks, discriminatory legislation, and inaccessible justice systems are just some of the... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Pričujoči prispevek tematizira vprašanja (ne)enakosti spolov v akademskem polju v Slo- veniji in vlogo institucij pri reproduciranju neenakosti v njem. V članku najprej na osnovi nekaterih izbranih statističnih podatkov predstavimo... more
Evidence of gender bias isn't limited to Hollywood or politics. A search on The Chronicle for Higher Education website, using the term " gender bias " resulted in more than sixty articles published since January 2017. As we settle into... more
Özet: Kişinin kendi bedeni üzerinde sahip olduğu haklar ve tasarruf etme yetkisi hukukun en çok üzerinde durduğu ve düzenlediği hususlardan biri olmuştur. Modern Çağ’da kölelik kurumunun yasal düzenlemelerle yasaklanması ve özgürlükçü... more
Talk of gender identity is at the core of heated current philosophical and political debates. Yet, it is unclear what it means to have one. I examine several ways of understanding this concept in light of core aims of trans writers and... more
The two court cases that established the legal framework for reproductive rights in the United States -Griswold v. Connecticut and Roe v. Wade -created a framework of negative rights that failed to give women any legal entitlements to... more
As the Evangelical Theological Society celebrates 65 years of a blessed existence, we are looking back from where we came and looking forward to where we are going. But unless we can move forward with all evangelicals, our work will not... more
“In the practice of spiritual cult there is no distinction nor can there ever be – between men and women” explains Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar. Throughout his life, the author was deeply concerned about the conditions of women in society. He... more
Ignorance of your rights leads to exploitation and being a woman requires to be more independent and capable of protecting yourself Spreading legal awareness is the mission and helping women reach their rights is my objective.
Women’s equality in the United States is still a somewhat recent concept. Less than one hundred and twenty years ago, there were still states that did not allow women to own land or control their personal savings. Less than one hundred... more
This manual was created in the context of the “DIONE” project for the main purpose of empowering current and future working mothers by providing basic information and guidelines with respect to their labour rights and addressing incidents... more
From the earliest campaign against Augusto Pinochet’s repressive practices to the recent massive demonstrations against the World Trade Organization, transnational collective action involving nongovernmental organizations has been... more
This year's KAP survey has found significant differences across districts, genders, age groups, household sizes and disability in multiple areas such as: water quality and quantity, recycling practices, diarrhea prevention knowledge,... more
Having a constitution is necessary for every country. While a constitution is the supreme law of the land, it is much more than laws: it defines the values and beliefs of a nation, it guarantees rights and freedoms to individuals, it... more
I was out with my friends on a Puja evening. An incident led me to write things I felt needed to be written.
Purpose: (1) To provide an in-depth analysis of Parliament’s constitutional responsibilities under the Canadian Charter and the Supreme Court decision in Carter; (2) To present a critical analysis of the proposed policy under which... more
The African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR) has undoubtedly gone a long way in protecting the human rights of people in Africa. However, there is a need to further protect the rights of females, who have a significant player... more
Honoring Women's Equality Day, August 26 -- an overview of synchronous declarations by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Tahirih Qurratu'l-Ayn
Histories of equal rights for women in international law normally begin with post-World War II initiatives. Such an approach leaves out two treaties signed at the 1933 Montevideo Pan-American Conference, the Equal Nationality Treaty and... more
This Article addresses a common characteristic of antidiscrimination law: To what extent should one antidiscrimination campaign be held accountable for other, related, discriminatory structures that it does not and cannot purport to... more
In the philosophies of Marx Weber (Prucia, 19th century) influenced by John Locke (England, 18th century), sublimity of French amour-ism found similitude in the vision of aristocrat-ism swaying merchantilism, Dominion-ship blends within... more
A partir da experiência de uma aluna na UFRN que foi expulsa da sala de aula por estar acompanhada de sua filha de 5 anos, o artigo explora o fato de que o direito à igualdade material requer atenção às particularidades de cada pessoa,... more
Despite the fact that many Iranian women are directly struggling with major effects caused by landmines, they have never been given a major role in mine action. In Iran, landmine clearing remains a male preserve. Women’s presence is... more