Los testimonios sobre la represión franquista: la mirada de las víctimas y la judicialización de la historia 1 HUGO GARCÍA E L mercado editorial español se está saturando de literatura testimo- nial en torno a nuestra historia reciente, y... more
TBB TV Youtube kanalında yayımlanan (Eğitimin linki: https://www.youtube.com/live/AowL52F-l1I?si=9VctPX0JkwbS7YJc) ve Türkiye Barolar Birliği Eğitim Merkezi ve TÜRAVAK tarafından düzenlenen Çalışma Hayatında Kadın Hakları Eğitim... more
L'obtention récente du droit de vote des Koweïtiennes à la faveur d'un amendement à la loi électorale, voté le 16 mai 2005, rappelle s'il en était besoin que le suffrage des femmes n'est pas partout et toujours allé de soi. La France, qui... more
This paper examines the theoretical alignment between feminism and multiculturalism, focusing on their shared goals of equality, diversity, and challenging societal norms. It explores how both movements use law to promote rights and... more
Caste discrimination and domestic violence against women are pervasive societal issues that intersect, perpetuating cycles of oppression and inequality. This paper explores the historical, social, and legal dimensions of these... more
In some Middle Eastern ethnicities, in order to end conflicts triggered by murder, a girl from the killer's family marries a man from the victim's family as part of the compensation. Given that the right to choose a spouse and freely... more
Reviews generations of human rights and how they regard women.
En este artículo me enfocaré en analizar ciertas complejidades metodológicas que se presentaron cuando trabajé desde una mirada antropológica prácticas sexuales y eróticas de mujeres mexicanas en la red social Twitter (ahora X).... more
El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un diagnóstico de las violencias e impactos, así como de las necesidades de atención psicosocial que las mujeres defensoras de derechos humanos en Kivu Norte (República Democrática del Congo)... more
Diagnostic des besoins en soins psychosociaux des défenseuses des droits humains au Nord-Kivu (2022)
L’objectif de ce travail est de présenter un état des lieux des violences et des impacts, mais surtout des besoins de prise en charge psychosociale que les femmes défenseuses des droits humains du Nord-Kivu identifient à partir de leur... more
This article explores the significance of NGO monitoring of Australia’s implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). As an active participant in mechanisms to protect women’s... more
Este texto analiza la evolución de la aplicación del instrumento internacional específico de protección de los derechos humanos de las mujeres -la CEDAW- antes, durante y después del conflicto que ha tenido lugar en la República... more
The reception of the legal definition of feminicide by the Brazilian criminal justice system has, in practice, restricted its framework to the verification of four elements: (i) intimate affectionate relationship; (ii) of the... more
En este texto se expone un conjunto de ideas que tiene la finalidad de hacernos pensar sobre el archivo y la Archivística a partir de las inquietudes actuales. La información histórica se utiliza para mostrar cómo llegamos a este... more
En este artículo, se analizaron los distintos estatus de las mujeres migrantes, refugiadas, desplazadas, apátridas y los instrumentos internacionales de derechos humanos específicos que regulan su situación. Se partió de una explicación... more
This study aims to analyze the governance of the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina in overcoming gender-based cyber violence. Good governance in policy frameworks and institutional institutions is needed to meet cybersecurity needs in... more
La mujer desde siglos pasados hasta nuestra época contemporánea, patriarcalismos, libertades, civilizaciones, posguerra española, nueva democracia.
is one of the sub caste of Erukula which come under schedule tribes and indigenous people, a most vulnerable, least population group, rarely find in rural, urban and suburban areas of Kadapa district of Andhra Pradesh. The population is... more
This research examines the law and practice governing health and safety at the workplace in Tanzania, with an emphasis on identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the existing legal framework and its implementation. The study delves... more
El dolor no debería tipificarse en términos de justo o injusto, merecido o inmerecido, sino a partir de las siguientes preguntas: ¿es un argumento en contra o a favor de la vida?, ¿la afirma o la niega? En un libro publicado en 1980, el... more
Este texto analiza, por un lado, la implementación de la Resolución 1325 del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas sobre Mujeres, Paz y Seguridad en la República Democrática del Congo a través de los dos Planes de Acción Nacional... more
Introduction: Violence and discrimination against women are structural and historical scourges. The Colombian State establishes human dignity and equality as principles, values and rights. In addition, it has ratified international... more
Feminists and religious conservatives across the globe have increasingly turned to courts in their battles over abortion. Yet while a significant literature analyzes legal mobilization on abortion issues, it tends to focus predominantly... more
Women's rights and gender equality are among the most important issues shaping the social, economic, and political structures of modern societies. The struggle for equality of women not only represents the effort to gain individual... more
El artículo analiza la violencia de género en América Latina, centrándose en los casos de México, Brasil y Colombia. La violencia contra las mujeres ha sido reconocida como una violación de derechos humanos desde la Conferencia de Viena... more
En este artículo se analiza la obra teatral La Manzana de Eva como una práctica de investigación-creación, con el objetivo de conectar el proceso con las fabulaciones feministas, por medio del análisis del guion y la autoetnografía.... more
In Israel, the Orthodox minority enforces its conception of the good on Israeli-Jews, many of whom do not share their set of beliefs. This is the result of lack of separation between state and religion and the monopoly enjoyed by the... more
**Abstract** This article explores the profound influence of social norms on gender inequality and the discrimination faced by women across various societies. It examines how deeply entrenched cultural beliefs and societal expectations... more
20. Centre Against Gender Based Violence (CAGBV)21. C e n t r e For Widows 22. Centre For Widows Children (CWCA) 23. Centre Of Youth Dialogue (CYD) 24. CESOPE 25. Chama cha Viziwi Tanzania (CHAVITA) 26. Chifu Kimweli Football Club 27.... more
Este capítulo tiene como objetivo principal explorar y reflexionar sobre los sesgos de género que todavía están presentes en los medios de comunicación al representar a las mujeres; y cómo la IA puede detectarlos para sensibilizar a... more
Feminist approach to violence tells us that the violence experienced by women (violence against women), whether it is in the public or the private domain, is of a gendered nature and a tool for subordination of women, reproducing the... more
For over five decades, Roe v. Wade protected women’s privacy and bodily autonomy in the U.S., until its 2022 overturning by a conservative Supreme Court majority emphasized a return of abortion regulation to elected representatives. This... more
en todo el mundo sufrirá violencia física y/o sexual por parte de un compañero o violencia sexual por parte de personas distintas de su pareja
आज 21वीं शताब्दी में सामाजिक परिवर्तन पर चर्चा वैश्वीकरण के संदर्भ में विचार किए बिना नहीं हो सकती क्योंकि यह एकीकरण की एक ऐसी प्रक्रिया है जिसने संपूर्ण विश्व को प्रभावित किया है। वैश्वीकरण से विभिन्न लोगों के जीवन के सामाजिक-सांस्कृतिक,... more
التصنيف العرقي للمواطنين العرب في المطارات
Landi v. Italy is the most recent in a group of cases on domestic violence which have appeared before the European Court of Human Rights (the Court/the ECtHR) in recent years.[1] Taken together with Y and Others v. Bulgaria, it... more
Gender-Based Violence (GBV) GBV is a global public health problem that poses challenges in human health, with a higher prevalence in developing countries. GBV not only plays a significant component in the morbidity and mortality of women,... more
The advancement of women's rights worldwide is a multifaceted endeavor involving diverse actors and frameworks. This article explores the complex interplay between international organizations and indigenous legal systems in promoting... more
While the US has so far refused to ratify the Women's Convention (CEDAW), according to plans made in the 1990s any US ratification would come with reservations, understandings, and declarations (RUDs) that would effectively nullify the... more
Making Women Human: Unveiling the Contribution of Women to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The UDHR was adopted 75 years ago, on 10 December 1948. There are many myths surrounding the adoption of this historic and revolutionary document by the international community. Three of these myths are: Rene Cassin is the father of the... more
Afghanistan's history of female education has been marked by many obstacles and disappointments. The most disadvantaged group in terms of educational chances is Afghan women, who have had to overcome major barriers to obtain an education.... more
During a state of emergency, the Ethiopian Constitution under Art 93 authorizes the Council of Ministers to suspend most fundamental human rights (including the right to life) under the guise of 'the extent necessary' to avert the... more
Cette thèse porte sur la configuration de nouvelles formes de contestation communautaires, révélées par la mobilisation collective des femmes sulâliyyât dans deux collectivités (Oulad Sbita situé à la marge de salé et Ahl Taroudant dans... more
Reproductive rights are essential to women's health and autonomy, encompassing the right to access contraception, safe abortion, and comprehensive reproductive healthcare. This article provides a thorough analysis of the multifaceted... more
What is the role of the community in tackling gender-based violence (GBV)? Could communities succeed in ways that states have failed? What approaches could make this possible? This article presents a theoretical discussion of Community... more