Women in the Renaissance and Early Modern Europe
Recent papers in Women in the Renaissance and Early Modern Europe
Where have all the women gone? It can be difficult, sometimes, to find evidence of female participation in the arts and culture of the early modern period. This short essay explores how we can locate women and their participation by... more
Critical edition by Colette H Winn
In previous academic discussions of the busk (an often elaborately decorated long, flat piece of wood, metal or bone that was placed down the front the early modern bodies and stays) it has often been presented as de-stabilizing: an item... more
This paper explores how the character of Ophelia in Hamlet stylistically and conceptually challenges the traditional figure of the young heroine in Elizabethan revenge plays. Throughout his career, especially in the stage leading up to... more
This book contains translations from manuscripts of 830 letters held in the Archivio di Stato of Mantua, Italy, from the correspondence of Isabella d'Este. Isabella d'Este (1474-1539) reigned with her husband over the Italian city state... more
This paper explores the intellectual and social circumstances that informed the production of Andrea Mantegna’s 'Mars and Venus' (1497), the first painting executed for the studiolo of Isabella d’Este Gonzaga. Documentary evidence... more
Maria Paola ZANOBONI, Donne al lavoro nell’Italia e nell’Europa medievali (secc.XIII-XV), Milano, Jouvence, 2016 VINCITORE DEL PREMIO ITALIAMEDIEVALE 2017: http://www.italiamedievale.org/portale/premio-italia-medievale/... more
Soviet Shakespeare. Ed. Tom Bishop, Alexa Alice Joubin, and Natalia Khomenko. Spec. Issue of The Shakespearean International Yearbook 18. London: Routledge, 2020. 203-16. Print.
In early modern Europe, the nature of the female sex was perceived as inferior, in nearly every way, to that of an adult male’s, whose nature was par excellence. The history of philosophy, i.e., history in general, has necessarily... more
En application du Code de la propriété intellectuelle, il est interdit de reproduire intégralement ou partiellement, par photocopie ou tout autre moyen, le présent ouvrage sans autorisation du Centre français d'exploitation du droit de... more
One of the topics developed by the Clarissan abbess Isabel de Villena in her work "Vita Christi" was the politics. This text is framed in the cultural and political polemic known as "Querelle des Femmes" that was developed in the Late... more
The life and work of the Spanish sculptor Luisa Roldán (1652-1706). The inaugural volume in Lund Humphries' Illuminating Women Artists series. Shortlisted for the Apollo Magazine Book of the Year 2021 and awarded an honorable mention in... more
If you submit late work that is to be considered for assessment then you should provide written documentation, medical or otherwise, to explain why the work was submitted late (we do not give extensions). You will need to complete a... more
RicaRd BellveseR (cooRd.) d. BohleR · d. de couRcelles · a. coRtijo · e. lacaRRa t. MaRtínez · v. MaRtines · X. coMpany · R. Ríos · M. siMó j. Butinyà · i. GRifoll · a. annicchiaRico · j. M. fuRió a. i. peiRats · M. pieRa · v. j. escaRtí... more
"""Isabella d’Este Archive (IDEA) is a work-in-progress: an online, open-access, interactive resource for the study of early modern culture through the correspondence and collecting of one of the most important female figures of the... more
In 1525 Catherine of Austria came to Portugal armed with Flemish tapestries, illuminated manuscripts,family jewels, and a lavish wardrobe, the requisite dowry of a Castilian princess destined to be queen. These personal goods that formed... more
The Duchess of Malfi’s heroic self-assertion in Act 4 of John Webster’s tragedy (‘I am Duchess of Malfi still’) closely echoes Seneca’s Medea (‘Medea remains still’), pointing to some deeper but hitherto unexplored thematic and structural... more
Edition and study of Luisa Sigea's "Pasados tengo hasta ahora"
In 1600, literate society witnessed the publication of Moderata Fonte's Il merito delle donne. Set in a sun-splashed garden, the text features a female brigata that spars over the merits of men and matrimony under the auspices of an... more
A number of pronk poppenhuisen, or "dollhouses for show" were commissioned in the seventeenthand eighteenth-century Netherlands for adult women. The large wooden cabinets with multiple partitioned spaces construct a fully furnished Dutch... more
a s h g a t e . c o m a s h g a t e . c o m a s h g a t e . c o m a s h g a t e . c o m a s h g a t e . c o m a s h g a t e . c o m a s h g a t e . c o m
Titian laid the foundations of early modern court portraiture in his work for the Hapsburgs, especially for Charles V. Within that tradition, the representation of the royal woman began with empress Isabel de Portugal’s posthumous... more
The article centers on Italian artist Caravaggio's Neapolitan production, in order to show how his artworks both incorporated and propelled the epistemological shift occurring at the beginning of the seventeenth century -a shift that is... more
In Early Modern Europe, it was self-evident that a poet was a man. But despite overwhelming theoretical proof that women could not be poets, some women were. This thesis explores how some women succeeded as writers, through the study of... more
A fin de arrojar luz sobre las manifestaciones femeninas de la reforma franciscana, estas páginas analizan las fundaciones reformistas de la Orden de Santa Clara en el obispado de Córdoba entre las primeras noticias conocidas, datadas en... more
This paper presents the first full edition and translation of an unpublished (1566) poem written by Johanna Otho and sent to Camille de Morel. Both young women, linked by their mutual acquaintance Karel Utenhove, were internationally... more
This two-part volume describes the life and work of the Spanish Sculptor Luisa Roldán. The first part is a chronological discussion of her artistic development and includes references to the issues she faced as a woman sculptor. The... more