Women and gender in China

102 papers
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The study of women and gender in China examines the roles, experiences, and representations of women within Chinese society, focusing on historical, cultural, social, and political contexts. It analyzes gender relations, the impact of state policies, and the intersectionality of gender with class, ethnicity, and sexuality in contemporary and historical frameworks.
Doctorant-assistant, Laboratoire d'anthropologie des mondes contemporains (LAMC), Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB). 1 1. Le contenu de ce compte rendu n'engage que son auteur.
This book is the second of a series of volumes that accompany the annual publication of Ming Qing Studies. The series publishes a volume for each issue, and this is a supplement to MQS 2019. Every volume consists of a focused essay, or... more
“For each man kills the thing he loves By each let this be heard Some do it with a bitter look Some with a flattering word…” The words of Oscar Wilde come to mind as one reads this story. They are fitting in many ways, not only because... more
Article 19 of the Child’s Rights Convention requires that State parties take “ail appropriate legislative, administrative, social, and educational measures to protect the child from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or... more
by PB Tan
There are five versions of the Chinese translations of this discourse, and this sūtra is the earliest Chinese-translated text amongst them. Currently only three versions of these Chinese translations are extant, including this first... more
This study is a survey and analysis of accounts preserved in premodern Chinese Buddhist hagiographic collectanea of nuns primarily identified as Pure Land. Dating from the seventh to the nineteenth centuries, these accounts, while... more
This review article discusses two newly-released publications on communist women activists: Kristen Ghodsee's "Red Valkyries: Feminist Lessons from Five Revolutionary Women" and "The Palgrave Handbook of Communist Women Activists around... more
From the story: "I kept quiet. I was thinking that I was attracted to men and that was not allowed, because my father just said that, and it occurred to me that my father did not know that I was already in it. The only problem was I knew... more
La emperatriz Wu Zetian es un personaje único en la historia de China, no solo por sus dotes políticas, sino también artísticas. Entre las composiciones literarias hechas por la emperatriz Wu destaca especialmente la llamada ‘Estela del... more
The purpose of this qualitative phenomenological study is to describe the glass ceiling is perceived by women in the role of mid-to-senior level academics and administrators in higher education in a Chinese university. This study also... more
The purpose of this qualitative phenomenological study is to describe the glass ceiling is perceived by women in the role of mid-to-senior level academics and administrators in higher education in a Chinese university. This study also... more
This portfolio presents a nuanced exploration of the emotional and linguistic dimensions of the loss of indigenous languages in Patagonia through a series of transcreated poems and narratives. Drawing on the poignant experiences of the... more
From its emergence in the post-Mao era of Reform and Opening (gaige kaifang) the performing body in Chinese performance art (xingwei yishu) was most often assumed to be male. The representation of performance practices in exhibitions,... more
As China entered the twentieth century, economic and political stagnation provided an opening for military and economic domination by Japan, the United States and the European colonial powers, which eventually led to the fall of the Qing... more
I introduce a Buddhist god named Jiedi, believed to be a personification of the renowned gate mantra in the Heart Sūtra. I argue for a complex genesis story where the transference of the nāga-taming function and aquatic setting from the... more
La castidad femenina se erige en la tradición china como una de las virtudes que más se valoraban en una mujer durante la época imperial. Tan arraigada estaba esta noción en la sociedad que vemos cómo aún pervive en las primeras décadas... more
Sharp Power is a concept proposed by International Forum for Democratic Studies in. It refers to a regime s ability to influence perceptions of audiences in a target country in order to change their minds and behavior, undermine the... more
2.2 Introduction 2.3 Patients and methods 2.4 Results 2.5 Discussion Chapter 3 Chemotherapy plays a major role in the inhibition of catch-up growth during maintenance therapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia Pediatrics 1995;... more
C-1-q Permanence de l'appropriation initiale sans scrupules Chères lectrices et lecteurs Cet article fait partie d'un « carnet de recherche » dont le titre est : L'économie au prisme des moyens de production Pour aller directement au menu... more
Cette typologie des mythes de l'histoire des femmes est suggérée par Élise Boulding, The Underside of History : a View of Women Through Time, Boulder Colorado, Westview Press, 1976. En guise d'exemples de la première perspective, voir... more
Purpose The main purpose of this research work is to identify various responses taken by India and China regarding the concept of Ecofeminism and Climate Change.   Methodology A secondary data collection method with thematic data analysis... more
This article examines Chinese-Islamic cultural encounters in the aspect of gender, investigating the issue of widows using Muslims in late imperial China as a case study. Mainly drawing upon historical sources produced by Chinese Muslims... more
This course will explore ways that genders are produced, lived, and mobilized in parts of Asia. Together, we aim to understand genders in their diversity and in attempts to "fix" or locate them in various bodies and places. We will... more
All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without prior... more
From Weaver Press' 2011 Writing Free short story anthology, The Missing is a haunting tale about human rights atrocities.
At the end of the 1970s discrimination against women as political participants continues, but it is being challenged and, in some countries, steadily eroded. There are only eight countries in the world today in which national law excludes... more
While less common than narratives about their male counterparts, accounts of female avengers are scattered throughout Chinese literature and historiography. Nevertheless, despite being included in a variety of genres and modes of writing,... more
The fundamental human condition of unknowingness and uncertainty has produced a variety of ways of thought modelling and reasoning throughout history and cultures. How East Asian cultures between the first to twentieth century CE... more
The Xian yu jing 賢愚經, or the Sūtra of the Wise and the Foolish, compiled by Hui-jiao 慧 覺 and others, based upon stories heard in the country of Gao-chang 高 昌 (Turpan, or traditionally called Turfan), 5th century (T202, 4.352b19-353b16).... more
The underrepresentation of women in senior positions continues to be a major challenge in higher education and most other industries. In Australia, the career trajectory for academic women stalls at a lower level than that of their male... more
This paper examines the relationships between transformational leadership, market orientation and corporate culture in customer retention in quasi-government organizations. The purpose of this research is to identify and examine this... more
‘Ban Zhao e a Ética Feminina na China Antiga’ é a primeira tradução completa do texto ‘Nujie’ [Lições para Mulheres] de Ban Zhao, a primeira filósofa chinesa da dinastia Han, cuja obra marcaria os estudos sobre gênero e sexualidade na... more
Nursing care has a very intense emotional component. Nursing students, in addition to dealing with the frailties inherent in their life processes and personality development, are still subject to an emotionally and socially demanding... more
The primary focus of this article is the gendering of Buddhist karmic culpability presented in the extra-canonical Buddhist essay, “Quan funü jiesha wen” (On exhorting women to refrain from killing). This mid-1650 work written by the Ming... more
Periorificial granulomatous dermatitis is a rare entity that was first reported in black children. Because of this, it was called facial afro-caribbean childhood eruption. However, in later publications it was found that this disease can... more
Inscribing Death investigates how and why medieval Chinese regarded death as an opportunity to fashion and convey desired social identities and memories through burial and life writing during the Tang dynasty (618–907) and the medieval... more
Ban Zhao, também conhecida pelo nome de cortesia Huiban 惠班 ou pelo nome matrimonial Cao Dagu 曹大家 (曹大姑) foi uma escritora, historiadora e poetisa, e destacou-se como uma importante pensadora da dinastia Han 漢 (203 AEC– 221 EC).[1] As... more
Cultures may display paradoxical natures when studied closely. For example, Americans are individualistic, yet are most generous with charity giving or volunteering for community events. This illustrates the challenges associated with... more
Como parte de la presentación de los artículos científicos que se difunden en este número, iniciamos con la discusión que en la actualidad existe en el campo de la historia, de antemano, sin considerarla aislada de las distintas... more
by Betsy Sparks and 
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Leadership integrity and diversity are significant factors in the relationship between leader and employee in the workplace. For employees to follow their leaders, they want someone that they can trust. They will not follow those whom... more
This essay revisits physically and metaphysically the houses of my childhood, in an attempt to discover and recover a sense of self from the architecture of my past. from suburban houses in the eastern and South Western suburbs of Sydney,... more
Dermatologists should be aware that noninfectious granulomatous dermatosis of the face can be caused by granulomatous periorificial dermatitis, granulomatous rosacea, lupus miliaris disseminatus faciei, and papular sarcoidosis. • These... more
This article was published in the Summer 2008 issue of the Journal of Undergraduate Research
The underrepresentation of women in senior positions continues to be a major challenge in higher education and most other industries. In Australia, the career trajectory for academic women stalls at a lower level than that of their male... more
Desde hace algunos años varios proyectos han puesto de manifiesto cómo la aparición de las mujeres en los libros de texto es notablemente inferior a la de los hombres. En el caso de arte, cuando hablamos de creadoras, y no solo de musas,... more
Leadership integrity and diversity are significant factors in the relationship between leader and employee in the workplace. For employees to follow their leaders, they want someone that they can trust. They will not follow those whom... more