Women and Madness

202 papers
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Women and Madness is an interdisciplinary field of study that examines the historical, cultural, and psychological dimensions of mental illness in women. It explores how societal norms, gender roles, and power dynamics influence the perception, diagnosis, and treatment of women's mental health issues, often critiquing the stigmatization and pathologization of female behavior.
Melampus is a seer-healer of Greek myth attributed with having healed the young princesses of Argos of madness. Analysis of this legend and its sources sheds light on the early stages of the “medicalizing” shift in the history of ancient... more
In her new book, Psychiatry and The Business Of Madness, Bonnie Burstow raises a series of critical questions for the future of psychiatry as a “legitimate” branch of medicine and as a capitalist industry designed to make profit: How has... more
This study used qualitative research methods to investigate the problem of sexual coercion among female psychiatric patients in India. Consecutive female admissions (n = 146) to the inpatient unit of a psychiatric hospital in southern... more
There is growing international resistance to the oppressiveness of psychiatry. While previous books have critiqued psychiatry, Psychiatry Disrupted goes beyond theorizing what is wrong with it to theorizing how we might stop it. With... more
A queer theory informed analysis of the findings of an ethnographic study detailing the experiences of children in relation to diagnosis within a psychiatric hospital is provided in this article. The perspective of the diagnosing... more
After dozens of historical monographs, biographies, and even postmortem clinical studies, Queen Juana of Castile continues to be an enigmatic figure. "Juana of Castile" analyzes modern reinventions of Juana in literature and the other... more
Problems of Identity was the first essay to explore gender issues in art therapy. It looks at the construction of gender, representations of women in psychiatric discourse (including the gendered clinical gaze); some feminist ideas about... more
Résumé : Quel processus de décision politique a présidé à la réforme de l’enseignement de la psychiatrie et à l’introduction de la psychanalyse dans les universités françaises ? Dans la société d’après-guerre, le statut des médecins... more
The focus of this article will be Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s thoroughly anthologized story ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ (1892). Beyond the patriarchal perception of the narrator as progressively falling into madness, this study aims to prove... more
This collection takes as its starting point the ubiquitous representation of various forms of mental illness, breakdown and psychopathology in Caribbean writing, and the fact that this topic has been relatively neglected in criticism,... more
A loucura como representação no espaço público e privado na Primeira República Brasileira na cidade de Manaus e a construção de instituições de tratamento, são apresentados nesta obra pela autora, através dos rastros das fontes documentais.
The article analyses opera as a place which generates unhealthy excitement in men while being dangerous for women. This is the central theme of Opera, a horror directed by the Italian master of the genre, Dario Argento. The film, which... more
Margaret Atwood’s Alias Grace (1997), a neo-Victorian classic biofictional novel about a nineteenth-century murderess, is interpreted in this chapter as a narrative of a madwoman, that is, a narrative which undercuts a possibility of a... more
Using an interdisciplinary approach, my dissertation examines the intersection of womanhood and madness in German-language literature and culture. While scholars have studied the madwoman of the previous centuries extensively, my... more
PALABRAS CLAVE: Homeland, Sully, Clint Eastwood, locura, compromiso, héroe Mediante el análisis de algunas escenas seleccionadas del último capítulo de la sexta temporada de Homeland y de la película Sully, reflexiono sobre el origen... more
Using a sample of six articles from Canadian News sources, this paper looks at how the death of nineteen-year-old Ashley Smith at the Grand Valley Prison for Women near Kitchener Waterloo was framed by the Canadian print news media in... more
Ali Smith'in "Tarihin Tarihi" adlı kısa öyküsü on sayfalık bir öykü olmasına rağmen, satır araları da dikkate alındığında çok daha uzun bir öyküye dönüşmektedir. Cinsiyeti belirtilmemiş bir gencin ebeveynleri ve ödevi hakkındaki basit... more
En este estudio se abordan dos figuras claves de la literatura universal, Ana Ozores, la Regenta, y Jane Eyre. Esta aproximación se realiza desde un punto de vista feminista y comparado, pero sin olvidar las características esenciales de... more
Artykuł jest próbą scharakteryzowania i określenia ewentualnych ram gatunkowych dla zjawiska literackiego jakim są kobiece autobiografie i wspomnienia podejmujące temat hospitalizacji w szpitalu psychiatrycznym bądź doświadczenia choroby... more
Disability studies generally aim at an analysis of how an impairment becomes a disability due to the society’s definitions of normativity which do not encompass less-than-perfect bodies. Ever since its appearance in 1990s disability... more