Women and Madness

202 papers
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Women and Madness is an interdisciplinary field of study that examines the historical, cultural, and psychological dimensions of mental illness in women. It explores how societal norms, gender roles, and power dynamics influence the perception, diagnosis, and treatment of women's mental health issues, often critiquing the stigmatization and pathologization of female behavior.
The present article examines the depiction of female corporeality in Michel Faber's neo-Victorian novel The Crimson Petal and the White (2002), focusing on the construction and perception of female bodies, trauma, and agency. Through an... more
En este ensayo se analizan los temas que definen la locura en la novela Misiá señora de Albalucía Ángel. Estos temas son la sexualidad, la religión y la identidad. Albalucía Ángel se sitúa como precursora dentro de las narradoras que... more
We examine women’s rights and freedoms using a comprehensive framework that includes all races, ethnicities, and socioeconomic categories and is based on a systematic, conceptual, and theoretical approach. However, during the late... more
Throughout the centuries, madness has been viewed as a historical label applied to female resistance, power and liberation. Pioneering voices in feminist thought, including Elaine Showalter, Jane M. Ussher, Phyllis Chesler, and Shoshana... more
This article looks at Margaret Atwood’s postmodernist Neo-Victorian novel Alias Grace through the lens of Elizabeth A. Flynn, Patricia Sotirin, and Ann Brady’s theories on feminist resilience. In seeing Grace Marks’ resilience as... more
The concept of psychiatric genetics, the notion of a “family history” or “genetic loading” of so-called mental illness, has a long history in the conception, scientific status, and practice of psychiatry. There is much that is contested... more
The study examines the uncompleted novel ,The Book of Franzaʻ (,Das Buch Franzaʻ, 1965–1966) written by the Austrian writer Ingeborg Bachmann. The attention is focused on the specifics of the topographical paradigms „center“ and... more
At the end of her response speech to Aeneas (A. 4.380-387), Dido directs a "first" curse against him, which will then be "replaced" by the more articulated and formal one at 4.607-629. The passage presents various problems of... more
Madness can be turned into a concept that is used by system in order to produce the stability of state. Social madness is related to fitting the social order than a pathological problem. The discursive construction of madness (especially... more
The pantheon of Egyptian gods was deeply embedded within the framework of family dynamics, with child deities playing a pivotal role as a member of a divine triad. Throughout much of ancient Egyptian history, these child deities were... more
La menade è una figura complessa, sfuggente e mutevole: né mortale né divina, né umana né animale, né morale né immorale. La sua natura per così dire semanticamente stratificata fa sì che la menade sia non solo oggetto di studio nelle... more
This research studies the specific analysis of power relations and feminist stylistic reading as explored by Burton in the context of The Bell Jar. Sylvia Plath's novel, The Bell Jar (1963), stands as a literary testament to the... more
I’ve had psychiatric disabilities for much of my life. Life changes caused me to reflect on who I was in the world and to accept them. I began to identify myself as Disabled, and then as Mad, and to unpack the meaning of Madness and... more
Imprecise conceptualizations of dissociation hinder understanding of traumarelated dissociation. An heuristic resolution for research and clinical practice is proposed. Method: Current conceptualizations of dissociation are critically... more
Imprecise conceptualizations of dissociation hinder understanding of traumarelated dissociation. An heuristic resolution for research and clinical practice is proposed. Method: Current conceptualizations of dissociation are critically... more
stößt man oft auf das Motiv des Opfers. Aus welchem Grund mag die Autorin dieses Bild so oft heraufbeschwören? Was alles verbirgt sich in ihrer Interpretation hinter dem Begriff Opfer? Welche Assoziationen kommen bei ihr in diesem... more
Close consideration of several passages in Book 11 of Virgil's Aeneid reveals the influence of Aristophanes' depiction of his comic heroine Lysistrata on the characterization of the Volscian warrior maiden Camilla. Virgilian appropriation... more
The late antique commentator Servius asserts that Book 4 of Virgil's Aeneid displays a marked influence from comedy, a judgment that has been largely ignored in scholarly criticism. Close study of the Virgilian depiction of the amatory... more
part of the material is concerned, specifi cally the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfi lms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage... more
The critical component of my thesis focuses on two works by Janet Frame: Faces in the Water and An Autobiography. My critical research is situated in the emerging field of mad studies and examines the literary treatment of the lived... more
Mad matters: A critical reader in Canadian Mad Studies is useful for university students, researchers and educators who are interested in understanding and examining issues related to mental health and madness in Canadian and... more
Peter Lehmann speaks from his life, when he, in 1977, went mad for the first time, as he tried to manoeuvre himself through an increasingly stressful situation. All the bad experiences which he had silently swallowed but apparently not... more
Oppression results in persistent and intersecting impacts on women's health, including their spiritual, psychological and biophysical health. Although the concepts of oppression and stress have been discussed extensively in the... more
This dissertation examines the portrayals of unconventional and “unruly” female characters in two American operas of the late-twentieth and early-twenty-first centuries, Clair de Lune (1984) by Libby Larsen and Patricia Hampl, and Amelia... more
Highlighting the work taking place at the crossroads of sociology, sexuality studies, gender studies, cultural studies, and performance studies, this series offers a platform for scholars pushing the boundaries of gender and sexuality... more
This research examined Borderline Personality Disorder, gender differences and socioeconomic status as predictors of deviant behaviours among students of Borstal Training Institute. The age baseline for the assessment of borderline... more
The Female Gothic, as coined by Ellen Moer in her celebrated novel Literary Women, presents women's domestic roles through the supernatural to express the horrors of their docility. Narratives pertaining to this literary canon are... more
Considering Vera Caspary's Bedelia as a reimagining of Mary Elizabeth Braddon's Lady Audley's Secret allows for a new critical interpretation that refutes the typical view of Bedelia as reinforcing traditional gender roles. Instead,... more
Foucault'nun "uysal bedenler"ini yorumlayan Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, haklı olarak "normatif standarttan en çok ayrılanların en fazla bağımlı olduğunu" öne sürer. Bu kural Lord of the Flies'da Simon, Piggy ve mor bir doğum lekesi taşıyan... more
Highlighting the work taking place at the crossroads of sociology, sexuality studies, gender studies, cultural studies, and performance studies, this series offers a platform for scholars pushing the boundaries of gender and sexuality... more
Exposure to violence, vulnerability due to lack of shelter, alienation due to stigma, the experiences of severe mental illness (SMI) and subsequent institutionalization, make homeless persons with SMI uniquely susceptible to trauma... more
Der folgende Beitrag ist die Erweiterung eines Kurzvortrags, den ich bei der ESWTR-Konferenz in Salzburg nach den Vorträgen von Lucy Tatman, " Western European-American Feminist Christian Theologians: What Might It Mean to Take Ourselves... more
In this paper I try to demonstrate that in his Argonautica Velarius Flaccus treats some episodes in a way that could be interpreted as a commentary on relevant passages of Virgil’s Aeneid. More particularly, I focus on cases the are... more
Viel, sehr viel ist schon über die Behandlung der Geschlechterdifferenzen bei Ingeborg Bachmann gesagt und geschrieben worden 1. Spätestens bei der Veröffentlichung der vierbändigen Ausgabe von Christine Koschel und Inge von Weidenbaum... more
Zum Thema Mutterschaft entstand nach der Publikation der Studie #regrettingmotherhood (Donath 2015) eine öffentliche Diskussion um ambivalente Gefühle in Zusammenhang mit Mutterschaft. Der Beitrag verfolgt die These, dass diese Ambivalenz... more
Mental illness and psychiatry in the Victorian era: an analysis of the prevailing power dynamics between women and male authority figures through Gilman and Freud.
Synopsis The very opening sequence of the movie ensures that the viewers are made conscious of the disturbed filmic world of Kotoko (2011). Metaphorically communicated through jittery camera movements and a devilish cacophony (cinematic... more
C Co om mi in ng g i in n J Ju ul ly y ♦ ♦ Focus on affective disorders: six research reports ♦ ♦ Two studies of outcomes for residents of supported housing ♦ ♦ Features of effective programs for treating co-occurring disorders ♦ ♦ A... more
Summary of research .............................................................................................. 1 Acknowledgements... more