Women Composers And Musicians
Recent papers in Women Composers And Musicians
Of the many genres and types of groups young composers learn to write for, orchestra can be especially challenging, requiring both depth and breadth of training. Studies have shown that the practical experience in working with an... more
In her close professional relationship to composers, such as Luciano Berio, John Cage, Hans Werner Henze, Igor Stravinsky and Sylvano Bussotti, Cathy Berberian has productively tainted historical preconceptions about the authorial “work”... more
Abstract: The pianist and composer Eugénie-Victorine-Jeanne Alombert once held a notable position in Parisian cultural life; the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris has more than a dozen of her compositions, almost all of them digitized and... more
Cicely Foster (1903-2002) va ser una compositora anglesa, alumna entre d'altres d'Alfredo Casella, Alfred Cortot i Nadia Boulanger. El 1932 ella i el seu marit, el pintor nord-americà Archie Gittes, es varen instal·lar a Mallorca. L'illa... more
Although regarded in 1954 as the “first Czech woman composer of importance” by the Grove’s Dictionary, Julie Reisserová’s name has since disappeared from all successive printed editions of the great English dictionary. Few reference works... more
This article is a distillation of an ethnography conducted in the fall of 2008 of female rock instrumentalists performing in bands in the Tampa, Florida bay area. The study looked into why there are comparatively very few female rock... more
RESUMEN: Ante el Plan de Educación para Todos (EPT) 2000-2015 de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura-UNESCO, la educación musical y artística debe reivindicarse como medio de reflexión,... more
In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, hundreds of Venetian women began musical training in childhood to become professional musicians, known as figlie di coro (daughters of the choir), in the four charitable Ospedali Maggiori.... more
Recent decades have seen gender and feminist research emerge as major fields of enquiry in musicology and to a far lesser extent, music education. While these fields have increased awareness of the issues confronting women and other... more
Este libro electrónico reúne algunos resultados académicos producidos por dos equipos de investigación vigentes dentro de las programaciones científicas 2013-2014 y 2015-2017 de la Universidad Nacional de las Artes. Radicados en la... more
En esta entrevista, Liana Serbescu (1934) comparte generosamente vivencias y pensamientos sobre su amplia actividad como pianista, musicóloga, conferencista y editora. A través de sus palabras, podemos apreciar los distintos matices que... more
Newly discovered cadenzas by Clara Schumann for Mozart's D minor piano concerto in the archives of The Library of Congress Washington DC. Discovery, analysis and history of the manuscript and its relationship with Brahms's cadenza.
This thesis is the sequel of a bachelorpaper which had two major purposes: to reveal who Eva Dell’Acqua (1856-1930) was and what her oeuvre consists of. The aim of this masterpaper is to examine in which way her lyrical plays fit into the... more
À la veille de la Première Guerre mondiale, le milieu musical français – depuis les sociétés de concerts jusqu’au très convoité concours du prix de Rome – semble entrouvrir sa porte aux compositrices. Si cette parenthèse enchantée se... more
Georg Braun’s Civitates Orbis Terrarum (Cologne, 1572-1617), a six-volume world atlas containing 546 views of cities, includes a panoramic of Granada, Spain, created by the Flemish artist Joris Hoefnagel (1542-1601) in 1565 in which three... more
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar una investigación de carácter analítico sobre la obra sinfónica de la compositora uruguayense Celia Tomasa Torrá Urbach, mejor conocida como Celia Torrá. Nacida el 18 de Septiembre de 1884... more
This dissertation sprang from a combination of two personal interests: cowboy culture and classical art song. The union of my cowgirl heritage with my career as a classical vocalist has long fueled an interest in a particular niche of... more
All'inizio del 1967 Carla Bley non aveva ancora compiuto ventinove anni né inciso dischi a proprio nome, anche se nei mesi precedenti erano stati pubblicati dalla Fontana i primi due album cui aveva preso parte: COMMUNICATION della Jazz... more
La fortune contemporaine d'une figure musicale du passé est toujours délicate à expliquer. Travaux de recherche, propositions de programmateurs, intérêt des interprètes, promotion médiatique, effort des descendants, volonté politique,... more
Las mujeres han sido, y son, privilegiadas garantes del patrimonio heredado por la tradi-ción oral, incluido el musical. La música de la sociedad que levantó los edificios románi-cos, fundamentalmente canto (voz), se transmitió a través... more
El objetivo del presente trabajo es dar a conocer y contextualizar las composiciones que Clara Schumann (1819-1896) escribió para el piano como instrumento solista. Para ello es necesario comprender las características particulares y la... more
In “How to Disappear,” a song from her last album, Norman Fucking Rockwell!, Lana Del Rey leads us to expect a how-to manual, but she gives us a poem instead: “Now it’s been years since I left New York / I got a kid and two cats in the... more
Rukopisna verzija rada “Žene i glazba: Analiza diskurza jednog općeg leksikona”, objavljenog pod naslovom “Glazbene umjetnice”. Sažetak: U radu se razmatra zastupljenost i način predstavljanja žena vezanih uz glazbu u jednom općem... more
The piano rolls of the American pianist and composer Edythe Baker (1899-1971) have been sought by collectors for decades. Prized for their rarity — but mainly for their musical excellence -- in them we hear a uniquely identifiable voice.... more
El documento que presentamos, La marcha de las mujeres (The March of the Women), es una partitura compuesta en el año 1911 por la compositora inglesa Dr. Ethel Smyth (1858-1944), una pieza que se convertiría en el himno del movimiento... more
Lili Boulanger's life and works.
Eva Dell’Acqua is een vergeten Brusselse componiste geboren in 1856 en gestorven in 1930. Deze bachelorpaper wil bijdragen tot toekomstig onderzoek naar deze interessante figuur, alsook naar het muzikale leven van de belle époque, dit... more
En el presente trabajo propongo una aproximación a Rapsodia Entrerriana, primera obra sinfónica de la compositora argentina Celia Torrá, premiada por la Asociación del Profesorado Orquestal en el concurso de 1931. Para ello parto de un... more
El presente trabajo realiza un breve recorrido por la parte más desconocida de la Historia de la Música, impregnada especialmente por un hegemónico machismo que, incuestionable, ha palpado cada uno de los aspectos de la vida de una mujer... more
Prologue to an edited version of Dame Ethel Smyth's Serenade in D Major with biography, looking at the Serenade from the point of view of her other works.
Findings and recommendations from an M3C (AHRC) funded Creative Economy Engagement Fellowship, undertaken in partnership with Cheltenham Jazz Festivals Jan-Oct 2019. Written by Dr Sarah Raine and with contributions from: Emily Jones... more
Une nouvelle association consacrée à Marceline Desbordes-Valmore vient de naître, la Société des études Marceline Desbordes-Valmore (SEMDV). J'écris pourtant est son bulletin.
Keywords: Emigration, Yugoslav wars, Contemporary music composers, Exile, Music historiography, Diaspora
This article provides a musical and historical overview of the orchestral music of Elfrida Andrée (1841-1929). Although she was among the most prominent Swedish composers of her time, as well as the first Swedish woman to compose a... more
Bu çalışma, Türk musiki geleneğinde ve bu geleneğin önemli bölümünü oluşturan Osmanlı saray çevresinde kadının yerini ve musiki kimliğini, yazılı ve görsel belgelere dayanarak incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmanın ilk bölümünde genel... more
Tujuan penulisan karya ilmiah ini adalah untuk menjelaskan pengertian dari menjadi seorang musisi gereja yang terampil dan profesional berdasarkan kitab 1 dan 2 Tawarikh serta bagaimana menjadi seorang musisi gereja yang terampil dan... more
La imperiosa necesidad de decir guió la larga e intensa vida de esta abadesa benedictina, conformando una de las autorías musicales más importantes de toda la Edad Media.Varias categorías guiarán el acercamiento a su figura en el plano... more
Not long after his death in 1848, a claim began to circulate that Gaetano Donizetti's prodigious success in both serious and comic opera derived from a neurological idiosyncrasy. As biographer Filippo Cicconetti related, the composer had... more
Öz Türkiye’de Cumhuriyetle beraber değişen kültürel yaşamın ülke genelinde ilerici ve modern bir görünüm kazanmasıyla beraber kadın kimliğinin bağımsız bir birey olarak toplumda yer almaya başlaması ülke tarihinin büyük dönüm... more