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Purpose-The targeted use of standardized outcome measures (SOMs) of mental health in research with older adults who are incarcerated promotes a common language that enables interdisciplinary dialogue, contributes to the identification of... more
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      Mental HealthHealth OutcomesPublic HealthWomen And Prison
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      Gender StudiesGender and SexualityGay And Lesbian StudiesLesbian Studies
A longer version of this interview subsequently appeared as the fourth and final interview of Angela Davis, “Resistance, Language, and Law,” in Angela Y. Davis, Abolition Democracy: Beyond Prisons, Torture, Empire (New York: Seven Stories... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical PhilosophyFeminist TheoryResistance (Social)
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      Criminal JusticeTheatre StudiesWomenAfrican American Studies
This paper reflects on a century of maternal imprisonment in the United Kingdom. Examining the historical context of incarcerated mothers, grandmothers and mothers -to be, it explores the relationship between patriarchy, religion,... more
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      WomenWomen And PrisonMotherhood and MaternityGender and Prisons
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      SociologyCriminal JusticeWomen And PrisonAnimals in Culture
La ponencia está estructurada, en un primer momento, en torno a la exposición de los dispositivos feminizantes que se emplean en la cárcel para normalizar la identidad de género y el cuerpo de las mujeres presas En un segundo momento,... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesFeminist TheoryQueer Theory
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      Women's RightsWomen And PrisonSociology of prison lifeWomen in Prison
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      VictimologySexual AssaultWomen And Prison
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      Criminal LawTerrorismInternational Criminal LawJuvenile Justice
The modern model of penal control of crime and criminal it constitutes intermixture of the systems that were applied occasionally. Besides, it is characterized by its internationalisation, which begins –traditionally henceforth– from the... more
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      CriminologySocial TheorySociology Of DevianceCriminal Law
El artículo realiza una aproximación a los delitos por los cuales las mujeres fueron encarceladas en Chile en las nuevas estructuras de encierro creadas a partir del siglo XVIII y hasta la actualidad. En este recorrido a través del... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen And PrisonHistory of prisonsGénero
Ésta es una aproximación a los perfiles de las mujeres encarceladas, marcados en su gran mayoría por la exclusión social previa al encarcelamiento y por la posición social desigual en cuanto a su condición de mujeres. Con el doble... more
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      CriminologyGender StudiesSocial ExclusionWomen And Prison
" While women weep, as they do now, I " ll fight; while children go hungry, as they do now I " ll fight; while there is a poor lost girl upon the streets, while there remains one dark soul without the light of God, I " ll fight, I " ll... more
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      Women's RightsWomen And Prison
La investigación acerca de las mujeres encarceladas es muy escasa en nuestro contexto. Más aún si nos referimos a problemáticas específicas que pueden determinar tanto las trayectorias vitales, como las circunstancias del delito y el... more
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      Women's StudiesDrugs And AddictionHealthWomen And Prison
This report addresses a worrying gap in the knowledge about the effective resettlement of girls and young women. Reviewing research literature in a number of relevant areas, it cross-references evidence of what works in the resettlement... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesJuvenile JusticeJuvenile Delinquency
A partir del estudio empírico realizado en el módulo de mujeres de una cárcel vasca, en el artículo se argumenta que la experiencia del encarcelamiento tiene un impacto en las emociones y los cuerpos de las mujeres presas que se trasluce... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesMental HealthGender and Sexuality
Facebook is a leading social networking site across the world. Facebook has allowed its users to access political information and can freely express their views to others. Presently, there are almost 32 million Facebook users in Pakistan.... more
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      Gender StudiesGender and SexualityTheories of Gender and TransgenderGender and Politics
This research report is based on a small scale study exploring the impact of short custodial sentences on mothers. The study reveals highlights the significant harm caused to these 17 mothers and their fifty children. The report, heavy... more
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      Children and FamiliesWomen And PrisonMothers Who Lose Custody of ChildrenMothers
RESÚMEN El artículo presenta diferentes perfiles y problemáticas de las mujeres encarceladas desde una perspectiva de género. Lo común a todas ellas es que se encuentran en espacios precarios, alejados de sus lugares de origen y que... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal JusticeSociology of Crime and DevianceWomen
This thesis examines women’s political imprisonment in Franco’s Spain, focussing on the literary production of the inmates of the Cárcel de Ventas women’s prison in Madrid. In analysing the prison writings of Juana Doña, Mercedes Núñez... more
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      TestimonyAutobiographyMemory StudiesWomen And Prison
Paraguay is a country marked by inequality and corruption. A large portion of the population lives in poverty, and health and education are not universally available. As a country, Paraguay lacks a system of social protection, and its... more
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      Women And PrisonPrisonsIncarcerated WomenGender and prison
Aboriginal women are the fastest growing sector of the prison population in Australia. Over the last 10 years, the female prison population has increased by 60 per cent (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2013). Aboriginal women are... more
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      Indigenous StudiesArchitectureWomen And PrisonCritical Prison Studies
This research report is based on a small scale study exploring the impact of short custodial sentences on mothers. The study reveals highlights the significant harm caused to these 17 mothers and their fifty children. The report, heavy... more
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      PsychologyChildren and FamiliesWomen And PrisonMothers Who Lose Custody of Children
La sexualité des personnes privées de liberté est officiellement contrôlée et limitée par le système pénitentiaire national. Dans les faits entrent en jeu des normes officielles et des pratiques officieuses qui influent diversement sur la... more
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      Cultural StudiesLawDecision MakingReflexivity
This article presents an exploratory analysis of the interface between penal reform programs and localized abolitionist and anti-discrimination campaigns focused on women’s imprisonment in Victoria, Australia. Through a genealogical... more
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      Women And PrisonPrison AbolitionPenal Reform
Research in Ireland and internationally has documented a strong association between homelessness and incarceration. Nonetheless, the dynamics of this relationship are poorly understood. Although research suggests that the experience of... more
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      Women And PrisonWomen & PovertyGender and homelessnessIncarceration
La série-télé Unité 9, écrite par Danielle Trottier et produite par Fabienne Larouche, jouit d’un succès critique et populaire depuis sa mise en ondes sur la chaîne nationale (ICI Radio-Canada Télé) en septembre 2012. La série, dont la... more
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      Television StudiesGender and SexualityGender and Sexuality StudiesWomen And Prison
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      Women And PrisonBody and Violence
Using ethnographic data gathered at a mandated, community-based drug treatment program for women offenders, this article analyzes how gendered notions of the self and of autonomy shape penal governance. This study examines how... more
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      CriminologyGender StudiesDrugs And AddictionWelfare State
When I approach the Washington Corrections Center for Women I cross a lovely high suspension bridge into Gig Harbor and pass through seemingly endless stretches of evergreen trees. The prison itself looks like a summer camp from the... more
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    • Women And Prison
This research was also supported by Coventry University where Rona Epstein, ( joint author), is an Honorary research assistant.
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      PsychologyChildren and FamiliesWomen And PrisonMothers Who Lose Custody of Children
** Winner of the 2014 Best Public Intellectual Special Issue Award of the US Council of Editors of Learned Journals, Modern Language Association (MLA). This special issue explores power and resistance under extreme conditions of... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesCriminologyMedical Sociology
In the last decade research surrounding ‘maternal imprisonment’, has become more visible, the topic has garnered interest and attention in the UK in a way it had not previously enjoyed. For example, existing UK research includes; explored... more
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      Women And PrisonWomen and CulturePunishment and PrisonsMotherhood
O objetivo deste artigo é analisar as relações entre cultura organizacional e produção de subjetividade em uma instituição total. Baseando-se em uma estratégia de pesquisa qualitativa, foi realizado um estudo de caso em um centro de... more
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      Women And PrisonCritical Prison StudiesSociology of prison lifePrisons
This is an abstract from a Human Rights Watch Report to which Dr. Rosga contributed pro bono expertise. See link below to access full report. Being a woman prisoner in U.S. state prisons can be a terrifying experience. If you are... more
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      Women And PrisonPrisonsPrison Mental Health: Human RightsHuman Rights Abuse in Prisons
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      Critical TheoryMilitary HistorySociologyCultural Studies
This summary, taken from the Doctoral research of the author, extracts the key recommendations and findings from the original research. The report focus is on the Mothers' voices and the way forward. The report centers on the descriptions... more
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      GenderWomen And PrisonMotherhood and Maternity
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      Serbian historyWomen And PrisonPunishment and Prisons
This article critically discusses sentencing decisions and process in relation to women, specifically mothers.It reflects on the failure of Sentencers to take into account guidance as per the HRA article 8 rights of the child.The article... more
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      Children and FamiliesWomen And PrisonMothers and Prison
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      Criminal LawCriminal JusticeSex and GenderPoverty
<estibaliz.miguel> Kartzelaratutako emakumeen profilei kontu hartzen dien hurbilketa bat da honako hau, gehienean egoten dira kartzelaratu aurretik gizartebazterketaren marka dutela, eta estatus sozial desberdina dute emakume... more
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      CriminologyGender StudiesSocial ExclusionWomen And Prison
More than one in 10 of all prisoners in England and Wales are Foreign Nationals. This article discusses whether the research applications to one London prison are aimed at understanding a prisoner population characterised by significant... more
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      Criminal JusticeAnthropologyApplied EthicsRace and Ethnicity
More than one in 10 of all prisoners in England and Wales are Foreign Nationals. This article discusses whether the research applications to one London prison are aimed at understanding a prisoner population characterised by significant... more
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      Criminal JusticeAnthropologyApplied EthicsRace and Ethnicity
Exploring the benefits of post-secondary education in carceral settings through an autoethnographic reflection from three student participants in the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program, this paper offers context about the Canadian federal... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSociologyQualitative methodology
Introduction: This study aimed at examining the psychometric properties of Work Stress Scale for Correctional Officers (WSSCO). Methods: One hundred nineteen correctional officers (109 males and 10 females) employed in Turkey participated... more
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      Cognitive Behavioral TherapyHealth PsychologyCriminal LawCriminal Justice
This paper explores the recent PRT paper on the sentencing of mothers- highlighting and summarizing the recommendations and how they may be achieved. The paper highlights the need to take heed of these recommendations - recommendations... more
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      Female OffendersWomen And PrisonPunishment and PrisonsMothers and Prison
During the twentieth century in Australia more than half-a-million children grew up in 'out-of-home' care in over 800 institutions, including children's homes, foster homes, industrial schools and orphanages. A regime of mass... more
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      Indigenous or Aboriginal StudiesAustralian Indigenous StudiesWomen And PrisonAboriginal History in Australia
This article considers how the contemporary Argentine nation is produced through the regulation of mothering in the federal penitentiary system. The analysis is based on legal narratives of mothering and on women’s social exchanges with... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesWomen And PrisonPregnant Women in Prison