Woman Suffrage
Recent papers in Woman Suffrage
The reception was mixed, criticism being mainly due to Alice Parsons' decision to create her own words for Jesus rather than the usual employment of exact words from the Bible i. But this decision was most probably due to the fact that... more
New spaces had opened for women as intellectuals, artists and thinkers in European societies by the first decades of the 20th century. Women became involved in social modernization. The earlier endeavours of women, both as individuals and... more
This chapter explores some of the political, social and cultural movements that took place in Germany and had an impact on Edith Stein's life at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. A woman, philosopher,... more
Stein’s phenomenology is one that is particularly sensitive to intersubjective constitution, and thus her constitutional analysis of the body is one that allows for an analysis of the body as ‘socially constructed’ (in so far as one... more
Dans cet article, j'aborde trois peintures que Pablo Picasso a réalisées pour sa première exposition à Paris en 1901. Toutes trois représentent des femmes dépendantes, à savoir la buveuse d'absinthe et la morphinomane. Je discute des... more
Sarah Livingston Jay famously toasted revelers in 1783: "May all our citizens be soldiers, and all our soldiers citizens." 1 This toast conveyed "a foundational fusion" within our republican government tradition-coupling military service,... more
The story of Alice Mary Robertson is complex and fascinating. Constituents from the second district in Oklahoma elected her to the United States House of Representatives in 1920. That same year, women had gained the right to vote through... more
Hakkında yapılmış yüksek lisans ve doktora tezlerinin yanı sıra çok sayıda bildiri ve makale yazılmasına rağmen Çantay'ın hala entelektüel biyografisi yazılmamıştır. 2 Çantay, "üstâd-ı kerimim" diye hitap ettiği Mehmet Akif'e ölümünün... more
We examine women’s rights and freedoms using a comprehensive framework that includes all races, ethnicities, and socioeconomic categories and is based on a systematic, conceptual, and theoretical approach. However, during the late... more
This study investigates how Sinclair Lewis depicted his views on the social role of women in the heroines of the novels Job, Main Street, and Ann Vickers. In the central ideas of feminism women's movement, profession, and social activity... more
Women have been active as writers, translators, journalists, and editors in Hungarian public life since the mid-nineteenth century. They both participated in the mainstream press and created their own public spaces by establishing... more
THE EXPANSION OF THE CHURCH of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints into a global organization is largely celebrated by distinguishing the missionaries who opened new areas for proselytizing outside the United States. Mission records and... more
Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, better known by her name in the world as Edith Stein, was beatified on 1 May 1987. The process for her beatification was introduced in the early sixties by the then Archbishop of Cologne, and it... more
The starting point of the work was her doctoral thesis, On the Problem of Empathy. It enabled her to conduct the phenomenological analysis in a manner that took systematically into account the point of view of others their moods and... more
A nation, the world seemed to come to a standstill. For ten minutes every church bell and factory whistle broadcast the revolutionary change that had finally come to American women. The previous January, Indiana had become the... more
O objetivo do artigo e trabalhar a relacao mulher e indumentaria no inicio do seculo XX, durante a Belle Epoque carioca – epoca de transformacoes sociais e culturais na capital da Republica -, a partir dos usos que tais mulheres faziam... more
Over the past 20 years, suffrage historians have sought to reimagine their field—traditionally tethered to the nation—as an international one. The Australasian suffragists, who strove to overcome their perceived isolation by exchanging... more
Four months later, the Commonwealth Franchise Act gave white women unprecedented political privileges. Despite these pioneer achievements, Australian women struggled to achieve prominence within the international suffrage movement before... more
Iran handed the world a surprise in 1951. That spring, its parliament voted to nationalize the country's lucrative petroleum industry. Euphoria spread as young Iranians tore down Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC) signs and watched mighty... more
Przyznanie Polkom praw wyborczych nastąpiło, fortunnie i niefortunnie zarazem, kilkanaście dni po 11 listopada 1918 roku. Fortunnie, ponieważ do zrównania biernych i czynnych praw wyborczych kobiet i mężczyzn doszło tuż po odzyskaniu... more
This article describes a lesson, recommended for grades 4-6, which explores Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass' 45 year relationship as allies, fighting for equal rights for African Americans and women during the 1800s. The lesson... more
At the turn of the twentieth century women in voluntary associations joined the chorus of voices that sought to rework the school curriculum from an emphasis on the liberal arts to a functional, more practical focus. In 1900 one activist... more
Il y a 27 ans, l'historienne Micheline Dumont publiait un livre intitulé Les religieuses sont-elles féministes? Cette question est au cœur du plus récent numéro de la revue L'autre Parole, qui répond résolument "Oui" à la question... more
For centuries, women of all parts of the world have been subject to discrimination and prejudice. While the struggle in defense of their rights is stronger every day, in many countries the position of women in society is far from... more
The primary goals of the Little Entente of Women were to hammer out a common agenda and joint strategies for the promotion of women's demands in the respective countries, and to create favorable conditions for socioeconomic, cultural, and... more
A true milestone of a door opener for those who wish to encounter and discuss Edith Stein has been delivered by Joyce Avrech Berkman with her recent book ‘Edith Stein’s Life in a Jewish Family, 1891-1916: A Companion’ of 2003. The... more
During the last forty years of the United States’ fight for woman suffrage, a handful of suffragists wrote cookbooks sponsored by suffrage organisations. These cookbooks created a rhetorical space and ethos within and through the kitchen.... more
COVER PICTURE: Portrait of Margaret Anne Goldsmith, by Maurice Grosser, c. 1947. Portions of Goldsmith’s memoir describing her lifelong relationship with the Black woman who raised her appear in this issue. (Courtesy of the Huntsville... more
In dit artikel worden de resultaten gepresenteerd van een onderzoek naar de invoering van CNCtechnologie in de machinebouw. Na een bespreking van de problematiek van het zogenaamde rationaliseringsdilemma worden nog drie onderwerpen... more
Emily Howard Jennings Stowe is acclaimed as Canada’s first female school principal, physician to practice medicine, and a founding Canadian suffragette. Yet, relatively little has been investigated regarding the life-changing events... more
Emily Howard Jennings Stowe is acclaimed as Canada's first female school principal, physician to practice medicine, and a founding Canadian suffragette. Yet, relatively little has been investigated regarding the life-changing... more
The chapter discusses obstacles to enfranchising women in Brazil through two analytical lenses - ideas and political action. It shows how ideas in favor of the enfranchising of women circulated between France and Brazil by taking as a... more
This article argues that advancements in women’s rights in the Inter-American diplomatic system after WWII did not solely follow women activists’ interests but resulted from the male-dominated multilateral relations in the region too. In... more
This contribution considers the place of Virginie Loveling’s work within the transfer of Dutch-language literature into Czechia and Poland. So far, two translations of her work into Czech have been discovered. Although no Polish... more
Questa è la seconda parte della nostra ricerca sulla storia della lotta femminina per l'emancipazione. Qui troverete: Millicent e Elizabeth Garrett, Emily e Christabel Pankhurst, Aleksandra Kollontaj, Rose Wilder e Virginia Woolf. La... more
In questo scritto c'è la trascrizione delle lezioni tenute da Devana sulle grandi attiviste per i diritti delle donne. Nella prima parte: Christine de Pizan, Arcangela Tarabotti, Olympe de Gouges, Mary Wollstonecraft, Anna Doyle Wheeler,... more
Una revista de poesía dirigida por mujeres. Un programa de televisión realizado por mujeres. Los poetas del Grupo Cero realizamos un trabajo de difusión de la obra de los más grandes poetas de la historia, seguimos el trabajo emprendido... more
For over sixty years, American pro-suffrage women consistently viewed world’s fairs as the single most important and indispensable of cultural venues for their suffrage work. Despite being actively excluded from fair administrations,... more
Gender Studies developed alongside and emerged out of feminist movements and critical theorizing of the 20 th century. Today they are both recognized as a discrete teaching and research area and an integral part of various disciplines.... more